I give thanks in prayer for blessings received and yet to be received.
feel at peace as I pray. My prayers can be a murmuring emanating from
my soul in the midst of a busy day or a time I set aside to enrich my
relationship with God. I pray with the understanding that no condition
nor situation is too big for a divine solution. Power for good is
released in prayer. When I open my perception to the power of united
prayer, I imagine each person in the world
as a point of light. I envision areas aglow
with prayer. Some nearly uninhabited regions may have only one person
linked in this prayer chain; however, this individual light is as bright
as any other. Prayer is a way I honor God. I give thanks for blessings received and yet to be received.
By day the Lord commands his steadfast love, and at night his song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life.—Psalm 42:8
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