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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Let Go Let God in Equanimity

I am centered in the peace of my soul.
In times of change, I turn within to find peace. Centered in the peace and tranquility of God, I accomplish my tasks with self-assurance and joy. If I need to make a decision, I do not act impulsively or hastily. Instead, I patiently wait upon the guidance of God within. My intuitive eyes are watching and my inner ears are listening. When clarity comes, I am ready to act. If I am not ready to do anything, I respect this as well. I bring the energy of equanimity—calm and composure—to every situation. The love of God is my stabilizing force. I manage change with serenity and poise. Connected to my deepest place of stillness, I am anchored in peace and love.
My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast.—Psalm 108:1

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Let Go Let God with Inner Peace

I focus on the tranquil peace within me.
Aware of events in the world, I may be pulled into worry and fear. Then I remember the Source of healing and restorative peace within me. The peace of God is always available to me, even when I lose sight of it. Just as I take breaks at work for refreshment and rejuvenation, I also take breaks to reconnect with the peaceful core of my being. I mentally place the day’s activities in a drawer and visualize a peaceful scene. I might remember a serene beach, mountain stream, or the face of a beloved friend. In the stillness, my energy gently flows into my peaceful center. Grateful, calm, and restored, I am reconnected with divine peace.
Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each other.—Psalm 85:10

Friday, May 29, 2015

Let Go Let God the Eternal Spring

God’s love flows like an eternal spring.
In the Bible story of the Samaritan woman, she asked Jesus to give her the water that would quench her thirst forever. Like her, I may have gone to the well of worldly comfort, filling a bucket again and again as I tried to satisfy myself. Over time, I learned this only left me wanting more. Today I fill myself with the love of God—my wellspring of joy—for lasting satisfaction. At times, I may relapse into seeking fulfillment from outer circumstances or possessions. I know then to turn within. I nurture myself through prayer, meditation, or talking with a loving friend. I shift my attention to my desire to know God. Spirit in me flows like an eternal spring. My thirst is quenched and I am free.
Give me this water, so that I may never be thirsty.—John 4:15

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

In the Silence, I know what is mine to do.
In the course of a day, I make many simple decisions and course corrections. Perhaps a friend calls with unexpected news and I change my plans to be with her, or I get a flat tire and end up being late to work. In such cases, I pause, say a quick prayer, and quickly decide how to respond. Making a decision may seem more difficult when it comes to the next steps on my life path. The words from the Prayer for Protection, “Wherever I am, God is,” remind me God’s guidance is always available. I relax, listen carefully in the Silence, and know what is mine to do. As I act on my guidance, I am comforted by the presence of God. I move forward with confidence, knowing I am on the right track.
That this is God, our God forever and ever. He will be our guide forever.—Psalm 48:14

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Let Go Let God Share

I share my blessings with effortless generosity.
Today I practice prosperity by sharing my blessings. When I receive a sum of money or something else of value, I share it. I consider organizations and individuals who feed me spiritually and give back to them with my time, talent, and treasure. I enjoy sharing and notice how my generosity lifts the spirits of others. We increase whatever we praise. When I notice someone has done well, gone above and beyond, or has said or done something inspiring, I praise them. Appreciating them makes me happy! Seeing the joy on another’s face is reason enough to generously share my praise and blessings.
They broke bread ... with glad and generous hearts ... And day by day the Lord added to their numbers those who were being saved.–Acts 2:46-47

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Let Go Let God with Love

Love transforms my world.
Through the power of my thoughts, I can alter my perception of the world. Where I once may have seen anger, jealousy, or fear, I now can perceive the presence of Love. My outlook changes as I become more aware of God expressing through us all. I intentionally look for examples of love in my world. As I observe people in their daily interactions, I notice strangers holding doors open for one another; parents hugging their children as they get off school buses; store clerks making friendly conversation with customers. As I focus on gestures of kindness, my awareness of the goodness in life grows. My life is transformed by Love.
If we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us.—1 John 4:12

Monday, May 25, 2015

Let Go Let God Remember

I honor the servicemen and women who protect our freedom.

