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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Let Go Let God Adapt

I adapt easily and effortlessly to changes in my life.
The world in which I live is filled with fluctuations and change. Although nothing external remains the same, at the core of my being, Spirit stays unchanging and eternal. The constant radiance of Spirit within allows me to adapt to changes in my environment. This divine influence provides warmth in the cold, light in the darkness, and guidance through unknown territory. My inner practices of meditation and self-awareness help me to access divine blessings, keeping me at peace with what is. Part of my adaptation is viewing what originally appeared as a challenge through the light and lens of God. I now see where creative solutions present themselves. I adapt easily and effortlessly to changes in my life.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.—Hebrews 13:8

Monday, February 27, 2017

Let Go Let God Forgive

I plant seeds of love in my heart.
The seeds I plant in my garden grow into flowers or vegetables according to the divine pattern within them. Reflecting on this idea in times of prayer, I realize that the seeds I sow within my mind and heart also produce according to their kind. So I plant seeds of love and kindness, compassion and forgiveness. I speak words of love—silently or aloud—to establish peace within and around me. I nurture the seeds of love I have sown, and they produce fruitful results in my interactions with others. This love helps me to forgive. With love in my heart, I look beyond the seeming negative experience to see the love and divinity that exists in all. My seeds of love yield a harvest of loving experiences.
If we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us.—1 John 4:12

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Let Go Let God Express Creativity

I am an expression of the unlimited creativity of God.
Everything about me is unique—from my fingerprints and genes to the way I smile and laugh. God has created an infinite variety of plants, animals, insects, and humans. Not only am I a unique creation, I am a channel for that divine creative energy. In the beginning of any creative process there is a void. When I turn within in prayer, I prepare the way to fill that void as I receive new ideas, perspectives, and insights. No matter how many times I go through the creative process, moving from vague thoughts to focused ideas, from nothingness to abundance, from anxiety to creativity—it is a miracle each time. There is no end to God’s creativity expressing through me.
Remember the wonderful works he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he uttered.—Psalm 105:5

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Let Go Let God Set Priorities

I choose activities that express my highest truth.
In her book The Top Five Regrets of the Dying, Bronnie Ware shares a common regret by those near the end of their lives: “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” I do not have to wait until it’s too late. I can live today being true to myself. I establish values and goals that feed my soul. What is most important to me, and why? After setting short- and long-term goals, I set priorities that support those goals, consistent with my values. I do the work I do with an attitude of enthusiasm and purpose. I take care of my physical body. I remain connected with Spirit. Carefully and joyously, I choose activities that express my highest truth.

Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.—Matthew 6:33

Friday, February 24, 2017

Let Go Let God Explore Possibilities

With high hopes, I move forward in a life of divine possibilities.
I can’t help but smile when I remember a song that mentions the high hopes of a tiny ant. In the song, the ant never doubted the possibility of lifting a rubber tree plant. I, too, am created to do the seemingly impossible. When I’m feeling down because my hopes and dreams seem out of reach, I remember to raise my expectations. My every hope and all my faith are in God. God created all forms of life with everything needed to not only survive but also to soar to new heights of attainment. Life is a continual exploration of possibilities. There will be times when I settle in and fully enjoy where I am and what I’m doing. If at any time thoughts of I can’t come to mind, I turn them into an affirmative: I can!

But Jesus looked at them and said, “For mortals it is impossible, but for God all things are possible.”—Matthew 19:26

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Let Go Let God Provide Healing

I am radiantly and vitally alive.
Water poured on a thirsty plant will cause it to perk up again. Rain falling on a parched field soaks to the roots and soon the field is lush again. When I feel depleted, I acknowledge the indwelling Holy Spirit that flows through me, restoring and revitalizing. Quiet moments of prayer open paths through which this healing Spirit can reach the depths of my soul. I relax in the healing presence of the Holy Spirit and feel the beginnings of wholeness. That same Spirit dwells within my family and friends as healing energy and renewal. I hold each one in prayerful thought and visualize health, healing, and wholeness. I give thanks for the healing energy that renews and regenerates. I am vitally alive.
Then he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain and the earth yielded its harvest.—James 5:18

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Let Go Let God with Gladness

Joyfulness fills my heart as I give thanks for the spirit of God.
A familiar song reminds me “I’ve got that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart.” When I hear something upbeat, I can’t help but feel uplifted in Spirit—something I keep in mind for when I’m less than joyous. Through prayer, I connect at a heart and soul level to the loving, rejuvenating spirit of God. Prayer helps me let go of worries and opens my heart to a greater awareness of the unlimited, unconditional blessings of God. Prayer enables me to see my life and my concerns on a spiritual plane; to know that appearances are not the true picture of what is occurring. Beyond what I can see or hear is God, and God is at work in my life. With that knowledge, I am uplifted, I am confident. I feel true joy down in my heart!
And all the people went up following him, playing on pipes and rejoicing with great joy.—1 Kings 1:40

