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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Let Go Let God through Growth

I continue to grow in spiritual awareness.
As an adult, I have stopped growing physically, yet I have many opportunities to grow emotionally and spiritually. Willingness to consider new ideas is key to my growth now. A plant grows in the right conditions and with proper nourishment. Similarly, I grow as I feed my mind and spirit. I pray and meditate regularly. I read uplifting books and articles. I may take part in classes and workshops to expand my spiritual understanding. As I grow, I broaden my awareness of what is around me and within me. I become mindful of beautiful serendipities in my life. I learn to observe my feelings and thoughts, my actions, reactions, and responses. In all things, I see the presence of God.
The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom.—Luke 2:40

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