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Monday, April 30, 2012

Let Go Let God Expect the Best

God is my companion and guide at all times and in all places.
I may have certain expectations about my finances, relationships or future goals, but I don't place limits on the good I expect. My expectations are high, and my vision is wide--wide enough to include a world of unlimited possibilities. I release any struggle and have faith in God, my constant companion and guide.
An unexpected change--or even an expected one--might seem like the last thing I would ask for; but over time, its value becomes clear. My life is unfolding in divine order. As I remain at peace with what is and listen for divine direction, I move into new experiences with grace and ease. I cooperate with my spirit and expect only the best from this divine journey.
My sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me.--John 10:27

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Let Go Let God Be Confident

I move through my life with complete confidence.
At times I may forget I am complete and whole just as I am. If so, I consciously reconnect with God through prayer and meditation. My confidence increases as I remember I am one with Spirit, safe and secure.
Aware I am one with the One, I have nothing to fear. Everything I need is provided--strength, knowledge, faith, health, joy, peace and more. With confidence, I move forward, leaping into the unknown with courage. I do things I've always dreamed of doing and step beyond any perceived boundaries or obstacles. With a deep breath, I jump into life fully and feel the joy of passionate and confident living.
I myself feel confident about you, my brothers and sisters, that you yourselves are full of goodness.--Romans 15:14

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Let Go Let God Find Inner Peace

I am tranquil as I experience love and peace within me.
As I walk along the shoreline, watch the sun rise at the start of the day, or listen to the patter of rain on my roof, I feel peace within me. Nature is a reminder that God is everywhere present.
Tranquility settles in as I contemplate the activity of God's spirit. I call forth peace and attune my inner ear to the word of divine guidance, encouragement, love and faith that emanates from within. The vastness, the power, the glory of God await me in my inner sanctuary.
As I face the daily demands of my life, and the occasional chaos, I remember the peace that lies within and draw from its strength. Nothing can disturb the peace of my soul.
Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.--Philippians 4:9

Friday, April 27, 2012

Let Go Let God Give Wisdom

Wise and prepared, I make right choices.

When Solomon met God face to face in a dream shortly after becoming king, he had the opportunity to ask for anything God might give him. His only request was for "an understanding mind"--the ability to discern right choices in governing his people.
Like Solomon, I have access to an understanding mind. I have the capacity for wise insight and spiritual perspective. This allows me to choose which thoughts I hold in mind, which words I speak, which actions I take.
I exercise my faculty of wisdom in small everyday choices, while strengthening my connection with God through prayerful meditation. When a major decision is needed, I am prepared. With wisdom, I make right choices.
Give your servant therefore an understanding mind.--1 Kings 3:9

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Let Go Let God in Harmony

I am one with the harmonizing love of God.

When I think of the word harmony, I think of God, for all harmony is of God. It's found in the ebb and flow of the ocean, a gentle breeze blowing through the trees, the rhythmic beating of my heart. The harmony of God is seen in the movement of a ballet dancer, the colors of a rainbow, the vast expanse of stars in the sky.
If I feel situations in my life are less than harmonious, I remember the harmony of God is "through all and in all." I think beyond any situation I am concerned about and remember the harmony of God is at work in everything I see, everything I do, and everything I experience. I relax in an awareness of divine love and feel harmony envelop me and fill my world with peace.
One God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.--Ephesians 4:6

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

Confident and assured, I trust my inner guidance.

Traffic signs such as "Stop," "Yield" and "Railroad Crossing" give instructions to help us navigate the road. But divine guidance comes from within. It emerges as a feeling, an instinct, a repeating thought or an impression. Inner guidance may come in a slow dawning of awareness or in a flash of insight.
To access divine guidance, I become a spiritual observer. I notice the world around me and within me. Through centering prayer and mindfulness, I gain a deep understanding, a sense of assurance that brings me peace. With gratitude and positive anticipation, I follow my inner guidance.
I will lead the blind by a road they do not know, by paths they have not known I will guide them. --Isaiah 42:16

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Let Go Let God Shine Light

I am safely guided by the light of God.
Light is often synonymous with guidance. A lighthouse emits a beam of light to guide ships away from danger. Runway lights guide pilots to safe landing. Luminarias light up a welcoming path. The light of God within me is wisdom, knowledge and inspiration. I open my eyes both figuratively and literally to the world around me and allow the light of God to shine from within my deepest being. I am guided to peace, safety, abundance and fulfillment. I keep the light within shining through prayer and meditation. Open to God's illuminating presence, I recharge the light within so I may easily see the path before me.

