In the spirit of Oneness, I choose to forgive.
one can force me to forgive. Forgiveness is a choice I make when I am
ready to release the burden of anger, pain, and shame. I forgive when I
believe there is a better way. I am ready to experience freedom and love
without limits. New experiences await! Why do I delay my choice? I
begin by forgiving myself for languishing in the old stories. Breaking
out of familiar patterns takes great energy. Whether I believe myself
bound by my own actions or the actions of others, I have the choice to
forgive. I imagine myself at an open window. Golden light streams
over me and I am enveloped in God’s healing power. In the spirit of
Oneness, I choose to forgive.
Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger ... and be kind to one another.—Ephesians 4:31-32
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