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Let Go Let God be Protected

I am safe and secure in the love of God.
Divine love is continually unfolding my highest good because I am precious to God. Such acceptance keeps me motivated. The unknown may cast a shadow on what is before me, but I do not shrink before what has yet to be illumined. The eternal light of God will move the shadows to reveal the truth of any situation. Right where I am at this moment or at any time in the future, I am on holy ground. I am God-life in expression. Whether I am traveling in inclement weather or having a medical procedure, I am safe and secure. Taking a test or being tested by circumstances, I am alert and divinely guided. The love of God blesses me at all times and in all places. I am safe and secure.
Let your steadfast love and your faithfulness keep me safe forever.—Psalm 40:11

Monday, February 20, 2017

Let Go Let God Appreciate

Thank You, God, for life.
Taking time to consider my family and friends reminds me how blessed I am. As I open my heart and let my appreciation express in word and deed, I feel joyful. Through the grace of God, these thoughtful, caring people support me. They believe in me. They love me. I am grateful for every act of kindness and consideration I receive. My appreciation reaches far and wide when I consider all the behind-the-scenes people who make my everyday life safe and comfortable. I show appreciation in numerous ways: a call, card, or an act of kindness. Perhaps the highest form of appreciation I can give is to hold others in prayer. I do, also praying that I will give back in meaningful ways that show my appreciation for all that God has created.

I give thanks to my God always for you.—1 Corinthians 1:4

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Let Go Let God for World Peace

I express divine love and understanding to all.
When I tune in to news of terrorism, racism, climate change, and more, I may wonder if there will ever be peace in our world. Yet I am also familiar with the deep peace found in the presence of Spirit. Peace begins with each one of us, and I have the power to access it at any time. Through divine peace, I learn to express divine love and understanding to all. I take a moment now to turn off the news and breathe into the peaceful presence within. Here I find a sense of hope for the world. Engaging the power of imagination, I envision humanity acting with respect for all life. I glimpse the realized potential of a world at peace. I know we can and will achieve peace—one breath at a time.

Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”—John 20:21

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Let Go Let God Provide Prosperity

Attuned to divine ideas, I am abundantly prospered.
An unexpected expense can overshadow an otherwise perfect day. After the initial surprise, I pull my mind back to recognizing my many blessings. I build a consciousness of prosperity by giving thanks in advance for all I need and by giving to others from what I have. I am blessed and I am a blessing. Expressing gratitude prior to receiving it is my way of accepting the divine inheritance available to me. I am willing to receive. Giving joyously of what I have is how I participate in the natural cycle of giving and receiving. With every gesture of giving, I encourage the fulfillment of my prosperity consciousness. I am blessed by the divine ideas of giving and receiving.
Do not be afraid, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.—Luke 12:32

Friday, February 17, 2017

Let Go Let God with Kindness

I create ripples of joy wherever I go.
Even a small act of kindness has the potential to transform lives. A loving gesture might be as simple as a word fitly spoken, a smile freely offered, or a willing ear to listen. While such a deed might involve minimal time or effort on my part, it has the potential to add value to someone else's life. In Truth, we are all one; therefore, every act of generosity impacts more than just the immediate recipient. Every thought, word, and deed has a ripple effect. I find ways to create currents of joy and love everywhere I go today. It does not matter to whom I direct my care. Whether it is for an unsuspecting family member or a stranger on my path, I perform random acts of generosity throughout the day. My heart is filled with joy as I share goodwill with others.
Be kind to one another.—Ephesians 4:32

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Let Go Let God be Comforted

I am readily comforted in any time of need.
Just as naturally as a hurt child seeks a loving adult for relief, I turn to Spirit for comfort. I breathe into this peaceful knowing within myself that assures me all is well. I also find comfort in Spirit’s many expressions on earth. Sometimes I lean upon a weathered old tree or into the warm hug of a loved one. A friend’s reassuring words or listening ear arrive exactly when I need them. I may feel eased by a child’s empathy or an animal’s affection. God is everywhere, so the very ground on which I stand is holy. Simple elements of warmth such as a cozy blanket, a cup of tea, or soft music are all comforting options. Spirit expresses around me and within me. I find that divine connection, and I am comforted in any time of need.
The Lord your God is indeed God in heaven above and on earth below.—Joshua 2:11

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Let Go Let God Have Faith

I have faith in Spirit to guide my every step.
It is said that while faith can move mountains, doubt can conjure up a new mountain range where none existed. Recognizing how harboring fear and apprehension can impede my progress in fulfilling my divine potential, I make it a daily practice to cultivate spiritual faith. I develop my faith through daily prayer and meditation. As I focus my attention inward to the infinite goodness and bounty of Spirit, I release any sense of overwhelm or anxiety. God helps me to understand the most complex situation. Divine love has set a clear, unobstructed path before me. I trust wholeheartedly that my journey is paved with joy, ease, and grace. I have faith in Spirit to guide my every step.
The priest replied, “Go in peace. The mission you are on is under the eye of the Lord.”—Judges 18:6