If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me. --Psalm 139:9-10

Let Go Let God in Perfection

I give thanks for the perfection of God that lives in me.

When parents see their newborn baby, they see perfection. Any conceivable blemish is overlooked, for they are seeing through the eyes of love. They see only the perfection of God's creation, wondrously made.
God's perfection is integral to my world. I perceive it more clearly as I look at the people and situations in my life through the eyes of love. Doubts fall away as I focus my thoughts now on the perfection of God expressing. This perfection is at work in my life and in the lives of my loved ones as a guiding light, a healing presence, an all-encompassing grace.
I give thanks for God's perfection and for the many perfect blessings I experience each day.
Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.--Matthew 5:48

Monday, April 23, 2012

Let Go Let God All is in Divine Order

Attuned to divine order, I trust that all is well.
When I affirm "divine order," I am doing more than just uttering two words. I am attuning myself to the principle of God expressing as wisdom, intelligence and harmony in and through me. Divine order brings all aspects of my life and affairs into right relationship.
Affirming divine order, I surrender the need to know how a problem will resolve. I trust in the assurance of God's love and supply, which fulfills all my needs. As I let go of control, doors of opportunity open to me and resources come into view.
No matter what the circumstances, I align with divine order and trust that everything is unfolding perfectly.
You gave your good Spirit to instruct them.... Forty years you sustained them in the wilderness so that they lacked nothing.--Nehemiah 9:20, 21

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Let Go Let God on Blessed Earth

I am in awe of Earth's bountiful blessings.

God's loving Spirit permeates every atom of creation. Today I open my eyes and ears to behold the boundless variety and beauty of nature: a snowflake, a grain of sand, a glacier; a fawn, a fish, a colorful chameleon; the loud clap of thunder, the rhythmic lap of a wave against the shore, the inspiring sight of an eagle in flight.
From the tiniest seed of potential to a tall stand of trees stretching up to the heavens, our blessed earth reveals the infinite expression of Spirit. Today I breathe in the blessings of this wondrous planet. A deep appreciation of all life surges from within as I consider that God is within me and God is everywhere present. The love and life of God are abudantly on display, and I am grateful.
Then he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain and the earth yielded its harvest.--James 5:18

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Let Go Let God with Zeal

I embrace today with enthusiasm.

What a joy it is to watch children playing with happy abandonment! They live in the moment and enjoy every sight and sound in their world.
I, too, can live in the moment. When I remember that every moment is a God-moment, I can feel that same zeal and joy for life. I enjoy every sight and sound, every taste and smell, every relationship and experience with a new awareness, a new appreciation.
I have a new zeal for life, a new desire to experience the blessings of God in all their glory. I embrace today with joy and enthusiasm and give thanks for the God-moments that are coming my way, knowing they fill my life with joy.
Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, O righteous, and shout for joy all you upright in heart. --Psalm 32:11

Friday, April 20, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Insight

The wisdom of my soul brings me clear insights.

I can experience insight in many ways--while talking with a friend or prayer partner, while reading a book or article, or during meditation, contemplation or dreams.When I am open and receptive to a new way of viewing the world, I am able to gain a wider perspective. By paying attention to insights and shared wisdom, I open to deeper understanding.
If I don't know how to handle a perplexing situation, I ask for guidance by praying: "Divine Creator within, what is the Truth about this situation and its right resolution?"
With patience and quiet assurance, I open myself to receive insight from the wisdom of my soul, and I follow the guidance I receive.
I have good advice and sound wisdom; I have insight, I have strength. --Proverbs 8:14

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Let Go Let God for World Peace

I treat others with loving-kindness, co-creating a world at peace.

