Divine Orders Shop

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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Let Go Let God Evolve

Through my Human Experience I am Evolving as a Spiritual Being. 

I am growing in awareness of my potential as a child of God. Life experiences that I may be tempted to see as missteps are not occasions for self-blame or faultfinding but are instead opportunities to practice self-awareness and spiritual growth. Divine attributes including understanding, wisdom, love, faith, and strength support my evolution as a spiritual being. They are within me as seeds that sprout and roots that deepen during my life journey. In prayer, I claim them as aspects of my divine identity, calling upon them and practicing consciously drawing upon them in everyday life. I am patient as I remember that evolution is a gradual process. Spiritual evolution is lifelong, and its rewards are beyond measure. 

It is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in the garden; it grew and became a tree.—Luke 13:19

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