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Saturday, March 31, 2018

Let Go Let God in Revelation

Hope and possibilities awaken me to glorious revelations of the Divine.
After the crucifixion of Jesus, his stunned students were bereft. They had no idea they were about to witness a glorious revelation of the divinity in every human being. All seemed lost. At times we, too, may feel that sense of hopelessness when life as we knew it has ended. It can feel unsettling not knowing what’s coming next. Imagine how the disciples could have relaxed—even rejoiced—had they known they were about to see physical death revealed as nothing but transition to a new form. We “die” to some aspect of life that has been obstructing our true self, so that we can move forward with more freedom than ever before. I hold to the possibility that I will awaken to a glorious revelation of the Divine.
“Not a hair of your head will perish. By your endurance you will gain your souls.”—Luke 21:18-19

Friday, March 30, 2018

Let Go Let God Respond

I draw strength from my divine identity.  
Good Friday reminds us that even the most spiritual people encounter pain and suffering. Our choice is how to respond to it. In the gospel stories of Jesus’ crucifixion, we are told he had moments of doubt—“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”—but in the end, he knew his experience was somehow for the good. “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.” He chose to surrender and trust his crucifixion would have meaning. Even during challenging times, I call forth the strength that comes from my divine identity. I draw on my inner wisdom and affirm all is in divine order, even though my human eyes can’t see it yet. I trust the life that animates my very being, and I feel the divine love of which I am a part.
Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not from this world.”—John 18:36

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Let Go Let God In The Garden

I am safe in a garden of divine love.
In the Christian calendar, Maundy Thursday commemorates the night Jesus shared a final meal with his beloved students then went to pray alone in the Garden of Gethsemane, anticipating arrest. In his humanity, Jesus must have felt afraid, perhaps angry at being betrayed, or disappointed his disciples could not stay awake with him. But in his divinity, he knew he could never be alone or harmed. “Not my will but thine be done,” he prayed. He surrendered to a larger purpose. In my darkest hours, I remember I, too, am never alone, and I offer myself to be used for some larger purpose. I am safe in a garden of divine love, strength, power, and wisdom—the garden of God within me.
“My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; yet not what I want but what you want.”—Matthew 26:39

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Let Go Let God Provide Direction

My inner compass leads me to the best and highest destinations.
There are times I feel at a crossroads, unsure of where I should go next. Which is the right way? What will happen if I take a wrong turn? Instead of falling into a tailspin of worry or self-doubt, I turn to my divine inner compass. I find a place where I can become still and connect with the Christ presence. Centering my thoughts and focusing my attention inward, I seek clarity and a feeling of rightness that comes with divine direction. Possibilities unfold before me and I stand steadfast in my belief that I am divinely guided. As I move forward, I continually center myself, checking for true north within. I adjust my steps accordingly, and reach the best and highest destinations during my journey.
Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness … make your way straight before me.—Psalm 5:8

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Let Go Let God Forgive

Forgiveness is a gift I give to myself.
Forgiveness is a gift I give to myself. Carrying around the emotional baggage of perceived offenses others have committed against me only serves to weigh me down. I do not have to include those people in my present experience if it is unhealthy for me to do so. Yet holding on to hurt keeps wounds open that might otherwise heal if I become aware I am letting anger have power over me. So I examine the things I am holding onto, breathing in the Divine as I explore feelings of fear or pain. I can make peace with my feelings. Their grip on my heart loosens, and I am able to open to new and more loving activities in my life. Only I am responsible for the power I allow others’ actions to have over me, so I give myself the gift of forgiveness.
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.—Matthew 6:12

Monday, March 26, 2018

Let Go Let God All Is In Divine Order

I focus on God-life within, and my life is peaceful and orderly.
When I look at an image through a camera or binoculars, I may need to turn the lens to get a better focus. That slight turn, or change, helps me have a clearer picture of my object. This is also true of my life. When I think of the experiences I face, solutions or outcomes may not immediately be clear to me, and I may feel lost or unsure. But when a simple adjustment changes my focus from doubt or confusion to one of trusting my divine nature, the picture becomes clearer to me. I have a better understanding of what I may need to do and an assurance that all is well. With my focus clearly on God, I become more aware of the divine order that is always at work in my life.
Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.—Proverbs 4:25

