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Friday, March 16, 2018

Let Go Let God as Divine Principles

Divine principles are always at work in my life.
Divine principles are active in my life and in the lives of all people. They are unchangeable. For example, what I focus on brings greater energy and results in my life. That is a divine principle. When my attention is on worries or concerns, I find plenty to worry about. Conversely, when I contemplate all the ways I am truly blessed—by my relationships, my God-given talents and skills, my opportunities and my experiences—I benefit in ways I may not even imagine. So I choose to focus on the positive, and I release the urge to give any attention to that which is not fully supporting me. Rather than complaining, I look for and find reasons to be filled with joy, light, love, and purpose. Divine principles are always at work in my life.
I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts.—Jeremiah 31:33

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