I Bless Myself When I Let Go And Let God.
If I find myself ruminating over a concern or a weighty decision, I release its grip on my attention by letting go and letting God. When I let go, I am placing my trust in divine mind, the source of infinite potential. I believe there are solutions and remedies of which my limited, human mind simply cannot conceive. When I let God, I am trusting the grace of God will bless my life in the most wondrous and even surprising ways. Letting go and letting God is how I live my faith. I surrender to spiritual truth—the presence and power of God—and believe the best outcome is going to be so much better than anything I can imagine. I affirm: I let go and let God and relax into knowing I am deeply loved and abundantly blessed.
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me.—John 14:1