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Thursday, November 30, 2017

Let Go Let God be Unique

I am a unique being, divinely and purposefully created.
Standing on a beach, the grains of sand may appear to all be the same. On closer inspection, however, I see that each is uniquely different and beautiful. I, too, am divinely, purposefully created. Just like a grain of sand, I am a unique being—remarkable and unlike any other. I may believe that I have no qualities that make me stand out, but God created me as an individual who has a special purpose. If I find myself stuck in negative thinking, I learn how to change my beliefs. The more I get to know myself and pursue my talents and interests, the more I see the truth of who I truly am. I accept and embody my true self—a unique being, divinely and purposefully created!
Wonderful are your works; that I know very well. —Psalm 139:14

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Let Go Let God Share World Peace

I follow Jesus’ example and express goodwill to all.
On an individual level, I may think that there is not much I can do about world conditions. Still, I remember Jesus’ words, “I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!” (John 16:33) Rather than pondering how one person such as myself can make a difference, I affirm: Peace. I then take that affirmation out into my world, following Jesus’ example and expressing goodwill to all. I am a peacemaker in all of my relationships and interactions with others. I share with all that world peace is possible when we each know and live from a place of peace within ourselves.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.—Philippians 4:7

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Let Go Let God Refresh

Breathing out stress, I breathe in rejuvenation!
With ever-increasing demands on my attention and time, the risk of burnout is ever-present. If I feel overloaded, I pause, take a few deep breaths, and remember Spirit’s revitalizing power within me. I exhale worry and inhale faith. I exhale confusion and inhale clarity. I exhale weariness and inhale new life. As I breathe, I rest gently in the knowing that I am enough and everything I need for my highest good is unfolding in divine timing. As the awareness of Truth refreshes my soul, I am able to move forward with a sense of fulfillment. With a replenished spirit, I am able to make wise and self-loving choices about how I spend my precious time and energy each and every day.
I will satisfy the weary, and all who are faint I will replenish.—Jeremiah 31:25

Monday, November 27, 2017

Let Go Let God Appreciate

I appreciate all that I AM.
To recognize with gratitude is to honor someone or something. Am I appreciating myself and those around me? My true nature—my I AM—is born of the Divine. I am stronger than I believe. Living from my spiritual essence, I enjoy more peace, power, and appreciation than I could ever imagine. I cherish my relationships and carefully nurture them. I have a full, rich life with divine beings that I respect and admire. My experiences in life can also be gratifying, even during painful times. Each one is an opportunity to learn and grow along my spiritual journey. Practicing gratitude opens the way to greater happiness. I appreciate all that I AM.
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.—1 Thessalonians 5:18

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Let Go Let God Accept Comfort

I move through life in comfort and peace.
Jesus assures his followers in the Sermon on the Mount, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” I gratefully accept that comfort for myself today. Whatever I may mourn—people, habits, beliefs—I am comforted knowing that my sense of grief is simply a reaction to change, and change is an essential part of my spiritual journey. Moving through change can be challenging and even painful, but comfort is always available if I stay centered on myself as the Christ expression I AM. Jesus did not pity “those who mourn.” Rather, he declared that they are blessed. As I acknowledge and move through any sense of loss, I find courage for everyday living.
Sing for joy, O heavens, and exult, O earth ... For the Lord has comforted his people, and will have compassion on his suffering ones.—Isaiah 49:13

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Let Go Let God as Prayer

I live life as a prayer.
My prayers expand beyond mere words spoken to God. My thoughts and emotions are also part of my prayers. I am always transmitting them. I am praying most effectively when what I say, think, feel, and do is aligned with that for which I pray. When I pray for healing, I affirm wholeness; I focus on feelings of peace and well-being. I believe wholeheartedly in the power of God’s presence at work within me. I take actions to care for my body’s physical needs of food and rest. I visualize my body healthy, whole, and functioning well. My prayers are echoed throughout my being. With awareness, intention, and practice, I develop and strengthen my prayer habit as a holistic and constant aspect of how I approach life. I live life as a prayer.
Devote yourselves to prayer.—Colossians 4:2

