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Monday, December 31, 2012

Let Go Let God in Reflection

I celebrate each day of my life.

I create my life one day, one moment at a time. As I reflect upon the accumulation of days, I may see days of sorrow or days when I fell short of being my best self. Yet as I continue my reflection, I also see the lessons I learned and the strength I developed in overcoming the challenges that appeared. While I cannot change a day that has gone by, I can view each one as part of the great creative process that is my life. With the vision of Spirit, I choose to see my life as a gift that I am still creating. Each moment is a new opportunity to love, give, heal and prosper. I gather the wisdom and strength from days past and use it to make the present day the best it can be.
The Lord your God will bless you in all your produce and in all your undertakings, and you shall surely celebrate.—Deuteronomy 16:15

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Let Go Let God with Grace

Indwelling Spirit, endow me with your grace.

Indwelling spirit of God, shine through my eyes. Make them soft with kindness, warm with compassion, tender with forgiveness. Let no impatience or condemnation cloud my sight. Let my being radiate contentment, joy and happiness. Let me shine so that the Divine shines through me. Indwelling Spirit, enrich my voice. Imbue it with healing mellowness that calms troubled waters. Help me to speak every word in a clear, loving and sincere manner. Let me listen with patience and understanding. Indwelling Spirit, endow me with your grace. Let me move through life with wisdom. Let me be thoughtful of others, of their needs, of their dignity and of their rights. Let us create a world full of love, joy and beauty.
Grace is poured upon your lips; therefore God has blessed you forever.—Psalm 45:2

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Comfort

God’s ever-present love is a comfort to me.

When I settle into my favorite chair, I feel supported. The chair knows my body and has adjusted over time to fit my shape. I don’t have to do anything to receive the strength and comfort this piece of furniture affords me. I simply relax into its frame and allow myself to rest. God’s love, like my favorite chair, knows me and makes no demands on me. It is available whenever I choose to seek its solace. In prayer, I turn within and feel God’s love enfolding me. I am at peace knowing God’s loving presence is my constant and instant comfort. When I settle into God’s love, I am supported and my burden is lightened.

Even before a word is on my tongue, O Lord, you know it completely. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me.—Psalm 139:4-5

Friday, December 28, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Prosperity

Infinite abundance is mine in every way.

It is natural to give of oneself, and “as you give, so shall you receive.” I choose to participate fully in the circulation and blessing of God’s abundant good by giving generously and receiving gratefully. Prosperity is a God-given experience. I am prosperous as I experience happiness, health and peace. Through meaningful relationships, communion with God, and a life lived on purpose, I am prosperous in every way. I do not need a great number of material goods to feel satisfied. When I hold an attitude of gratitude for all I have, my needs are fulfilled, and my good comes to me with ease and grace. I see God’s good wherever I look, and I am prosperous!
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap.—Luke 6:38

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Let Go Let God Be Protected

Through my God-given power of free will, I am protected.

Winter is often called “cold and flu season.” While an inoculation may protect me from measles or the flu, I also have an inner protection that immunizes me. I am free from negative thinking as I choose positive thoughts. The opinions of other people, the day’s news or even challenging circumstances cannot dictate my attitude or outlook. My oneness with Spirit provides me with all I need. Inner guidance, strength, faith and understanding are divine qualities I embody. I observe outer conditions without labeling them as worrisome or difficult, and choose to imagine the best possible outcomes for me and for others. Through my God-given power of free will, I am protected.
You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.—John 8:32

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Let Go Let God in Unity

We are one.

Some communities we are born into; others we adopt along the way. Whether our community is based on culture, geography, family or spirituality, when we share a common purpose, we join in unity. Beyond our own communities, we recognize that everyone is part of the global community. Here on Mother Earth, we are one. In oneness, we cooperate for the common good. Rather than asking, “What’s in it for me?” we ask, “What will best serve the world?” Embracing our similarities and our differences, we relinquish thoughts of scarcity and competition. In unity, we extend support to the worldwide community. We love and support one another.
The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me.—John 17:22-23

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Let Go Let God on Christmas Day

I celebrate Christmas with joy, peace and love.