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Let Go Let God Know Hope

In full awareness and in infinite love, I embrace hope.
I am familiar with that fluttery sensation within me that tells me something wonderful is waiting to express. “Hope is the thing with feathers,” according to the poet Emily Dickinson, “that perches in the soul.” Hope is my expectation that Spirit is at work in my life. I may not know how it will express, but I wait in excited anticipation. Palm Sunday is a “thing with feathers”—a time of awareness that a magnificent new dimension of spiritual expression is about to take place. The process may be chaotic and painful, but the hope perching in my soul knows that the next step on my spiritual journey is at hand. In full awareness and in infinite love, I embrace hope.
And you will have confidence, because there is hope; you will be protected and take your rest in safety.—Job 11:18

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Let Go Let God in Faith

I step forward in faith. My life is blessed.
Throughout his ministry, Jesus shared words of encouragement, reminding us that faith even the size of a mustard seed can bring about positive results. Faith is more than a feeling. It is an action, a conscious choice to turn to and trust in God. “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” These words of Martin Luther King Jr. emphasize the importance of trusting in my higher power as I take a first step. When I put feet beneath my faith, I am not a passive participant in life. I am a positive, faith-filled, active person. God-life within me creates a life of meaning and purpose. I step forward with the assurance that my divine nature guides me along life’s path.
And to the centurion Jesus said, “Go; let it be done for you according to your faith.”—Matthew 8:13

Friday, March 23, 2018

Let Go Let God Through Transformation

I am awakening to my Christ nature.
A caterpillar transforming into a butterfly is an excellent analogy of a divine blueprint. I, too, have within me a pattern of wholeness that supports me in becoming all that I have been created to be. I give myself the space, compassion, and patience to gently move through the process of transformation that brings forth growth in every aspect of my life. Instead of feeling frustrated at the growth process, I turn to my spiritual understanding and trust that divine life in me guides me through. I shed limiting beliefs that no longer serve me, and I step into new beginnings as I awaken to my Christ nature. Like a butterfly, I take flight as I embody all that I was created to be.
I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.—Isaiah 43:19

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Let Go Let God Realize Inner Peace

I release all to Spirit within. I am peaceful and free.
There are days when I may feel harried or spread thin with the tasks before me. At these moments, I can take a deep breath and rest in an awareness of God. I stop from the busyness of doing and thinking and simply be. I release my concerns and remember who I am—a child of God—and know the Divine is expressing through all that I think, say, and do. Remembering this Truth fills me with peace and keeps me from feeling overwhelmed. It helps me relax and focus on what truly matters—my realization of oneness. All other thoughts gently fade away and I am left with a deep feeling of peace. I am calm and free as I remember that the harmonizing power of divine love is in my decisions, my relationships, and in every aspect of my life.
And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.—Matthew 28:20

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Let Go Let God Plant Positive Seed Thoughts

I plant positive seed thoughts and create a fulfilling life.
Seeds planted in fertile soil produce according to divine design. My thoughts are like seeds that I plant in the rich fertile soil of my mind. As Charles Fillmore writes: “Every idea is a seed, and will bring forth according to its character, modified somewhat by the kind of mind soil in which it is planted ... A thistle seed will always produce thistles, regardless of the character of the soil; a low ideal will likewise work out low conditions in a high type of mind.” My intention is to plant positive seed thoughts and to nourish my mind for the highest results. I do this by spending time in the Silence and renewing my spirit with positive energy. As I do, I more fully express my divine nature and create a complete and fulfilling life.
Isaac sowed seed in that land, and in the same year reaped a hundredfold.—Genesis 26:12

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Let Go Let God Allow Guidance

I open my mind to divine inspiration.
Myrtle Fillmore wrote, “You would not think of closing your eyes and walking around saying that you can’t see and don’t know where you are going. So why close your eye of omniscience by saying, ‘I do not know what to do?’ Repeatedly affirm that you do know!” With this sage advice, Myrtle reminds us it is never about asking some outside force for guidance; it is remembering and affirming our ever-present connection within divine mind. Connecting within my sacred heart space, I allow a feeling of curiosity to guide me along as I find confidence for my next steps. I relax into the Silence where I have constant access to divine guidance. With steadfast faith, I follow where I am guided.
Let your good spirit lead me on a level path.—Psalm 143:10

Monday, March 19, 2018

Let Go Let God have Patience

I have the time I need for all that I do.
If I find myself with more tasks than I have time to do them, I know I need patience, particularly if I run into unexpected delays. A detour doubles the time it takes me to get to work. Unexpected phone calls interrupt my routine. A computer glitch causes unforeseen complications. How I respond to the unexpected makes all the difference. So I stop, breathe, and affirm: I have all the time I need to do all that I need to do. I mentally step back from my to-do list and reprioritize. I am blessed with a calm mind. All is coming together flawlessly, and not falling apart, as I wrongly imagined. I relax into spiritual awareness, trusting in God’s perfect divine order. I do what needs to be done, and I am at peace.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.—Philippians 4:13