Friday, November 24, 2017

Let Go Let God be Protected

Keeping my focus on God protects me.
I am the director of my thoughts. At times my attention may dwell on the outer world of my senses and the old messages I hear in my head. Yet Spirit reminds me that I have the ability to focus my attention on the divine truth available through my oneness with God. It is this Truth that protects me from the fear and unhappiness of temporary appearances. I focus on divine love within me and any illusion I have of being alone or unlovable is eradicated. I cannot be lost or without guidance for God is everywhere present in every moment. Focusing on the infinite and eternal power of the Divine is my protection from fear generated by believing some person or circumstance in the world has a power greater than God. Focused on God, I am at peace.
You show me the path of life. In your presence there is fullness of joy.—Psalm 16:11

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Let Go Let God in Thanksgiving

I am thankful for the ever-present, all-powerful spirit of God.
The words of thanksgiving that I share with others resonate from my heart and soul. I feel a glow of gladness throughout my being when I pass along how thankful I am for another. With gratitude, I let family and friends know they are blessings in my life. I remember those who are not with me today but most certainly hold a place in my heart. Paul, in his message to the Philippians, said, “I thank my God every time I remember you.” These words remind me that praying for and remembering others strengthens my attitude of gratitude. Most of all, I am thankful for the ever-present, all-powerful spirit of God within me and within all others. 

So the people ate the food of the festival for seven days ... giving thanks to the Lord the God of their ancestors.—2 Chronicles 30:22

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Let Go Let God in Prosperity

I am a steward of divine abundance. I give and receive with gratitude.
My divine inheritance is unlimited blessings, and with great joy and gratitude, I accept that I am heir to the kingdom within. I set aside any thoughts of lack or limitation, for God’s good is unlimited and inexhaustible. I give thanks for the divine gifts of life, love, and wisdom, accepting them as tools toward a prosperous life. I use them wisely and share with others the bountiful blessings I receive with generosity. In faith I know that giving creates a void that will be quickly and lovingly filled. Whatever my need, I know it will be met. I am a steward of divine abundance. I give and receive with gratitude.
Look at the birds of the air; they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?—Matthew 6:26

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Let Go Let God Forgive

I open my heart to God and freely forgive.
Making mistakes or errors in judgment can happen. Anytime that I find myself in that position, I hope and pray that others find it in their hearts to forgive me. I extend that same courtesy as well. Am I forgiving the errors of others? Can I be free of resentment and forgive people whom I feel have wronged me? With God as my source, I am compassionate and understanding. I view situations from a higher perspective. I release negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones that heal and renew. What a joy it is to release old resentments and embrace new relationships through the power of forgiveness.
“How often should I forgive? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “Not seven times, but I tell you, seventy-seven times.”—Matthew 18:21-22

Monday, November 20, 2017

Let Go Let God through Inner Peace

I center myself in the presence of infinite peace.
At the end of the day, when I am alone with my thoughts, do they stray to what I should have, would have, or could have done differently? Rather than wasting time reflecting on the past and what cannot be changed, I center myself in the presence of pure, infinite peace. Peace is my natural state of being and when circumstances threaten to disrupt that sense of well-being, I turn within to reconnect with my spiritual nature. There I find the serenity I seek. I am filled with a steady flow of spiritual energy and strength that enables me to relax, rest, and renew. I let go of the should-haves and embrace the possibilities that are before me. I quiet my heart and mind by centering myself in the presence of infinite peace.
To set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. —Romans 8:6

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Let Go Let God Express Grace

In grace, I release every sense of limitation.
The spiritual idea of grace is often considered in terms of related words such as gracious and graceful . They suggest a sense of grace as a quiet state of consciousness that helps to create an easy, peaceful life experience. Grace can be all of that, but it is so much more! Grace is the power I lovingly convey whenever I recognize and express my Christ Presence. The Bible reminds me that Stephen—one of the earliest converts—being “full of grace and power, did great wonders and signs among the people.” In expressing the quality of grace, I find the clarity, peace, and power to accomplish the spiritual work that is mine to create. In grace, I release every sense of limitation.
For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.—Romans 6:14

