I release the need to control and open to divine solutions.
situations can spur drama that diverts my attention. Anxiety, stress,
and the need to have things my way may prevent me from thinking clearly.
With such limited focus, I may lose sight of a bigger perspective. The
tension in my body may restrict the flow of ideas to my brain and love
to my heart. In circumstances like these, I choose to lay my
burden down. I take time apart for a relaxing activity and trust Inner
Wisdom to guide my way. I let go of the need to impose my vision and
allow the flow of ideas from Spirit. As creative solutions come to mind,
I find a new way to approach a situation. When I release the need to
control, Inner Wisdom reveals the right answers.
I will incline my ear to a proverb; I will solve my riddle to the music of the harp.—Psalm 49:4
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