I hold in my heart the same teaching shared by all the world's religions: to treat others with the same loving-kindness I would like to receive myself. I am gentle and loving to the people I encounter, and I know consciousness will be shared with others.
It matters not where someone lives, how they dress, what language they speak, or how they worship. The differences that divide us pale in comparison to the similarities we share. We all grieve losses, celebrate joys, love our families, and hope for better days for our children. I value the lives of my neighbors around the world. The peace we all wish for depends upon the attitude and actions of each one of us. When I treat others with the same loving-kindness I would like to receive, I contribute to that peace.
Let brotherly love continue.--Hebrews 13:1

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Let Go Let God in Forgiveness

I give the gift of forgiveness for the blessing of peace of mind.

The word forgive is the combination of the words give and for. When I ask myself what I would be willing to give for peace of mind, I have a new understanding of what it means to forgive.
I give up attachment to pain and anger in order for me to enjoy a better life. I give up judgment or criticism of my own past actions for the freedom to live in loving ways.
I am willing to forgive a past occurrence, realizing that to hold on to the past only hurts me. I release unforgiving thoughts and replace them with love. Even situations I will never condone, I am able to forgive.
I forgive myself and others so I can focus my energy on creating a more peaceful, harmonious world.
Be kind to one another..., forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.--Ephesians 4:32

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Let Go Let God Provide Healing

Health is my natural state. My body responds to love and care.

The body is a wondrous system. With each breath, with each heartbeat, my body is renewed and restored. When pain alerts me to a need for healing, I respond with love and care. Rather than becoming tense, I breathe deeply, sending light and love to the places calling for attention.
The wisdom of God works through me and my health care providers, in cooperation with my body's innate healing power.
Health is my very nature. I relax and rest as my body responds to loving affirmations and care. I am grateful for the healing now in progress. I feel it, I see it and I know it. My body is refreshed, renewed and restored to wholeness.
It will be a healing for your flesh and a refreshment for your body. --Proverbs 3:8

Monday, April 16, 2012

Let Go, Let God

I open the door to infinite possibilities.
My affirmation of faith is "I release, and I let go." I release my desire to control people or situations. I let go of fear, worry and doubt. I trust in Divine Power, which is infinitely capable of establishing right outcomes.
I align myself with this Power through prayer and meditation, opening my mind and heart to the wisdom of the universe. I recall the promise: "I am with you always, to the end of the age." With this assurance, I find the strength to let go of anything holding me back.
Letting go and letting God is a choice. It empowers me to move forward with ease and confidence. It provides peace of mind and the assurance of divine order. As I let go and let God, I open the door to infinite possibilities.
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me.--John 14:1

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Let Go Let God Have the Capacity

I am a child of God, with wonder-working power.

As I awaken each day, I can either resist what is before me or celebrate it. I have the capacity to live this day fully and freely as a beloved child of God. I have the capacity to express love, joy and appreciation. I remember the presence of God in me, and as such, my hands do God's work. My mind is open to Divine Mind, and my thoughts are inspired.
Going with the flow, I feel God's wonder-working power moving through me and as me. I cooperate with others and sense our oneness. Problems are no problem! Right solutions come easily as a divine power opens doors and removes all roadblocks. With God in mind, I believe and I receive.
But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God.--John 1:12

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Let Go Let God Try Love

The supreme love of God knows no defeat.

Love is the solution to virtually every problem. Many of our human disturbances show evidence of a lack of love. When love is brought to bear upon a problem, we soon discover the solution.
If I find myself fearful or hostile toward another person or situation, I turn within to the supreme love of God that knows no defeat.
Perhaps I feel sick or tired, frustrated or concerned. If so, I try love. I fill my mind and body so full of love that there can be no place for dis-ease to linger. The swift flowing current of God's healing love purifies my body, mind and affairs.
Trouble cannot prevail against the power of divine love. When solving a problem seems impossible, I try love.
Let all that you do be done in love.--1 Corinthians 16:14

Friday, April 13, 2012

Let Go Let God with Joy

I am the joy of Spirit in expression.

Energized by the change of seasons, I put aside indoor activities when I have the chance to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine of the outdoors. Whether I tend my garden, take a long walk, or sit in the sun at an outdoor cafe, I rejoice in my surroundings.
Yet I can be a joyful person wherever I am, on any day. To prepare the way, I sit quietly, contemplating the presence of Spirit within me. Lingering in the presence of God-essence for a few moments, I feel my mind and body awaken to pure life and joy. I am ready to share the joy of my spirit with everyone I meet.
Spirit within fills my soul with joy. As I open the window of my soul, I let that joy shine out to the world.
Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice.--1 Chronicles 16:31

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Let Go Let God Just Be

I am relaxed and present to this moment.

