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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Let Go Let God with the New Dawn

I greet each new dawn with excitement for the day ahead.
Each day gives me an opportunity for a new beginning. This moment is a new moment, a point of possibility from which infinite directions radiate. Creation is always happening, and the dawn of a new life for me begins right now. Just as the Bible starts with the words, “In the beginning, God ...,” so I begin again this moment in the exact same way. My prayerful commitment is to begin with God—a different attitude, new ideas, a refreshed me. In what new way can I look at things? What might I have overlooked or need to see differently? I resolve to face this day with a spirit of newness, a spirit of life and creation. Today is my new dawn!
But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full day.—Proverbs 4:18

Friday, September 29, 2017

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

When I pray for others, I envision their inner light of God shining through.
Loved ones may physically be miles away from me, but they are forever in my heart. So when I remember them in my prayers, I do not start with a thought of worry. Rather, I begin my prayer by acknowledging that the Christ Presence within them is a part of my Christ Self. Despite being apart, we are one in the presence of God. I see my dear ones standing in the Truth of who they are. If they are facing difficulties, I pray that they remain open to the nurturing presence of God-life within that strengthens and guides. Wherever they may be, each soul can accept the flow of divinity. Each person is one with God’s presence and love, and one with me in Spirit. I simply affirm this Truth when I pray.

For ‘In him we live and move and have our being’; as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we too are his offspring.’—Acts 17:28

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Let Go Let God in Prosperity

I joyously anticipate new adventures in prosperous living.

In his book Spiritual Economics, Eric Butterworth explained, “The word prosperity comes from the Latin root which literally translates: ‘according to hope,’ or ‘to go forward hopefully.’ Thus it is not so much a condition in life as it is an attitude toward life.” With this in mind, I focus my thinking on what I want to experience in this adventure called life. If I slip into thoughts of lack, I realign by centering myself again in the peace and assurance of God’s love and abundance. Prosperity is a way of living, of expecting good outcomes, and answered prayers. It is a consciousness of believing in possibilities and going forward in hope. Anticipating new adventures in prosperous living, I give thanks for all I have and for the blessings yet to come.

For surely I know the plans I have for you.–Jeremiah 29:11

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Let Go Let God be Optimistic

The light of God brightens my day.
A glorious sunrise sparks gratitude and optimism. With the dawning of each new day I mentally connect with God and my inner light. I am reminded of the Truth I already know: One with the divine light of God, I can do anything! Optimism reigns and I approach every fresh idea with enthusiasm and any seeming obstacle with confidence. When I need to make decisions, I turn within for inspiration, alternatives, and possibilities. Like the rising sun, the light of God brightens my view, reminding me that I have the power within to live the life I want to live. I view each day as a new opportunity to more fully express my divine potential and experience my good.
Jesus looked at them and said, “For mortals it is impossible, but not for God; for God all things are possible.”—Mark 10:27

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Let Go Let God Contribute to World Peace

I act with reverence for all and contribute peace to the world.
There is truth to the adage “peace begins with me.” Rather than waiting for the conditions of the world to shift, I allow peace to express through me right now. I let go of what I see in the world around me and find my inner spirit of harmony. I radiate this goodwill outward—into my world and beyond. I visualize myself as a source of infinite peace, allowing it to influence my tone of voice, my facial expressions, my choice of words. In every encounter with others, I put on this spirit of peace and imagine how my calming presence affects them, bringing them stillness. In this way, I am doing my part in creating harmony in the world. My peaceful heart and gentle presence work through all I do, establishing more peace on earth.

The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.—Numbers 6:26

Monday, September 25, 2017

Let Go, Let God

I let the indwelling Spirit guide my steps.
Spirit’s eternal and internal wisdom guides me in where to go, what to do, what to say, and to whom. When I heed this still, small voice, my relationship to Spirit grows stronger and the voice of Spirit grows clearer. There may be times when those closest to me—friends, coworkers, or family—may disagree or disapprove of my decisions. When this happens, I remember to let go of the need for others’ approval or agreement. I let go of the need to explain or justify my behavior to those who might feel threatened in their belief system because of my choices. As I live my life with increasing authenticity and integrity, I feel greater peace and well-being. With faith and conviction, I let God, rather than other people, direct my way.
Our steps are made firm by the Lord, when he delights in our way.—Psalm 37:23

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Let Go Let God as One Presence

I am one with God, open and receptive to divine love, light, wisdom, and life.
The presence and power of God is always with me, available to me in all situations. How empowering it feels to know that the same creative force responsible for extensive galaxies and brilliant sunrises is also a part of who I am! The more I cooperate by consciously acknowledging and allowing Spirit to work in and through me, the better things are in my life. God is the One Presence. If I feel opposed, separate, or influenced negatively, it is because I have distanced or blocked myself from this goodness. If I feel separation, it is up to me to reopen my mind, heart, and life to the flow of good that is always seeking me. I affirm: I am one with God, open and receptive to divine love, light, wisdom, and life.

