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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Let Go Let God Find Inner Peace

I surrender to the Christ Presence within and find peace.
How freeing it feels to be awake to and aware of Spirit that is present within me now and always. I take this moment to allow the sweet surrender of peace to dissolve any concern. I move through life with ease and grace, releasing any anxiety about always winning or being in control. Divine love enfolds me and strengthens me. I relax deeply as peace fills my heart and mind. I am one with God—one with all life—safe, loved, and deeply grateful for each blessing. Every false belief drifts away. I affirm the powerful words Jesus spoke, “Peace, be still.” I speak these words to my restless thoughts. I am calm, centered, and serene. I surrender to the Christ Presence within and find peace.
I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace.—John 16:33

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