Divine Orders Shop

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Sunday, March 15, 2020

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

As I Pray for Others, I Affirm Unfolding Good in their Lives and in Mine. 

Honored by the trust of those who request my prayers, I listen with compassion and then release all thoughts of illness, lack, limitation, or inharmony. Knowing that my responsibility is not to set the situation right but to see it rightly, I look beyond challenging conditions and attune to the essential truth that the one for whom I pray is created in God’s image and is seeking to express God’s likeness, just as all people are, just as I am. I know that the divine presence, the Christ, is present both in me and in the one for whom I pray. It restores wholeness in mind, body, and emotions, guiding all decisions, inspiring prospering ideas, and bringing harmony and peace to all relationships.
The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.—Psalm 145:18

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