Today my heart is filled with joy for the gift of God, the gift of the Christ Child. Humbly I stand in the presence of God’s gift­—eternal radiance, everlasting love and perfect peace. This is an eternal day of joyous receiving from the Spirit of God, a day of giving love and happiness, good will, peace and substance to all people of the world in the name of Jesus Christ. With joy, I claim the power of Christ Consciousness, the power that cleanses my mind, heart and soul of any disharmony, any weakness, any fear. Christ-power goes out from me today in a healing blessing to all. Every gift I offer and receive is permeated with the love of the Christ, spreading joy, good will and cheer.
Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!—2 Corinthians 9:15

Monday, December 24, 2012

Let Go Let God in the Silence

I am a whole and holy being.

The Silence is sacred. In the Silence, there is no confusion, no doubt, no fear. Resting in God, I am aware that the Holy Presence surrounds me and is within me. Any mistaken thought or belief that I am separate from my Creator dissipates. In the Silence, I discern this sacred message: “Be still and know that I am God.” My heart responds, “Yes, I know,” and with this knowing, my soul is uplifted. I feel a gentle ebb and flow as all regret and sadness wash away, and I am filled with joy. I nurture myself with times of sacred silence. Resting fully in the presence of God for even a few moments, I receive the assurance that I am one with the Holy Presence. I am a whole and holy being.
Peace! Be still!—Mark 4:39

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Let Go Let God in Joy

I relax and let joy flow freely.

I elevate my life and my spiritual journey by calling forth joy—the natural joy that is inherently mine. Joy does not come from outer events and circumstances; it bubbles up from within. While events may trigger happiness and excitement, joy is part of who I am as a child of God. As I consciously connect with the Christ in me through contemplation, meditation and prayer, I feel a rush of joy—the rebirth of my Christ Consciousness. This is true joy, and it is harmonizing and healing. It uplifts me regardless of what might be happening around me. I trust in the activity of the Christ in me and in my life. I relax and let joy flow freely.
I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.—John 15:11

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Let Go Let God in Healing

I think, feel and foster health and wholeness.

My thoughts are powerful. This is especially evident with respect to my health. When I hold thoughts of strength and vitality, I am receptive to the healing energy of God. When I hold thoughts of joy and peace, I am open to God’s soothing spirit. Just as I can reset my computer when it malfunctions, I can reset my thoughts and habits when they are destructive. I shift my thoughts from worry and fear to hope and healing. I shift my lifestyle from inactive to lively and replace unhealthy choices with beneficial foods and activities. Through my thoughts and actions, I begin a new plan of health and wholeness, blessing myself in mind, body and spirit.
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed.—Jeremiah 17:14

Friday, December 21, 2012

Let Go Let God Go Within

Anytime is a good time to go within.

Jesus did not limit prayer to a specific time or place, and neither do I. Any time, day or night, I go within and pray. As the sun rises each morning and I awake, I go within to align with Spirit. I set an intention for myself around the qualities I am willing to embody—peace and harmony, gratitude and joy, compassion and kindness. During the day, I may step aside from my routine to once again go within for reflection or guidance. Just a few moments of connection with God centers me. As the sun sets and I prepare for sleep, I turn within once more simply to enjoy the peace and quiet and to reflect upon my day with gratitude. God is with me always, and anytime is a good time to pray.
During those days he went out to the mountain to pray; and he spent the night in prayer to God.—Luke 6:12

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Let Go Let God As A Child

With the faith of a child, I open my mind and heart to the kingdom of God.

For a child living in a cold climate, the first snowfall is a gift of wonder. Christmas lights sparkling against a snowy backdrop create a storybook scene. But whether children live in a cold region or the tropics, they are fully open to the joy of the season, free of worries, and filled with expectations of good. When I set aside my concerns, I become like a child. I open to the wonder of God’s kingdom. My faith anticipates only good and I easily discover it. Even when my days are filled with responsibilities, I can take a moment to feel grateful for all God has provided. I am God’s child, and with the faith of a child, I delight in the wonder of God’s kingdom.
Let the little children come to me … for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.—Luke 18:16

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Let Go, Let God

Infinite good flows freely through my life.