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Let Go Let God with Love

Love is the essence of who I am.
It is written in the Book of Romans that love is the fulfillment of God’s law. Love is the thread that weaves together the fabric of all human life and connects everything in the universe. Love is the essence and purpose of my very being. I use the power of love in my everyday life. I look at the world through the eyes of love and focus on the good in each person and situation I encounter. If I cannot find the good, I lean on my faith in God and trust that the omnipresent power of love is always present, even when I can’t see it. I turn to God and connect with the presence of love within me. Love is the essence of who I am and I am able to call upon the power of love in every moment.
Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.—Romans 13:8

Monday, February 13, 2017

Let Go Let God Work in Divine Order

I am part of God’s orderly universe. Divine order works in me.
The more aware I am of God’s presence, the more clearly I recognize divine order at work in my life. I think about the timing of serendipitous connections with people, the decisions and components that lead to perfect outcomes. Occurrences of divine order are not because I make things happen—they are evidence of the activity of God at work in my life. Trying too hard to control and force results can set up roadblocks or disappointments. I faithfully hold my desires in mind and heart, seek divine guidance, and act confidently upon them. I create a receptive spaciousness in my mind and trust God as to how and when my blessings come. I am part of God’s orderly universe, and I let divine order work in me.
For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.—Ecclesiastes 3:1

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Let Go Let God Relax

I am peaceful, relaxed, and renewed in the love of God.
These words from “I Am There” by poet James Dillet Freeman reassure me: “Do you need me? I am there.” Keeping these words close to heart fills me with peace no matter what is going on in my life. When I feel stress, I take a few moments to rest in the silence of prayer. I begin by letting go of thoughts and focusing on the comforting idea, Do you need me? I am there. I relax the muscles in my face and neck. I let my shoulders drop and my arms lay loosely in my lap. Letting my chair support me, I relax and simply be. I breathe in love, divine and unconditional. I exhale peace, calming and harmonious. Bringing my thoughts back from this brief meditation, I feel refreshed, ready to return to my day with a positive, peaceful attitude.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me.—Psalm 23:4

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Let Go Let God with Inner Peace

My heart is a sanctuary of love and peace.
As I view a horizon, I notice how defined lines soften and divisions between trees, buildings, and roads disappear. Eventually the lines merge together as one. The spirit of peace that is God transforms my inner landscape. Here, in this place of the Silence, peace descends, merging with my very being, calming my thoughts, and stilling my mind. There is no thought, memory, or dream untouched. I see all things harmoniously unified in a blanket of peace. There is only this now moment, a hush of silence, a deep and abiding inner peace. This peace infuses me. I am immersed in a consciousness of oneness knowing all things are unified in the peace of God. My heart is a sanctuary of love and peace.

Remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.—Matthew 28:20

Friday, February 10, 2017

Let Go Let God Along the Journey

I am on a journey of spiritual evolution.
Life does not come with step-by-step directions or maps, so I am likely to make mistakes as I travel my spiritual path. Yet God’s grace is my assurance of divine favor despite all else. I am learning and growing as I go. When I make mistakes, I acknowledge them and feel sorrow or remorse. Then I turn my missteps over to God—along with any feelings of guilt or shame—and move forward along my journey. Every day is a journey in and of itself. If I make mistakes I can actively move from penitence to forgiveness, through the grace of God. No matter what happens or what choices I make, I can always begin again, whole and complete in God’s unconditional love.
Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me.—Micah 7:8

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Let Go Let God at a Turning Point

I am in God, and God is in me.
Saying final goodbyes to a loved one can be a turning point as we start over. We find our way through these times by relying on divine strength and guidance. Peace of mind comes with the reminder: I am in God, and God is in me. Jesus spoke similar words to the disciples. He knew that his followers would soon believe that he had died, yet death was just an illusion. In Truth, the Christ Spirit remained with them—the same Christ Energy that lives in all of us. Accepting them into our hearts will mark a turning point in our life. We are never truly alone from our loved ones who have passed for we are one in Spirit. We are all eternal expressions of the Christ, one with each other and with our Divine Source.