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Let Go Let God Feel Comfort

I bring comfort to friends, family, and all humanity.
The dictionary defines comfort as “a feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment.” However, true comfort cannot be found through external means. That inner feeling of freedom that expresses itself outwardly through peace of mind only comes from being fully aligned with the power of Spirit. I feel and radiate that feeling in the face of every challenge—in my life and in the lives of others as well. It is an essential part of my spiritual purpose. Making choices from a centered sense of comfort is an essential part of my spiritual practice. I maintain that feeling of peace in my interactions with others, allowing it to radiate throughout the world.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff—they comfort me.—Psalm 23:4

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Let Go Let God Witness Miracles

I witness miracles every day.
When I think of miracles, biblical stories may come to mind: Daniel in the lion’s den, Jesus healing the sick and the blind and lame, and more. Such miracles may seem like impossibilities to me in today’s world. Yet when I view a sunrise or the intricate beauty of a flower in full bloom, I realize the miracle of nature. When I observe the love shared between a mother and child, or even between people and their pets, I witness the miraculous. When the grace of God yields divine ideas in the midst of difficult circumstances, I get to experience the miraculous. When I consider the complexity of the human body, every breath is a wonder. Miracles aren’t far off, after all.
God added his testimony by signs and wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit.—Hebrews 2:4

Friday, March 16, 2018

Let Go Let God as Divine Principles

Divine principles are always at work in my life.
Divine principles are active in my life and in the lives of all people. They are unchangeable. For example, what I focus on brings greater energy and results in my life. That is a divine principle. When my attention is on worries or concerns, I find plenty to worry about. Conversely, when I contemplate all the ways I am truly blessed—by my relationships, my God-given talents and skills, my opportunities and my experiences—I benefit in ways I may not even imagine. So I choose to focus on the positive, and I release the urge to give any attention to that which is not fully supporting me. Rather than complaining, I look for and find reasons to be filled with joy, light, love, and purpose. Divine principles are always at work in my life.
I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts.—Jeremiah 31:33

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Let Go Let God In The Now

Right now is the time frame in which I live.
The past is behind me; the future is ahead. So my focus is best served by living in the now—moment by moment, hour by hour. Awakened to my own divine nature, I give my attention to family and loved ones. Why put off until tomorrow the joy that today offers? Now is the time to be creative. Now is the time to explore and discover what I can do with talents and abilities. Now is the time to use the divine power of my imagination. Living in the now does not constrict me. Rather, it is a time of growth and understanding that is available to me in the present. Right now is the time frame in which I live.
But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him.—John 4:23

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Let Go Let God with Non-Resistance

In acceptance, I find peace.
I can choose to be nonresistant. When I find myself struggling with the circumstances of life, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But remembering the power inherent in my spiritual nature, I can relax into the flow of divine inspiration. As I settle into a sense of oneness through prayer and meditation, I release all resistance. I am not governed by emotions—mine or those of others—and instead look for any gifts that may result from the situation. I know naturally when to act and when to refrain from acting. I put aside any preconceived fears about what might go wrong and keep my thoughts positive. I accept and give thanks that I am always receiving my greatest good. In acceptance, I find peace.
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.—John 16:13

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Let Go Let God Restore

I am renewed by the spirit of God.
My true identity is the spirit of God that resides within. The me that gives life and meaning to my physical form is spiritual. Beneath the visible surface, new cells replace others. A beautiful symphony orchestrated by divine direction of renewal is moving throughout my mind and body at all times. I acknowledge and cooperate with this symphony of life. As I meditate, I hold an image of myself healthy and whole. My body is supported by an inner framework of strong bones. My heart beats a rhythm of renewal. My lungs expand with oxygen and send a fresh supply throughout my body. I release any thought of illness and embrace my healing. With faith I affirm: I am renewed by the spirit of God.
I praise you, for I am ... wonderfully made.—Psalm 139:14