Blessings flow freely through an open channel but are impeded by a constricted channel. When I hold tightly to fear, anxiety, anger or a specific outcome, I restrict the free flow of the Divine in my life. In order to let go and let God, I must first consider what I am holding tightly in my mind and heart. Once I recognize it, I gently release it through prayer. When I am ready to let go, what I no longer need falls easily away. I let go of the belief that something is missing in my life, and I accept my good. I let go of any thoughts of limits or restrictions and allow the power of God to expand my experience of abundance, heal my wounds, and manifest an even more perfect outcome than I could have imagined.
Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.—Proverbs 4:23

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Let Go Let God Hold Traditions

I am grateful for the traditions I hold dear.

One way we connect closely with one another is through our traditions. This is especially true during the holiday season as families carry out the beloved traditions that bind them together. I celebrate traditions that mean something to me. Whether it is giving gifts, enjoying Christmas dinner with friends and family, attending church services, or volunteering to help others in need—I take pleasure in the traditions I hold dear.
I also embrace new traditions, opening myself to new people and experiences. I am thankful for activities that are purposeful and that connect me with others in a meaningful way. Each connection is a blessing, as it brings us closer together.
All who believed were together and had all things in common.—Acts 2:44

Monday, December 17, 2012

Let Go Let God Forgive

I choose forgiveness, and I am free.

Forgiveness is a choice. It is not something that happens to me, but something that happens through me. In choosing to forgive, I allow love and understanding to permeate my heart and mind. Any confusion, criticism or resentment dissolves, and I experience peace that transforms me—body, mind and soul. Forgiveness is a gift I give myself. It is a powerful gift of freedom. Through it, I reclaim control over my thoughts, feelings and reactions. Forgiveness brings satisfying experiences, true happiness, radiant health and right relationships. I can choose to forgive, regardless of what has transpired. I am free to be peaceful instead of anxious, loving instead of angry. The choice is mine, and I choose to forgive.
Forgive, and you will be forgiven.—Luke 6:37

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Let Go Let God Love

With the power of love, I pray for others.

The energy of God is the energy of love. Love becomes an expression of who I am as I give freely to others. I share my time, skills and resources to enrich lives in meaningful ways. I listen with compassion and understanding. I am patient and kind. In these ways and others, I allow God’s love to flow freely through me, and I feel love returned to me increased and multiplied.I pray with love for others—holding each person in my heart. I pray for their health and well-being, envisioning them whole and vibrantly alive. I pray for their inner peace, knowing the peace of God is theirs. I pray for their prosperity, trusting that every need is met. And I pray for harmony, knowing God’s love guides their way.
Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.—John 13:34

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

The light of God guides my way.

God’s guiding light shines unceasingly. In its glow I see unlimited possibilities where I may have assumed only lack. In the radiance of God’s light, my path is clear. The light of God helps me see all of my gifts and strengths, enabling me to make right choices for health and well-being. As I open my heart and mind to God’s light, I am assured that I am never alone. I am inspired to co-create with God in powerful ways. The light of God also guides those I care about through their divine gifts of discernment, wisdom and understanding. I relax in the awareness that the light of God invites and encourages all of us into a fuller experience of Spirit and of life.
With upright heart he tended them, and guided them with skillful hand.–Psalm 78:72

Friday, December 14, 2012

Let Go Let God Welcome

I am blessed as I welcome others.

With kindness, I welcome others into my home, my spiritual community or my place of business during the Christmas season. I am grateful when I feel welcome in someone else’s home, and I want others to experience that same feeling when they visit me. Being welcoming is a way to show people they are valued and appreciated. It is one way I let God’s love express through me. And as I share the love of God, I, too, am blessed.
I welcome God into my life in even greater ways. As I keep my mind and heart attuned to God, I appreciate the guidance, comfort, love and harmony I experience. I seek to be a conduit through which God’s love expresses.
Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.—Romans 15:7

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Let Go Let God Ask

I am creative by nature. I ask, and it is given.

