Divine Orders Shop

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Friday, March 6, 2020

Let Go Let God Pray

I Claim my Good in Prayer. 

Prayer is a sacred activity, a way of feeling connected to God as well as to everyone and everything in the universe. Prayer lifts me to a new awareness of my divine identity. The time I spend in affirmative prayer sustains me whenever I am facing a challenge in my life or feel concerned about someone else. Should I feel less than whole, I call upon the life within as I pray. If I question my next step, I look to the light within and let wisdom guide my words and actions. I remember that I am a being of love and I express that love to others. My day feels brighter as I fulfill my intention to be a light each day. With each prayer, I give thanks, knowing that the good I seek is already awaiting my claim.

Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive.—Matthew 21:22

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