I am connected with the oneness of life.
the hub of a wheel, there is oneness. It is only on its outer edges
that there is separation. In the eye of a hurricane, there is stillness.
Away from that center there is wind. I find a similar kind of stillness
and connectedness in my heart, the quiet hub of my own being. I
move into this inner space where I find the silence that my soul is
craving. In this sacred center, I am connected with all of life. In this
stillness, I am one with my Creator. I am aligned with a greater
wholeness, not set apart or separate. When I want to feel connected—with
others, with an answer—I affirm my oneness with all of life. By turning
within, I find my answer.
And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.—John 17:3
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