In the beginning, “God created the heavens and the earth.” Humans—made in the image and likeness of God—are creative by nature. Our thoughts call forth into being that which we hold in mind. I am an imaginative being, and as I ask for the desire of my heart, it is given. Every thought has creative power and potential. I ask, focus my attention on God within, know that it is so, and let it go. Considering it done in the mind of God, I look forward with faith. If I find myself worrying or looking back, I ask a trusted prayer partner to join me in seeing the fulfillment of my desire. I am grateful for God’s creative process and for answered prayer. I ask, and it is given!
Truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.—Matthew 18:19

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Let Go Let God in Freedom

I am free and unlimited; there are no chains that bind me.

Some situations in my life—whether political, social, economic or physical—may feel forced upon me. Yet I can find relief by realizing that no matter how constricting the condition, at my spiritual core I am free and unlimited! There are no chains that bind me.
If I have limited my innate freedom through restrictive or unproductive behavior, I remember that none of this diminishes the glorious splendor of God in me. I recognize my oneness with the unlimited energy of God and choose anew in favor of freedom. I am free to exercise my spiritual power through whatever is occurring in my life. I affirm: God is free, unlimited and unbound—and so am I!
Creation itself will be set free from its bondage. —Romans 8:21

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Let Go Let God in Harmony

I bring harmony to my relationships.

When I wish to resolve a conflict between myself and another, I do not waste time and energy blaming anyone for what seems broken. I begin the repair work by putting the disagreement in the past, where it belongs. Rather than reacting emotionally, I make a fresh start by responding from the love of God at the core of my being. I may not be able to repair the relationship on my own, but I can bring harmony to it. I accept that people can agree to disagree peacefully and congenially. As I express the love of God through my words and actions, I encourage others to let their inner love shine forth also. In honoring the other person, I am honoring God.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.—Psalm 51:10

Monday, December 10, 2012

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

When I pray, I trust in Spirit.

Our loved ones truly receive a blessing when we pray for them, not only with love and faith, but also with an understanding of Truth. No matter how great the need, we know God within is greater than appearances. We know in Truth that the spirit of God within is all-powerful. When I pray for another’s healing, I affirm God’s perfect life enlivening their body, mind and spirit. I see divine life renewing, reinvigorating and healing them. When I pray for their happiness and fulfillment, I affirm God’s perfect love. I see them enfolded and fulfilled in this love, and every need met by this love. When I pray for others, I trust the Spirit within to bless them in every way.
I will pray with the spirit, but I will pray with the mind also.—1 Corinthians 14:15

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Let Go Let God Find Inner Peace

My heart overflows with the love of God.

I am blessed with a spiritual sanctuary available at all times. It is a quiet inner space where I retreat from the bustle of the day and enter into the perfect love and peace of God. With my mind and heart open, I let cares and concerns gently fall away and consciously feel my unity with God’s Presence. I am nurtured—body, mind and soul. Centered in God, I am peaceful. I am peace. I am. As I resume the activities of this day—replenished, poised, filled with gratitude and clarity of purpose—my step is lighter and my outlook brighter. My countenance radiates peace, for I have experienced a personal retreat into sacred love.
The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.—Philippians 4:7

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Let Go Let God Be Light

Divine light radiates in me as God’s love, peace and joy.

The flame of a single candle can light the darkness. When its fire is shared with other candles, the glow brightens all that surrounds them. Just as the original candle’s flame is not compromised, so the energy of one human spirit is not diminished by being shared. As I radiate the light of God within me, those around me are bathed in its brilliance, and my own light grows. The radiance of God’s peace, love and joy shine forth when I share my passion for life’s blessings. My energy inspires others who let their lights shine. Passed on from one person to another, this blessing touches all. Even in the darkest moments, God’s love shines. As I share my light, I know it makes a difference, helping to brighten the way for others.
The human spirit is the lamp of the Lord, searching every innermost part.—Proverbs 20:27

Friday, December 7, 2012

Let Go Let God in World Peace

Peace and harmony abound in our world.
Peace is a divine idea that lives in the hearts and minds of all humankind. When conflicts arise, our hearts cry out for peace. Although we may not know how to bring peace to the external world, we can bring peace to our internal world, which is the first step. I begin by practicing peace within. Keeping my focus on God, I embody peace and cultivate calm in the face of challenge. My serenity touches those nearest me and ripples out to others. If I become upset for any reason, I re-establish inner peace by aligning myself with the presence of God within. Peace and harmony expand in the world through each individual who chooses peace. At the core of my being, and in the hearts of all humankind, God abides as deepest peace.
Be at peace with one another.—Mark 9:50

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Let Go Let God in Divine Order

Doors of opportunity fly open in divinely ordered ways.