If I've been speeding around from place to place, task to task, project to project, I gift myself with the experience of being present in this very moment. I set aside any thoughts or concerns about what needs to be done. I relax my body and mind, freeing myself to enjoy just being. Yes, I can just be!
Awareness of the rhythmic flow of my breath ushers me into a relaxed state. I needn't do anything, just be. Whether I enjoy an extended time in the silence or just a few quick moments, I derive the blessing. I am revitalized. The benefits from my time of rest encourage me to take time every day to just be. Be quiet. Be still. Be at peace.
I give thanks for moments of pause and peace that nourish me. Renewed, I embrace the activities ahead with enthusiasm.
One does not live by bread alone.--Luke 4:4

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Let Go Let God in Wellness

I am well in mind, body and spirit.
As I focus on wellness--whether mental, physical or spiritual--I become healthier in every area of my life.
Affirmations of Truth promote my mental well-being. I affirm: I am wise with the wisdom of Spirit. I am guided by the light of God. I am one with Divine Mind. I am well.
To care for my physical body, I get adequate rest, eat healthy food and keep my body moving with vigor and enthusiasm. My actions are expressions of faith. I am one with Divine Life. I am strong and I am well.
Prayer and meditation nurture my spiritual health. In the silence, I listen for instruction and guidance. I experience the total well-being that flows from God's presence in me. I am well in mind, body and spirit.
He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace."--Luke 8:48

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Let Go Let God with Divine Mind

I am one with Divine Mind, the essence of all that is.

Divine Mind is "the one and only reality," and the mind of an individual can be one with Divine Mind. Everything that exists and everything I experience--the past, the future and the present moment--are aspects of the infinite mind of God.
In prayer, I connect with Divine Mind and listen deeply, opening my mind and heart to what will enlighten, guide and inspire me. If an idea comes to me, prayer and meditation allow me to explore the idea and discern its wisdom. By learning to listen deeply and consciously, I connect with the essence of all that is, the full perfection of the universe.
I give thanks for the presence of Divine Mind within me and within all creation.
Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.--Genesis 1:3

Monday, April 9, 2012

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

Placing my faith in God, I pray for the highest good for all.
I pray knowing God is active in all people; God is their help in every need. When a family member or friend requests prayer, I affirm their highest good and entrust the outcome to God. I focus on divine ideas of wholeness, abundance, peace and guidance--the truth of their being. I release worry and fear, replacing them with positive affirmations and images, and the assurance of answered prayer.
Similarly, when I pray for people around the world, I turn my attention from reports of dysfunction and disorder. I charge my creative thoughts with positive energy and loving-kindness. I hold a vision of abundance, peace and health for all people. Placing my faith in God, I pray for the highest good for all.
I am grateful to God ... when I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day.--2 Timothy 1:3

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Let Go Let God this is Easter!

I awaken from illusion into life renewed!

On Easter, we awaken from the illusion of death into renewed life. We are propelled into higher levels of consciousness and greater expressions of good.
I revel in the freedom of releasing restriction and limitation. No longer do challenges hold my body, mind or emotions captive. The trepidation, which once threatened to bind me, now disintegrates into nothingness. I am unfettered and unbound. The heavy stones that seemed to block my path are rolled away, clearing the avenues of liberation before me.
I allow the Christ Spirit to rise triumphant in me. Boldly, I embrace a new way of thinking, an affirmative way of being, and a grand and glorious way of living. Today I celebrate renewed life!
Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.--Luke 24:5

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Let Go Let God Be Free

I follow Spirit, and I am free.

Guided and inspired by Spirit, Moses led the ancient Israelites out of bondage in Egypt. To escape slavery, people had to change their thinking and claim their freedom. As long as they believed someone or something had power over them, they submitted to that power and remained enslaved.
My own limitations can similarly be traced to erroneous beliefs about myself and the world. Today I release the belief that I lack any gifts or attributes. I deny that anyone or anything has power over me. I claim my freedom as a child of God, blessed with everything I need to be an expression of love and power in this world. I open to Spirit's guidance and advance toward my highest good. I am free!
Moses said to the people, "Remember this day on which you came out of Egypt."--Exodus 13:3

Friday, April 6, 2012

Let Go Let God this Good Friday

I stand firm in my faith. Good shall be victorious.

