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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Let Go Let God for Blessings

I Give Thanks for all that Blesses me Today.

 A classic hymn’s refrain reminds me to “Count your blessings, name them one by one.” These words encourage me to realize that each day holds much to be thankful for when I remind myself to notice. I am lifted up when I encounter beauty, experience kindness, hear a giggle, or see the smile on a child’s face. Even the smallest things add up to a bounty of blessings by the end of the day. Looking for the good helps me to recognize blessings I might have overlooked and prepares me to receive those blessings yet to come. I balance my desires—fulfilling achievements, experiences, or relationships—by being grateful for the blessings already in my life. At day’s end, when I give thanks for what has blessed me, I am light, content, and at peace.

Happy are the people to whom such blessings fall.—Psalm 144:15

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