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Let Go Let God there is Potential

In the void lies the potential for everything.
Some days, my life may seem unchanging. I may feel stuck in a transition in my life, in between what was and what is yet to be. I begin to wonder what Spirit has for me to be and do. Turning my thoughts to Spirit, I calm my questioning mind and remember the beginning of everything is nothingness. When nothing is certain, everything is possible. I treasure my time in the sacred silence of prayer and meditation. Setting aside any worry or convictions about what should be happening, I create space for the emerging good Spirit has for me. Open and receptive to divine nudges, I take action on my guidance and new paths open before me. I am content in the stillness, confident in the divine potential within me to take shape and appear.
In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void.—Genesis 1:1

Friday, November 17, 2017

Let Go Let God Have Faith

I have mountain-moving faith!
I believe beyond any doubt that Spirit within guides me to my highest and best. As I face challenges, I remain faith-filled that I have all I need to meet and exceed any difficulty. Jesus said that faith the size of a mustard seed could move mountains. With my faith, I am able to discern what is mine to do. I am not discouraged or dissuaded by the opinions of others. Rather, I look within to the guidance of Spirit, and I listen in the Silence with an open mind. I know all things are possible, so I look beyond current circumstances to the higher Truth of my being. I have mountain-moving faith to do whatever I am called to do in the most positive ways for the highest good.
For truly I tell you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move.—Matthew 17:20

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Let Go Let God Listen

My life is guided by the eternal, loving voice of God-life within.
In the Gospel narratives, Jesus frequently begins and ends parables with the command, “Listen!” It is a call to not only hear the messages with our ears, but to listen with spiritual understanding. I pray to lift myself into a state of conscious awareness with God so that I may truly listen to what is being spoken. I take time apart from my daily activities in the world to center myself in silent prayer. I pray not in supplication but from a desire to fully understand my own completeness and spiritual nature. When I listen to life using my divine inner guidance, I hear the inner calling of God whisper sweetly to me. I listen for spiritual understanding, for wisdom, and for divine ideas. My life is guided by the eternal, loving voice of God-life within.
Let anyone with ears listen!—Matthew 11:15

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Let Go Let God as a Mentor

Encouraging and nurturing others brings me joy.
Throughout our lives we will find people who make impacts in meaningful ways. Their wisdom and knowledge comes from their own experiences that they willingly share to benefit others. I, too, can offer a helping hand to someone else when I accept the role of being a mentor. Recognizing that caring and nurturing my fellow human beings is a sacred responsibility, I remain patient, kind, and compassionate. ­­I impart knowledge, always encouraging others to stretch their wings and to step out with faith and confidence. The challenge to learn and grow is made easier with self-confidence and faith. As I watch those I mentor excel and see their abilities grow, I am filled with joy and gratitude for the opportunity to be of service.
Give instruction to the wise, and they will become wiser still.—Proverbs 9:9

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Let Go Let God in Awareness

I AM in tune with and aware of my Divine Source.
Whether I spend my day at home or traveling around town, I make it a personal goal to radiate my prayer energy into every moment. I can do so by remaining in tune with and aware of my Divine Source. Whatever happens in the outer world, my awareness remains on the Christ Presence within. I bring my awareness gently and purposefully to that sacred place. I visualize myself opening the door to my divine connection and stepping within. From a sense of openheartedness, I radiate waves of love, light, and peace to everyone and everything. I feel this energy expanding as it ultimately encircles the globe.
First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone.—1 Timothy 2:1

Monday, November 13, 2017

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

I join with others in love and all of humanity is uplifted.
True prayer comes from the heart and does not always need words: a touch, a smile, a moment of silence in honor of another person’s well-being. It is a sacred communion of minds and hearts with the indwelling spirit of love itself. If a particular person or situation feels heavy on my mind, I begin my prayer time by releasing any doubts and fears and any thoughts of conflict or separation. As my mind and heart fill with the awareness of divine love, I enter into a consciousness of peace, unity, and oneness. As I align with every other loving sentiment and every other thought of peace, health, and harmony in the world, I feel a wellspring of hope and joy.
Let all that you do be done in love.—1 Corinthians 16:14

