I express pure joy from the inside out.
begins in the depths of my soul, radiates through my heart, and shines
out to the world. Although the events of this season may bring pleasure,
the deepest joy comes when I connect to my Christ nature. When my
heart, mind, and soul are aligned with the indwelling Spirit, I am
naturally curious and excited about everything and everyone I meet. I am
enthusiastic about my life and eager to do all that is mine to do. I
experience a contagious bliss and ease as I connect to my inner
wellspring of gladness. The joy of Spirit in me is effervescent. It
sparkles through my eyes and adds a bounce to my step. Today I rejoice
as God’s jubilation bursts forth from within me.
I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.—John 15:11
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