If new possibilities have not manifested as I expected, I remain peaceful and calm. In this centered state, I am able to release disappointment and trust in divine order for the demonstration of all good. Relief washes over me and erases any unease. With renewed optimism, I see divine order unfolding with perfect synchronicity, efficiency and timing.
A chance encounter may lead me to the person or circumstance that holds the key to new opportunity for me. It matters not how or why we were brought together—I have faith that the connection occurred by divine appointment and in divine order. Expectantly, I see the doorway of good swinging open before me now.
Look, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut.—Revelation 3:8

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide the Gift

I give and receive from the flow of God’s good.

A beloved Unity author once wrote, “There must be an equal conscious receiving from the Father and giving out to the world … to keep perfect harmony.” This means harmony is established as I give and receive from the flow of God’s good. So it is that I open myself to participate in the divine circulation of prosperity. I joyously accept the gifts that enrich my life and generously share and express them as Spirit leads. I may choose to teach what I have learned, make things with my hands or quietly live the truth and be an example to others. Just as there are a variety of gifts, there are endless ways to give. In harmony with the flow of giving and receiving, I receive with gratitude and give with joy.
Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above.—James 1:17

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Let Go Let God Be Able

I am able!

This powerful affirmation can be a daily statement of faith: I am able. It is a positive reminder that I can accomplish any task, reach any goal, and succeed in every area of my life. I am able. There is no power stronger than the Spirit of God within me. When circumstances seem to hold me back, I trust the power of God within me to lead the way. I proceed in faith. It is up to me to use my abilities as best I know. As I learn and grow, I discover new strengths, new abilities and new avenues of expression. I feel Spirit supporting me with each step. In every new challenge, I confidently affirm: I am able.
I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.—Job 42:2

Monday, December 3, 2012

Let Go Let God Be Radiant

I am the radiant life of God.

If I am experiencing a health challenge, I remember God is Life and God lives in me. Turning within, I visualize the radiant life of God doing a mighty work of healing in me.
God-life is part of every cell and atom of my body. It balances the functioning of my organs, binds tissues that need repair, and strengthens my soul as well as my body. Because all creation is an expression of God as life in the world, I give thanks for radiant healing even before it manifests. I am the radiant life of God in every moment of my life. I celebrate my life energy by making healthy choices, engaging in prayer and meditation, and living in peace. God-life flows through me and all creation, and I am grateful!
Look to him, and be radiant.–Psalm 34:5

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Let Go Let God Have Faith

Christ in me is perfect life, love and substance.

Christ in me is my spiritual self; it is without beginning or end. I was created in the image and likeness of God, a perfect spiritual being. This perfection is the Christ in me. It is the part of me that is unchanging and indestructible. The Christ in me is perfect life, love and substance. My hope and faith are focused on fulfilling the Christ potential in my body, in my mind and in my heart. Nothing is impossible; nothing is too difficult to handle. The perfection of the Christ Spirit is working in and through me. This Presence loves, guides and supports me. It helps me heal my body and relationships. It inspires me to move mountains. I have faith in the Christ within.
We have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God.—1 Corinthians 2:12

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Acceptance

As a creation of God, I shine my light into the world.

I am a unique creation of God in a divinely created world. I am right where I belong. If I ever feel as though I don’t fit in, I remember I am loved by Spirit, created by God and accepted just as I am. As an individual with unique skills and abilities, I am here to express the qualities of Spirit only I can express. I bring a special light and love to every experience. In what I think, say and do, I make a positive difference in the world. I allow God’s spirit to shine brightly in and through me. All that is good, all that is loving, all that is intelligent, all that is acceptable lives in me, for God’s spirit is within me. As I become more accepting of myself and others, I am accepted. I belong; I am in my perfect place.
He delivered me, because he delighted in me. —Psalm 18:19