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Let Go Let God Be at Home

I am at home wherever I AM.
Poet Robert Frost wrote, “Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.” Only the indwelling presence of Spirit offers me that dimension of comfort and security. The importance of home is a constant throughout the ministry of Jesus. Followers who had been healed in his presence were often advised to return to their homes, so the healing could extend into their human challenges. In the consciousness of my spiritual home, I extend warm acceptance and a sense of homecoming to everyone with whom I interact, no matter where in the world we may be. I appreciate the blessings in my life and the opportunities to bless others. I am at home wherever I AM.
Go home to your friends, and tell them how much the Lord has done for you.—Mark 5:19

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Let Go Let God Provide Healing

I give thanks for the life of God within that heals and renews my body.
My body is created for healing and renewal, as my cells are constantly regenerated and replaced. Each one of those cells contains the blueprint of my divine heritage. As The Quest shares, “We have the very mind and nature of the Creator of the universe in every cell of our bodies! Just as the DNA in our cells contains the blueprint of our physical characteristics, it also contains the blueprint of our divinity. Not a cell of our bodies is without the imprint of the Creator.” Knowing this awakens a sense of gratitude, awe, and wonder that urges me to take care of my body temple and to treat it as the amazing creation it is. I give thanks for the life of God within that heals and renews my body.
The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light. —Matthew 6:22

Friday, November 10, 2017

Let Go Let God in Freedom

I am a spiritual being—free and unlimited.
I am thankful beyond measure to know my spiritual essence is God. With self-respect and love, I forgive myself for any mistakes of the past and open the way to go forward, fully and freely. I am here as a spiritual being, experiencing life lessons that help me grow at a soul level. At times I feel completely in the flow of ease and grace and at others as though I am climbing mountains that test my strength and courage. Within all of these experiences—the sunlit peaks and the shadowed valleys—I stand firm in knowing that Spirit in me is my unfailing help. With every answered prayer and each new insight, I am growing into the free and unlimited being I was created to be.
For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.—Galatians 5:1

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Let Go Let God with Joy

My heart is overflowing with joy.
I wake up every morning with a song of joy playing in my mind. I choose to look forward in anticipation of all the wonderful things that lie ahead of me. Making a choice to be happy is not always easy but I know it is worth doing. It sets the tone for everything that is to follow. I commit myself to seeing the good in life. Even if something appears to be negative, I affirm that there is more to it than meets the eye. What seems to be wrong could be just a blessing in disguise! The joy I feel is so strong that I feel compelled to share it with others. I remind myself that one simple smile or kind word can turn someone’s day completely around. It fills me with happiness to know I can be an ambassador of divine joy and love.
Whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy.—James 1:2

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Let Go Let God through Signs and Wonders

I celebrate Spirit within and around me.
There are signs and wonders of the Divine everywhere. They can be found in nature’s cycle of birth, rest, and rebirth. They appear as hope and courage for those finding perseverance through difficult times. There are also yet-to-be-revealed marvels of God’s creativity waiting to be discovered or explored. An ordinary exterior can hide colorful, sparkling crystals inside. Veering off an established path may lead to unexpected natural beauty. Each sunrise signifies a new day to do and be my best, each sunset the sign of an opportunity to rest and revitalize. As I live each day in awe, ready to expect and accept the best, I open the way for magnificence to unfold. I celebrate Spirit within and around me.
Signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.—Acts 4:30

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Let Go, Let God

I let go of fear and follow my divinely inspired path.
When I trust that the presence of God within guides me in every moment of my life, I relax and become like a tree in the wind—open, flexible, and able to move in the direction I am guided. I have the courage to do my part and take necessary action in my life, but I have faith that God will ultimately lead me to my highest good. When I focus on fear, I become tense, resistant, and I lack clarity. As soon as I notice that my mind is focused on fear, I can consciously turn my thoughts to the presence of God. I can use prayer and meditation to experience God’s presence and guidance. In doing so, I let go of fear and allow the faithful presence of God to direct my life. I let go and let God!
I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing.—John 15:5