Monday, March 12, 2018

Let Go Let God in Consciousness

I am a magnificent creation of God.
I see, feel, touch, taste, smell with my senses, and all of what I absorb in the outer world is identified and appreciated when decoded by my brain. Still, as a magnificent creation of God, there is much more to me than my mind and body. The Christ nature of perfection is within me—a consciousness of divine wisdom. Living in an awareness of the inner Christ, I dismiss all misconceptions about what was, is, or is yet possible. I have access to understanding that penetrates through any cloud of limitations I or others might tend to cast over my experiences. With gratitude, I accept the fulfillment that is rightfully mine as a beloved creation of God. I do not simply go through the motion of living; I live life fully.
I know him, because I am from him, and he sent me.—John 7:29

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Let Go Let God as Sacred Service

I am spiritually fulfilled when my unique gifts are dedicated to the service of others.
I am a spiritual being expressing in a limited human form. That expression is a combination of talents and gifts that are unique to me. As I learn to express those gifts, my life becomes progressively easier and more rewarding. But I soon recognize that focusing on the quality of my own life is too limiting for the spiritual being I truly am. Whenever my experience feels challenging, I turn my attention outward to find ways of serving others. It is a spiritual paradox that only by being of service to others I most fully express my unique gifts for myself. In serving others I am fulfilling my highest spiritual purpose, and the energy of love with which I serve becomes my own life experience.
Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.–1 Peter 4:10

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Let Go Let God in Perspective

I share a sacred kinship with all.
Paintings in a gallery tell a variety of stories from different artists’ perspectives. One may shout with colors while others whisper with neutral tones. Art is the perspective of the person creating it and engages the viewer to form his or her own opinion. Life itself is a tour of diversity and uniqueness. I may or may not share beliefs, customs, language, or nationality with others I interact with daily or on occasion; however, my perspective of all is that we share a sacred relationship within the One. I have a clarity of spirit that connects me with others, that stirs within me an accepting, loving response. In a divine light, differences fade and I shine brightly to reveal my true identity and my sacred kinship with all.
The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one.—John 17:22

Friday, March 9, 2018

Let Go Let God as Grace

I accept grace as the ultimate gift of perfect love.
I am an expression of God, living in an ocean of grace. I do not have to do anything to prove myself worthy, for grace is available within each of us, unconditionally. Times when I have avoided harm or backlash serve as reminders that grace is always active in my life. As I become more aware of the presence of divine love, I grow in understanding, faith, and awareness. I accept grace as the ultimate gift of perfect love and give thanks for this original blessing active in me. With gratitude, I live my daily life in an atmosphere of God’s grace.
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God. —Ephesians 2:8

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Let Go Let God in Wholeness

I focus my attention on the ageless, perfect Spirit that I am.

“The eye is the lamp of the body,” Jesus told his disciples (Matthew 6:22). “So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light.” He didn’t say, “if your eyes are sound,”—just one eye. Jesus was describing our inner eye—the perceptive awareness that sees through the illusion of duality to the spiritual truth of our oneness with the Divine. Through that single eye, we see the wholeness that is the truth of who we are, always. Our mortal eyes serve many important purposes, of course. They allow us to move more easily through this human experience, to negotiate our duality with greater ease. But it is the single eye of Spirit that focuses our attention on our ageless and perfect self, filling our whole body with light. In faith, I align my thoughts, words, and feelings with this Truth. I express appreciation for my body’s ability to function in complex and marvelous ways. I guide the creative, powerful energy of my thoughts and words to inspire and energize. I rest in the assurance that divine life flows freely and that every atom of my being is invigorated with healing life.
Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly.—Isaiah 58:8

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Let Go Let God Surrender

I give thanks that divine love prevails in my life. 
If I am unsuccessful in accepting things that I cannot change, it is time to surrender to my Divine self. Surrendering is not quitting or giving up; rather, it is setting aside my own ego and relying upon Spirit within for peace of mind. Surrendering allows me to change from a defensive stance to an open-minded, creative willingness. I am receptive to divine ideas and free to embrace new attitudes and perspectives. Divine life surges forth, like welcomed rain on dry soil. New sprouts of possibility appear where frustration once stifled growth. Tender ideas, nurtured by faith, are encouraged to grow and yield an abundance of good. I give thanks that divine love prevails in my life. I may at times think of surrender as an act of weakness, a sign of giving up. Surrender can also be my greatest strength, for it is in surrendering that I let go and let God. I surrender, knowing divine order is at work in all circumstances. I open my heart to the Universe, receptive to my highest good. It is easy to get caught up in the demands of life, believing I must perfectly orchestrate every detail to get the outcomes I expect or think I need. I may find myself wallowing in stress and worry if things don’t go the way I want. It is then I find my inner strength and let go. Like a novice climber learning to release his or her grip and rappel down the cliff side, I cannot yet feel solid ground beneath my feet, but I know it is there. I trust in divine order; I am strong enough to let go. I surrender and know that all is well.
Abide in me as I abide in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine, neither can you unless you abide in me.—John 15:4

