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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Let Go Let God in Prosperity

I behold unlimited possibilities, and my prosperity grows.

Some may struggle over these words from the Gospel of Matthew: "To all those who have, more will be given." Seeking a greater understanding of the principle at work, I see that whatever I put my energy into grows. When I focus on lack, lack grows. When I appreciate abundant prosperity, mine or another's, more is given to me.

I look to nature for evidence of God's limitless riches, wisdom and knowledge. In season, apple trees hang heavy with fruit. Mighty oaks cover the forest floor with acorns. I, too, am a prosperous creation of God, filled with divine ideas. Using the power of divine wisdom, I shift my focus from financial limitation to unlimited possibility. I appreciate every good thing, and I attract more good into my life.

For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance.--Matthew 25:29

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