Monday, November 6, 2017

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

I follow my guidance with faith and gratitude.
Following the guidance of Spirit requires faith on my part. In quiet moments of prayer and contemplation, I recognize that Divine Essence permeates my being because I am a child of God. As such, I live from the inside out when I first turn to Spirit within for direction. I am guided by the divine spark of infinite knowledge and love. The potential to be all that I can be is always within me. I believe, and I take that belief to the ultimate level of fulfillment by living that faith. The veil of my once limited consciousness falls away, and I now see clearly through the eyes of Spirit. I follow my guidance with faith and gratitude.
I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.—John 8:12

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Let Go Let God all is in Divine Order

I gratefully surrender to the spiritual certainty that my life is in divine order.
The idea of surrender can feel alarming to my limited, mortal mind and seemingly synonymous with defeat. In Truth, however, surrender is an essential spiritual step that allows divine order to guide every choice and challenge in my life. Divine order is the essence of all life, the infinite love in which I “live and move and have my being” (Acts 17:28). Divine order is always present and always expressing. So any perceived absence of order tells me that I am allowing my mortal mind to stray from the loving guidance of my spiritual Self. Divine order is my choice. I exchange fear-based priorities and expectations for the Presence within—my constant, loving guide to a life of joy and peace.
For surely I know the plans I have for you ... to give you a future with hope.—Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Let Go Let God with Understanding

My understanding mind and heart pave the way to give and receive blessings.
When I question why something happens in my life, I pray for understanding. The clarity I seek may not be instantaneous, but I know that eventually I will understand and see the order that lay in the midst of seeming chaos. I have faith that all is well in this process because I am one with the infinite Mind of God. When I affirm that I have an understanding mind and heart, I open the way for the wisdom and love of God within me to express outwardly. I easily comprehend situations and come up with creative solutions. More than that, I empathize with others, finding ways to provide reassurance, comfort, and care. I give of my love, my wisdom, and my creativity, and I am abundantly blessed in return.
Give your servant therefore an understanding mind.—1 Kings 3:9

Friday, November 3, 2017

Let Go Let God Anticipate Abundance

I embrace the unlimited abundance within me.
Just as one seed contains within it the potential for an infinite number of seeds, each moment holds the capacity for unlimited possibilities of good. But first, I must plant this seed in the nurturing receptivity of my heart where it will grow and flourish. My heart’s desire is always ready for more—a greater knowledge of God and divine abundance. By opening up my heart to new possibilities, I plant the seed of vibrant life and anticipate beauty and bounty. I nourish my seed-thought by holding positive outcomes in mind and awaiting the bloom of their expression. By holding my heartfelt desire in the light and energy of the Infinite, I call it forth abundantly.
Your heart shall thrill and rejoice, because the abundance of the sea shall be brought to you.—Isaiah 60:5

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Let Go Let God Answer the Call

I answer the call to express my divine potential.
When I feel an urge to travel, speak with someone, or attend to a task, I first remind myself that divine principle is always working for me, not against me. By setting my inner sails in this way, I prepare to answer the call. I remember God’s unwavering promise to open the way for me as I move forward. I know with certainty that my moving forward places me in the divine flow. Spirit invites me inward for support. I follow that divine guidance, knowing that Spirit within is greater than any challenge. When I answer the call to be and do more, divine support is set in motion. I will express my divine potential.
His divine power has given us everything needed for life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.—2 Peter 1:3

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Let Go Let God Breathe

I breathe in divine life, and I exhale peace.
My breath is my connection to all life, a continual responsiveness of the Divine. With each inhale, I breathe in the life of God. My lungs expand, and my heart pumps renewing life energy. Breath is the natural activity of my body, but if I face a situation that causes stress, my breath and heart rate may increase. I counteract this reaction by reminding myself to breathe with deliberate awareness of each deep inhale and exhale. My heartbeat slows, my mind calms, and my body relaxes. I breathe in divine life, and I exhale peace. By focusing on my breath, I give myself the time I need to reconnect with God within. In that moment, I react positively and respond from a place of peace.
Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!—Psalm 150:6