I am thankful for the many people who have helped me become who I am. They all supported me in their own ways—teaching, guiding, and believing in me. I am also grateful for countless others whom I have never met—those who have protected our freedom. They have served with love, strength, and courage to assure freedom continues. Today I remember the men and women who forged the way for me to live in a democracy, able to set my own course in life and make my own choices. I am grateful for their willingness and commitment to living a life of service. Today I honor their memory and give thanks for my freedom!
I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you.—Philippians 1:3-4

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Let Go Let God with the Holy Spirit

I rely on the strength of the Holy Spirit.
I trust the Holy Spirit, the activity of God in me, to power my heartbeat, guide my thinking, and attract my good. I do not need to consciously command my breathing or will my heart to beat. In a similar way, Holy Spirit is a constant life force. This force animates my body, energizes my breath, and invigorates my spirit. The activity of God is present in my creative thoughts and ideas. The wisdom of God enlightens me. The strength of God empowers me. The love of God fills my heart. I am fed spiritually when I pray and listen. I keep myself attuned to the Holy Spirit by spending time each day in the Silence. As I bask in divine love, I receive all I need to live fully, consciously, and purposefully.
God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.–Romans 5:5

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Let Go Let God in the Stillness

In the stillness, I find peace and satisfaction.

Today I make time to be still and allow God to speak to the desires of my heart. I let go of any anxious searching or forcing solutions, and open myself to Spirit. I relax and focus on the rhythmic flow of my breath. The chatter in my mind quiets down and I ease into my connection with God. As I let go of all worries, I feel the strength of my steadfast faith. I take another deep breath and follow it further into the chapel of my own heart. Here, I find stillness and rest in the Silence. The love of God fills me with peace and satisfaction. I am calm and serene. All my needs are met and I am complete. In the peace of the stillness, I am deeply satisfied.
He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm.—Mark 4:39

Friday, May 22, 2015

Let Go Let God in Comfort

I turn within to the soothing presence of Divine Love.
Sometimes the sky is cloudy and I cannot see the sun, yet I know the sun is still there. Likewise, when times are tough and it is hard to see the light, I know God is always present. If I need comforting, I find a place to meditate and connect with the Christ within. I let my body, mind, and spirit relax into the soothing presence of Divine Love. If my emotions rise to the surface, I allow myself to feel them, then release them. Centered in God, I open to a flow of divine love, guidance, support, and wisdom—knowing God is my help in every need. Any concerns subside and I am at peace. My heart is lifted up in love.
Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father … comfort your hearts and strengthen them in every good work and word.—2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Let Go Let God in Presperity

I am prosperous in all ways.
Prosperity is spiritual well-being. I claim spiritual well-being as the joyful expression of the Creator I am! Like a child looking at a picture book, I envision good in my life. I see myself healthy, eating nutritious meals, and exercising daily. I see myself loved and loving; safe and protected from harm. I have much to give, and I share my gifts generously. I am grateful as I acknowledge the great prosperity in my life. Knowing myself as one with the abundance of God, I open to an even greater flow of good.
May there be abundance of grain in the land … and may people blossom in the cities like the grass of the field.—Psalm 72:16

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Let Go Let God be Free

I celebrate the free Spirit I am.
Sometimes I may forget to give thanks for one of my greatest gifts—freedom. I am free to believe what I wish and worship where I want. I am free to travel and free to express myself. Most important, I am free to choose my thoughts and responses. In the Silence, I let go of fear, worry, and pain. I release any limiting opinions or views of myself and claim my divine potential. My heart expands with gratitude as I connect with the part of me that knows no limits—my Spirit self. I affirm: I am free to choose my thoughts and responses and align my dreams with the highest good. I rejoice in the presence of unbounded Spirit in me and claim my infinite potential.
So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.—John 8:36

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Let Go Let God with Focus

As I focus on God, I am rested and renewed.
My brain has an amazing capacity to process ideas and find solutions. It can multitask and solve complex problems. Yet sometimes I may find it hard to sort through the many ideas in my head and focus on what is important. I may be distracted and overwhelmed. At such times, I stop, breathe deeply, and bring my active mind into quiet meditation and prayer. I slow down the mental processes of thinking, planning, and analyzing. I allow my mind to become still. I give my brain a rest and concentrate on God. As I meditate, my mind quiets and I listen to Spirit within. As I focus on God, I am rested and renewed.
Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.—Matthew 11:28