Contemplating the life and teachings of Jesus, I realize the emphasis should be on victory rather than sorrow, on Jesus' triumph over death. His faith enabled him to stand firm. In faith, he proved that while appearances are transitory and conditions are changing, God's love, life and power are changeless and undefeatable.
If the good in my life seems hard to grasp, I center myself in Truth. I am also a child of God and neither will I go down in defeat. God is with me and good is at work in my life. Clouds may seem dark for a time, I may feel I've lost my way, but as I stand firm in faith, light penetrates the darkness and I am lifted up.
Whatever is born of God conquers the world. And this is the victory that conquers the world, our faith.--1 John 5:4

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Let Go Let God Find Comfort

I find comfort in my heart today.

Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. I am earth and I am heaven. I am human and I am divine. The human part of me may be the only self I have known, but the divine self is revealed to me as I turn to God and lift my mind and heart in prayer. Earth meets heaven, and clouds dissolve in light as the Spirit of truth ascends in my mind and brings me understanding.
I may experience sorrow or sadness, but strength, joy and understanding are mine even then. When circumstances cast me down, when fear crowds joy and courage from my heart, something in me says: This is not true of you, this is not true of life. This message is the divine self healing the human self. It is the healing that transforms my life.
I saw a new heaven and a new earth.--Revelation 21:1

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Let Go Let God for Prosperity

I am grateful for blessings manifested and all those yet to be.

I open my mind to divine substance everywhere present and from which all blessings flow. I affirm the fields are ripe for harvesting now, rather than postponing my good to the distant future. I recognize and give thanks for all that is mine today.
With my focus on God, I also open myself to receive that which I desire. Divine ideas take root in my mind, and I nurture them with faith. I shape them into reality through my thoughts, feelings and actions. Whether the idea is for a creative solution, an ingenious invention or a new job, it is born of divine substance and the activity of God.
I am grateful for my present good and for the continual blessings coming my way.
Do you not say, "Four months more, then comes the harvest?" But I tell you, look around you, and see how the fields are ripe for harvesting.--John 4:35

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Let Go Let God in Faith

God's love is unchanging and unlimited.

I am never separate from God's love. Faith invites me to look beyond a challenging situation to see I am not alone. Even in the darkest times, a constant light guides my way. That light, that guidance, is Spirit.
My faith tells me I am a beloved child of the Divine Creator. It urges me to claim my inheritance and gratefully acknowledge the unfailing Source--God the good, omnipotent.
Through the perfect love of God, nothing is withheld from me. Whether I make mistakes or enjoy great success, God's love is unchanging and unlimited. Whatever I need is available as I open to the flow of divine ideas and healing energy in me.
For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come ... will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.--Romans 8:38, 39

Monday, April 2, 2012

Let Go Let God Enter a Sacred Space

All that I seek is right where I am.
Many places around the world are considered holy by people of various faith traditions. I may visit such places and find inspiration; yet I am reminded that anywhere I am is holy ground. I needn't travel to commune with God. The One Power and One Presence is everywhere present, wherever I am. I need only pause, take a breath and become aware of the Presence within and around me.
Closing my eyes in prayer, I enter a sacred space, a holy place of peace. With each breath, I feel the activity of God moving through my life. All that I seek is right where I am. I close my prayer with gratitude for God's eternal presence.
Then he said, "Come no closer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground."--Exodus 3:5

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Let Go Let God on Palm Sunday

Everything I do, I do "in the name of the Lord."
As I enter into Holy Week, I vow to make this a holy week in my life. I open my heart and mind to the Christ in me. With a quiet spirit, I go about my business. I take time to pray. I practice being still. I practice the presence of God.
Today, on Palm Sunday, as I think upon Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, I remember how the multitude is said to have greeted him shouting, "Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!"
With every thought I hold in mind, with every prayer of my heart, I welcome the Lord of my being. Within me dwells the Lord of peace, the Lord of life, the Lord of light. Through the Christ in me, I can do all things. In Christ consciousness, I am blessed.
Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!--Mark 11:9