Divine Orders Shop

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Monday, March 16, 2020

Let Go Let God Grow

Rooted in a Community, I Grow and Evolve. 

Everything that a tree will be is contained within a small seed, but for the tree to grow the seed must break open, anchor itself in the earth, and then reach for the light. Some seeds need pressure to sprout, others just need time. Some must even be exposed to heat before they are able to crack open. I make sure to create fertile ground for the seeds within me to burst open in my awareness, grow deep, strong roots, and expand into the light of illumination. One way I do that is to find my spiritual home and become a member of a community of faith. This provides me with the support I need through the years that it takes to germinate the seeds of possibility I carry inside. I take root, I grow, and all the best blossoms forth in my life!

Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God.—Luke 8:11

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