Monday, May 18, 2015

Let Go Let God in Greatness

I am God in action.
When I behold a sunrise on the prairie or the majesty of a mountain, I know God is present. When I read about people helping others in meaningful ways, I see God in their actions. I am inspired to follow the lead of generous people around me—to be of greater service by sharing more of my gifts. In my prayer time, I seek guidance from Spirit within. I realize my love, my words, and my actions are the best tools for being the hands and feet of God. Just as the sun rises, I can speak encouraging words to brighten someone’s day. Just as the mountain is steadfast, I can be a rock for someone in need. I set my intention to be God in action in every aspect of my life.
For I will proclaim the name of the Lord; ascribe greatness to our God!—Deuteronomy 32:3

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Let Go Let God in Consciousness

I center my thoughts on what I want most in my life.
Thoughts held in mind have a powerful magnetic effect called the Law of Attraction. In simple terms, this means what I think about, I bring about. Knowing this, I set my intentions on the love, peace, harmony, and abundance I want most in my life. By keeping my heart focused on good for everyone, I bring forth blessings for myself and others. I pay attention to what I am thinking, and the results that ensue. I see how what I appreciate, appreciates; how positive expectations yield positive outcomes. I lift my consciousness to manifest blessings for myself and others. I know the power of my consciousness is one with the power of God—and with God, all things are possible.
The good person out of the good treasure of the heart produces good.—Luke 6:45

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Let Go Let God for World Peace

Peace begins with me.

When conflict arises, I am a beacon of peace. The Christ Light in me shines brightest when I am aware of my own thoughts and actions. I calm any unrest in my mind just as Jesus calmed the storm at sea, saying, “Peace! Be still!” I let thoughts of peace flow into the world. My thoughts move beyond appearances and seeming separation. I know every person is part of the same spirit. In times of crisis, I send prayers of peace to heal the hearts of everyone involved. Where there is war, I send thoughts of love to soldiers and their families. When I witness conflict in my community, I envision a peaceful resolution. I believe in a world of peace. That peace begins with me.
Let them turn away from evil and do good; let them seek peace and pursue it.—1 Peter 3:11

Friday, May 15, 2015

Let Go, Let God

I learn and grow as I let go and move forward with God.
Life gives us a sequence of events to teach us to let go. As toddlers, we let go of an adult’s hand to take our first steps. As children, we let go of the security of our parents’ care to attend school. Finally, we leave our family home and live on our own. Each experience of letting go gives us an opportunity to grow in confidence. As life progresses, we learn to release those feelings and memories that do not benefit us. If we find it difficult to let go, we remember times we said goodbye to difficulties and received something better in the long run. I affirm: I am never alone when it is time to let go, for I am always one with God, my Light and my Protector.
Teach me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.—Psalm 143:8

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Let Go Let God Awaken

I awaken to the Christ within.
Each morning I awaken to the truth that God dwells within me and expresses as me. As I look at myself in the mirror, I remind myself I am made in the image and likeness of my Creator. I am the peace, love, joy, and comfort of the Christ Presence. The more I bring to mind this truth, the more I experience life in the kingdom of heaven. My experience of being spiritually awake leads me to joyfully and generously share my divine gifts with others. I behold the best in people and see them through the eyes of love. By expressing the love of God in me, I inspire others to awaken to the Christ Presence in them. I am grateful for awakening to love.
No one has ascended into heaven except the one who descended from heaven, the Son of Man. —John 3:13

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Let Go Let Go Have Faith

As I plant spiritual seeds, I have faith they will grow.
When I plant a seed in my garden, I have faith it will grow. When I hold a small, round tomato seed in my hand, I cannot see the plant it will become. Still, I have faith in its potential. I plant the seed in fertile soil. I make sure it gets plenty of sunlight and water and pull weeds that appear around the plant. Over time, my faith is rewarded as I harvest a plump, ripe tomato. The same natural laws apply in my life. If I am seeking more love, peace, or prosperity, I must plant corresponding seeds. My seeds are my thoughts, words, and actions. I hold them not in my hand, but in my heart. I have faith in the seeds I am planting. I nurture them and allow them time to grow. My faith is rewarded as I reap the desires of my heart.
Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.—Hebrews 11:1

