Prayer enhances my ability to live with intention. In quiet receptivity, I enter into prayerful communion with the presence of God. This time apart allows me to discern and consciously choose my priorities. I am guided how to best use my time and energy. I am led to express my talents in constructive and fulfilling ways.
Like seeds that sprout and grow into mature and productive plants, my priorities and goals are planted in the fertile soil of my mind and heart. I nourish them with attention, thought and action and carry them to fruition. I am mindful to balance my responsibilities and activities with time alone with God. In this way, I stay in touch with my purpose, intention and spirit.
Like seeds that sprout and grow into mature and productive plants, my priorities and goals are planted in the fertile soil of my mind and heart. I nourish them with attention, thought and action and carry them to fruition. I am mindful to balance my responsibilities and activities with time alone with God. In this way, I stay in touch with my purpose, intention and spirit.
The earth produces of itself, first the stalk, then the head, then the full grain in the head.--Mark 4:28