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Let Go Let God Pursue Spiritual Evolution

The Christ essence in me is my guiding light.
As I start my day, I remind myself that I am a seeker, a traveler on a spiritual journey to know more of the depths of myself. I respond to that call—the stirring within that inspires me to pursue my spiritual evolution. My divine identity desires to be revealed more and more. As I learn and practice spiritual truths and apply these principles in my life, my faith strengthens and my trust in divine life grows. I no longer feel I am traveling alone; rather, I am shepherded by the indwelling presence of love. My confidence grows, and I face challenges with assurance and peace. The Christ essence demonstrated by Jesus is ever with me as the guiding light of Spirit.
Speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ.—Ephesians 4:15

Monday, March 5, 2018

Let Go Let God Breathe

As I breathe consciously, my life transforms!
I take time in the midst of whatever I am feeling today to breathe consciously. Every breath originates in Source and connects me to the divine within. Whether I am experiencing something negative or positive, connecting with my breath makes a difference. Conscious breathing happens when I focus on the act of respiration. I feel the air entering my nostrils, track its cleansing progress throughout my body, and become aware of the release that happens as I exhale. As I consciously breathe today, I inhale gratitude and possibility. I connect with Source during each individual breath, and I feel the welcome release as I exhale. Seemingly mundane tasks take on a new vibrancy, and the quality and texture of my day transform!
The spirit of God made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.—Job 33:4

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Let Go Let God be Ageless

I am a radiant expression of my ageless, eternal self.
I am a perfect expression of my true spiritual nature. Every cell in my body is radiant with the light and love inherent in my divine essence. I expend time and energy needlessly when I fret about changes that are an inevitable part of the aging process. I do not try to prevent or deny the changes; neither do I surrender to the changes as a new or negative reality. As author C.S. Lewis wrote, “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” I lovingly deny power to any negative thoughts I may hold about the condition or appearance of my physical form. I joyfully affirm: I am a radiant expression of my ageless, eternal self.
Moses was one hundred twenty years old when he died; his sight was unimpaired and his vigor had not abated.—Deuteronomy 34:7

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Let Go Let God in Prosperity

I am in the flow of infinite abundance.
I am prosperous in every sense of the word. As I attune to divine mind, I am inspired by divine ideas. I show up for life with joy and enthusiasm because I always know where to go, whom to see, and what to say in order to make those enriching ideas a reality. Realizing the infinite wellspring of God’s abundance, I generously share the fruits of my faith. On a particular day, I might feel guided to spend time with a grieving friend. On a different day, I might feel moved to give money to a stranger. Honoring my own worthiness, I also receive others’ gifts with an open and grateful heart. Each moment is filled with blessing as I trust in the infinite flow of good to enrich not only my own life but also the lives of all around me. I am in the flow of infinite abundance.
For God loves a cheerful giver.—2 Corinthians 9:7

Friday, March 2, 2018

Let Go Let God Envision World Peace

I engage in global peacemaking.
As I pray, I remember my oneness with all life. I envision the entire planet living in peaceful cooperation. I see diverse people—every race, religion, gender—embracing each other’s differences and recognizing that we are all children of God. Our divine nature is pure love, so peace is possible. Each day, I do my part to contribute to a more loving and harmonious world. This might mean taking steps to reconcile with my neighbor. It might involve donating funds to an organization that promotes social justice. I might volunteer for a peacemaking mission. I am grateful for the spiritual strength to continue as one of the world’s peacemakers. With passion and purpose, I further peace by living the Truth that I know: We are one.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.—Matthew 5:9

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Let Go Let God with Zeal

I begin every day with zeal and enthusiasm!
Taking time each day to give thanks for blessings received and those coming my way is energizing. It is amazing what simply expressing gratitude for being alive can do. I feel such excitement for the possibilities waiting to be fulfilled. This is the very definition of zeal. The divine presence within energizes and excites every cell of my being. My eyes are open to all the wonderful opportunities that exist around me. Zeal keeps me feeling joyful no matter what appearances seem to be saying. My enthusiasm is infectious to those around me. When others notice how passionate I feel, they are inspired to follow my example. I am thrilled to be a force for positive change. My zeal for life increases as I use it to touch the lives of others.
Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord.—Romans 12:11