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Let Go Let God be Empowered

Spirit empowers me to grow and thrive.
Looking at the outer conditions of my life, I may feel dissatisfied or restless. Rather than seeking more in the outer world to meet my needs, I recognize my dissatisfaction as a nudge from God to turn within. I journey inward to the sanctuary of my soul, and discover my Oneness with all that is. In Oneness, there is no lack—I am whole and complete. My spiritual journey does not come with a guidebook or map. Wisdom is my guide as I step into the unknown. As I surrender and grow, I trust the healing power of God within. No outward status or possession can make me complete—the ever-present Spirit gives me all I need to thrive.
Make me to know your ways ... lead me in your truth, and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation.—Psalm 25:4-5

Monday, May 11, 2015

Let Go Let God with a Positive Attitude

I align my thoughts with the truth.
My state of mind influences my experience of life. If I feel sad or troubled, I consider how my attitude is affecting my perceptions and interactions with others. Are my thoughts supporting me in my goal to be confident, productive, and positive? Or am I blocking my good? When I am ready for an attitude adjustment, I align my thoughts with the truth: I am an expression of God—capable, loved, and supported. I call upon my spiritual gifts to guide me. As I do, I experience greater wisdom, faith, strength, and understanding. Blessed by Spirit, I maintain a positive attitude and bring love to all I do. With this mindset, I see good everywhere.
For it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure.—Philippians 2:1

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Let Go Let God Give & Receive Blessings

I am a gracious giver and receiver of motherly love.
Today I celebrate mothers everywhere—biological mothers, adoptive mothers, and my mother; women who are trailblazers, caregivers, mentors, and mothers to the masses. I celebrate Mother Nature in all her glory and the Divine Feminine as part of me. Motherly spiritual qualities contribute to peace, healing, and joy in the world and in my life. I take a moment to reflect on a time when I comforted a child. Perhaps I listened, hugged, or shared encouraging words. I call to mind memories of when I felt nurtured, held, or lifted up by someone else. The act of mothering is so important. I am grateful for feminine spiritual qualities enriching my life and the lives of family and friends.
I will bless her and she will give rise to nations.—Genesis 17:16

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Let Go Let God with Attention

My good multiplies as I center myself in gratitude.
Daily life places many competing demands on my attention. I know what I focus on expands. In order to realize greater peace and joy, I focus on the good in my life. I center myself in gratitude. Each day, I make a conscious decision to spend my time and energy in life-giving ways. Whatever I choose to do, I am fully present to each moment. I slow down to take in a glorious sunrise or a beautiful piece of art. I also create time to be alone to honor the gift of my own life. I commit sacred time each day to communing with God in prayer and meditation. As I focus on the good within and all around me, it multiplies. I am immeasurably blessed! Thank you, God.
The blessing of the Lord makes rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.—Proverbs 10:22

Friday, May 8, 2015

Let Go Let God be Protected

God is my source of safety.
The love of God protects and enfolds me with warmth and healing. In times when I may feel the chill of fear, I remember I am safe because God is my inner wellspring of courage. When I connect with Source, I feel powerful spiritual energy surge from my heart, enlivening my entire being and all my activities. From physical comfort to feeling loved, God ensures all my needs are fully met. I am whole, protected, and complete, for as the gospel song goes, “There is no spot where God is not.” I am one with the One Power. From my center of safety and security, I move forward with confidence and courage. I am protected by the love of God and I am free!
The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.—Psalm 121:5-6

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Let Go Let God Be Joyful

I create my own joy.
My life is filled with joy! Precious relationships touch my heart, nature offers abundant blessings, and opportunities to share my joy abound. Joyfulness is a choice. I know my thoughts can affect my feelings. If I feel resentful, angry, or fearful, I take a moment to look at why I’m feeling this way. This is my point of choice. I can consider various ways to see a situation or person. In so doing, I may be able to change my feelings from down and destructive to joyful and constructive. I look for and find reasons to be joyful. As I choose happiness, others feel it too. Light-heartedness is contagious. I happily share joy—the loving activity of God in me.
Everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.—Isaiah 35:10

