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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Let Go Let God with Focus

As I focus on God, I am rested and renewed.
My brain has an amazing capacity to process ideas and find solutions. It can multitask and solve complex problems. Yet sometimes I may find it hard to sort through the many ideas in my head and focus on what is important. I may be distracted and overwhelmed. At such times, I stop, breathe deeply, and bring my active mind into quiet meditation and prayer. I slow down the mental processes of thinking, planning, and analyzing. I allow my mind to become still. I give my brain a rest and concentrate on God. As I meditate, my mind quiets and I listen to Spirit within. As I focus on God, I am rested and renewed.
Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.—Matthew 11:28

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