I embrace change with poise and flexibility.
is filled with unexpected changes that present new challenges. My
ability to gracefully adapt to life’s twists and turns hinges on my firm
connection to Spirit. With divine wisdom as my ever-present
internal guide, I recognize that I can never be truly lost or
permanently stuck—even if it might sometimes feel that way. I embrace
all unknowns with poise, adjusting effortlessly to every new
circumstance. I might be facing the most unforeseen obstacles or
seemingly disruptive detours, such as a divorce, loss of a job, or
medical diagnosis. Whatever the challenging circumstance, I do not
become fearful or rigid. Aligned with Spirit, I stay openhearted,
flexible, and calm. My life is always supported by perfect Love.
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.—Psalm 119:105
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