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

In the presence of God, all is well.
God is present in every situation. Thus, challenges we face only have the power we give them. As I pray, I affirm this truth for others. I see friends and family awake in the presence of the Christ Light. I behold peace and love in them—knowing wholeness is their true essence. Each of us is one with Spirit, made perfect and whole. The riches of the kingdom belong to us because we are expressions of God. I see this truth for every person for whom I pray and see it manifest as perfect health, abundant prosperity, and deep peace. Spirit moves in me, around me, and through me as I pray. I remember love is all there is and love grows as I pray for others.
And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job when he had prayed for his friends; and the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.—Job 42:10

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Let Go Let God through Growth

I continue to grow in spiritual awareness.
As an adult, I have stopped growing physically, yet I have many opportunities to grow emotionally and spiritually. Willingness to consider new ideas is key to my growth now. A plant grows in the right conditions and with proper nourishment. Similarly, I grow as I feed my mind and spirit. I pray and meditate regularly. I read uplifting books and articles. I may take part in classes and workshops to expand my spiritual understanding. As I grow, I broaden my awareness of what is around me and within me. I become mindful of beautiful serendipities in my life. I learn to observe my feelings and thoughts, my actions, reactions, and responses. In all things, I see the presence of God.
The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom.—Luke 2:40

Monday, May 4, 2015

Let Go Let God Forgive

I forgive myself and others and embrace a new life.
We are one with God, which means we are all good. Knowing this truth sets me free. In times when I am hurt or angry, I choose to see the good in others. This choice leads to forgiveness. As I release burden or blame, I am free to move forward in my life and embrace a new beginning. When I forgive, I wipe the slate clean. I replace feelings of anger, resentment, or fear with peace, love, and courage. These qualities reflect the truth of who I am and how I want to live. I am a free soul, unconditionally loved. As I forgive myself and others, I am at peace. I express love. I am courageous and strong. Through forgiveness, I am free of the past. I embrace a new life.
You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.—John 8:32

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Let Go Let God Provide Healing

I am renewed in God’s healing light.
Just as each day dawns anew, I am renewed in body, mind, and spirit with every breath I take. Whatever ill feelings I may experience—physical or emotional—they pass through me with ease. I observe any discomfort or pain and any thoughts or feelings I have in response. Then, I let it all go. I stop myself from creating unproductive stories about my health. Instead, I pay attention to the light of God within. Healing light illuminates my being, revealing and healing whatever needs to be revealed and healed. I imagine the first light of dawn cascading over me and radiating through me. I lift my eyes to a new horizon of well-being. My body is strong, my mind is at peace, and my spirit is one with the light of a new day. Hallelujah!
Then your light shall break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up quickly.–Isaiah 58:8

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Let Go Let God on this Adventure

I walk my spiritual path with courage and confidence.
Experiences like moving or changing jobs may bring both excitement and uneasiness. Transitions become easier when I accept plans may change and open myself to new adventures. I give thanks in advance for the lessons I will learn. I may feel the same mix of excitement and unease as I embark on a new spiritual journey. In prayer, I release any worries about outcomes and embrace surprises. Although I cannot anticipate every twist and turn, I know my overall success is assured. I become more attuned to my unique strengths as I deepen my connection with God. This knowledge of myself leads me to walk my spiritual path with courage and confidence.
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them light has shined.—Isaiah 9:2

Friday, May 1, 2015

Let Go Let God Rest

I take time for rest and reflection.
Upon awakening, I meditate or say a prayer of thanks for the day ahead. Rested and replenished, I pledge to make the most of this beautiful day. I know I have all I need for any situation. If stress surfaces, I take a moment to connect with God. Closing my eyes, I imagine a restful, beautiful scene. I embrace life and emerge reenergized. I stop at points throughout the day to breathe deeply and savor God’s presence. In the evening, I recharge for tomorrow. I prepare for sleep just as I began the day—with meditation or prayer. I am grateful for the time I took to connect with God today.
He said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.—Mark 6:31