I embrace abundant living and give thanks.
prosperity is no mystery—it is a manifestation of faith. Jesus gave us a
pattern to follow. A crowd of 5,000 who had gathered to hear him speak
needed a meal. Taking five loaves and two fish, Jesus turned his
attention to God. He acknowledged his Source, gave thanks for what he
had, and blessed it. He anticipated an abundance of food and a miracle
occurred. I follow the example of Jesus and give thanks in advance
for what I desire. I share love with others and love returns to me. I
give thanks for my healthy body, nourish it, and use it to serve God. I
am vigorous and vibrant. I live in faith and gratitude and I am
taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and
blessed and broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the
crowd. And all ate and were filled.—Luke 9:16-17
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