I am abundantly blessed when I give and receive.
spiritual law of giving and receiving brings forth abundant blessings.
In my sacred prayer time, Spirit reveals to me the ways that I can give
and be of service. This law is very simple. If I desire to experience
more love in my life, I give love. If peace is what I seek, I offer
peace. Spiritual teacher Florence Scovel Shinn shared that giving
opens the way for receiving. I remember these words of truth and know
that giving and receiving are like different sides of the same coin. Spirit
opens my mind and heart to both give and receive. With gratitude I
receive abundant blessings. There is a dynamic exchange that occurs when
I allow others to share with me. I am abundantly blessed when I
participate in the flow of energy in the Universe.
Give, and it will be given to you.—Luke 6:38
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