On that day you will know that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you.—John 14:20

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Let Go Let God in Affirmative Prayer

In prayer, I ask, believe, and receive.
Jesus taught, “So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” This is affirmative prayer. I use this method of prayer to connect with the spirit of God within. I pray believing and affirming that I am being led to my highest good. I also pray, knowing that I am being divinely guided to what I need to do or say to put feet to my prayers and to be an active participant in the outcome. When I remain focused on positive outcomes, I will draw those things to me as “thoughts held in mind produce after their kind.” My life is continuously blessed with the love and guidance of God. I draw my good to me now through affirmative prayer.
Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things.—Jeremiah 33:3

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Let Go, Let God

When I let go and let God, I take the path of a peacemaker.
If someone says or does something that causes me grief, I have a choice to make: Do I let it affect my attitude or do I bless the situation with a silent prayer and let it go? The obvious choice would be to let it go, but that choice isn’t necessarily the easiest one. So I find a safe place to rest my mind and heart. Turning to God in prayer, I remind myself that I am upset by the person’s actions, not the person. Despite any angst I may feel, this person, too, is a child of God. I bless him or her, and let the situation go, affirming: I release my concerns into God’s care and keeping. Rather than reacting, I respond in a positive way. By choosing to let go and let God, I am taking the path of a peacemaker.

Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.”—Matthew 9:28

Monday, February 6, 2017

Let Go Let God Persevere

I have an enduring spirit of faith and hope.
What are my dreams, my goals, my heart’s deepest desires? How do I bring them to fruition? Spiritually, I strive to be the fullest expression of God—loving and thoughtful, whole and wise, to discover and live my divine purpose. Perhaps I want to further my education or change careers. Maybe I want to let go of an old habit or begin a new life in a new place. Possibly a new hobby piques my interest. Whatever my heart’s desires, I think about the steps I need to take and then affirm that I have the intelligence, courage, and financial supply to achieve them. Living my dream means living an abundant, meaningful life. I give thanks that I have a divine purpose and beautiful, meaningful ways to express my divine nature.
Love … bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.—1 Corinthians 13:4, 7

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

I pray, trusting Spirit to know what is best for those for whom I pray.
I pray for others by affirming their highest good. I release the idea that I know the right answer or outcome and confidently place all in God’s care. Peace enfolds me when I place my faith in the Christ Essence and power within others to heal, comfort, prosper, and guide them. As I pray for others, I also pray for my own understanding and faith to be quickened so that I may be a calm and reassuring presence. If I become tempted by fear and worry, I remind myself that my energy is best used for positive, faith-filled thoughts, words, and feelings. I release and redirect my attention as needed, knowing I am keeping the high watch for those I hold in prayer.
I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you.—Philippians 1:3-4

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Let Go Let God through Consciousness

I am an expression of God’s unlimited life, substance, and intelligence.
Consciousness is what I am thinking and feeling right now. My Christ Consciousness is my ability to reason and make decisions through my awareness of the Christ within. This consciousness links my mind and heart with Divine Spirit, where I live, move, and have my being as my higher self. I pray that all that I do will be done through my Christ Consciousness—my higher awareness. Today and every day, I embrace the consciousness of my true Christ Identity.

For it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks.—Luke 6:45

Friday, February 3, 2017

Let Go Let God with Guidance

I listen for the guidance of Spirit, and I am gently guided to my good.
I trust God’s guidance to lead me to my greatest good. If I find my mind fixed on an outcome, a path, or a definition of my good, I gently let myself become curious. Are there times in my life when the unexpected was so much better than what I thought I wanted? Have things turned around in the midst of a crisis? I remind myself of the lessons I have learned and the many times God’s guidance led me through challenges. I imagine possibilities beyond what I have been thinking. With a deep, cleansing breath, I relax and open my heart and mind to the will of God. I release my need to be right about an outcome and listen only for God’s guidance. Because I listen for the guidance of Spirit, I am gently guided to my good.
This is God, our God forever and ever. He will be our guide forever.—Psalm 48:14

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Let Go Let God In the Light

I live in the light of God!
I am immersed in the ever-present light of God—the light of spirit and love. Wherever I am, this light shines upon me. In this light I find my divine expression. In this moment I focus my thoughts on the awareness of this light. I close my eyes and feel the invisible Source all around me, enveloping me. I breathe it in, imagining it’s shimmering effervescence moving through me. There is no darkness this light cannot drive out. I feel its warm glow touching all aspects of my being from the inside out. My heart is filled with compassion; my mind steeped in wisdom; my soul lifted in union. I am one with the light. I live in, and I am an expression of, the light of God!
This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all.—1 John 1:5

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Let Go Let God Be Free

I am free to accept my highest good.
Watching birds soaring on the wind currents, I may wish that I could free myself from the laws of gravity to do the same. The truth is, I am unfettered and free through my spiritual connection with my Creator. I have the power to soar in Spirit, to transcend any seeming limitations. I refuse to allow outer circumstances to distract me from my oneness. If I find myself feeling restricted, I affirm: I am free to accept my highest good. This inner knowing that all is well and that I am one with a higher power lifts my spirit to new heights of awareness. I am unfettered and unrestricted—free to accept my good.

Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?—Isaiah 43:18-19