One God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.—Ephesians 4:6

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Let Go Let God be Comforted

I find comfort in the eternal love of God.
During times of loss and challenge, I find solace in the enduring love of the Divine. I reflect upon the centuries of people who have turned to this powerful energy we name God, Yahweh, Spirit, and Allah. No matter how much the world may change or advances made in science and technology, God is eternally available for our needs. Perspectives may change, yet the Divine remains as unwavering love. Every language and every era reveals God is love surrounding us. In my hour of darkness, I am enfolded in the same love that comforted Jesus when he was troubled. I enter into a time of prayer and relax into the embrace of the Creator. Welcomed home with love, I return to the place in my heart where comfort abides.

O give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.—Psalm 136:26

Friday, September 22, 2017

Let Go Let God be Unique

I am an individual expression of the Divine.
Moments spent in nature are opportunities to appreciate this divinely created world. My attention is often drawn to the beauty and vast diversity and unity around me. Fully immersed in the world of the outdoors, my heart fills with gratitude for the sights and sounds of the natural world. If all birds sang the same tune or if flowers bloomed in just one color and with the same scent, the world would not be as bright and colorful. I am a child of God, patterned after the Divine. Like those songbirds and flowers, I am unique. Even though I share the same spiritual qualities as others, I am an individual expression of the Divine. I embrace all that I am and do and extend my own uniqueness out into the world. I am created for a purpose that I am guided toward fulfilling.
For we are what he has made us.—Ephesians 2:10

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Let Go Let God be Sheltered

I am sheltered in divine love.
Emmet Fox wrote, “There is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer; no disease that love will not heal; no door that enough love will not open ... A sufficient realization of love will dissolve it all. If only you could love enough you would be the happiest and most powerful being in the world.” Divine love and energy protect me in so many ways. When I think thoughts of God, my faith quickly dispels any worry or doubt, thus protecting me from my own negative thinking. As I feel the fullness of Spirit, I grow in faith and confidence. I can and do live each day with self-assurance and serenity. Sheltered in the tender care of Spirit and basking in the glow of divine light, I am at peace. I am one with the strength and protection of Spirit.
I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff—they comfort me.—Psalm 23:4

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Let Go Let God with a Cheerful Heart

I choose the lighter, brighter way.
The “Peace Prayer” attributed to St. Francis presents a series of dualistic couplets: “... Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon ... ” and on. The prayer uses opposing principles to illustrate guiding truths. I have the power to choose cheerfulness instead of gloom, so I choose the attitude that reflects Spirit within. I can be the bright smiling one, the warm hugger, or the friendly greeter. When I share my cheerful heart with the world, I act as a change agent for good. I carry the force that turns the tide for the better and brightens others’ life experience. My light-hearted outlook fills the world around me with greater joy. I choose the lighter, brighter way.

A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a downcast spirit dries up the bones.—Proverbs 17:22

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Let Go Let God as Patience

Aligned with God Mind, I embody infinite patience.
If I have an important event or meeting on my schedule, I may feel anxious or concerned. When these feelings arise, I acknowledge them and then remind myself that nothing can delay or obstruct the perfect unfoldment of my life. Taking a deep breath, I pause to pray. In prayer, I acknowledge that I live and move and have my being within the infinite mind of God. As I become conscious of my oneness with Divine Mind, I readily release any fears about the future and become fully present and focused on the now. With renewed hope and gratitude, I remember there is a divine order underlying all life. Regardless of outer appearances, every person and event is conspiring toward my highest good.
Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.—Romans 12:12

Monday, September 18, 2017

Let Go Let God for Guidance

I walk a path of divine light and wisdom.
My life’s journey is never made alone, for I am one with God wherever I am and in all my interactions with others. Everywhere I go and in everything I do, I do so in the light of God. My divine connection opens me to new ideas and experiences. My role is to be aware of and receptive to them. Rather than waking up still carrying concerns from the previous day, I choose to awaken with a peaceful heart, expecting blessings to come my way. I see divinity in the smile of a stranger and the leaves on the trees. I feel it in the warmth of the sun, the touch of a loved one’s hand. I experience it in the appreciation of a friend and in the assurance that God is with me. One with God, I walk a path of light and wisdom.
Rise up, walk through the length and the breadth of the land, for I will give it to you.—Genesis 13:17

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Let Go Let God Connect with Communication

I listen to others with love and respect.
Communicating effectively is a skill that I can hone. I do when I remember that I share the same divine intelligence within me as the person I am addressing. Asking myself, What does this soul need? leads me to what to say and how to say it. In this way, I am touching infinite wisdom and my every word is divinely guided. When Jesus told the disciples that the Spirit would speak through them in times of difficulty, he was illustrating the important truth that no one is separate from Divine Intelligence. We are all connected with the deepest needs of each other’s souls. As I affirm my inner link with my own wise heart, I receive exactly the guidance I need to connect with each soul in my world.

For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.—Matthew 10:20

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Let Go Let God with Faith

I say “yes” to the call of Spirit.
When having to make quick decisions with little time to prepare or research, faith reminds me where my intentions belong. My inner faith gives me a gentle nudge to turn within, and to be still and know. The flow of Spirit is ever-present and in this new moment I say “yes” to the call of Spirit in all areas of my life. I recognize and realize that the power of God in me brings forth my heart’s desire. Aligning my faith with my daily actions keeps me centered and solid on my path moving forward. Even when I do not know how things will work out, I affirm: Nothing is impossible with God! As I continue my life’s journey, one step at a time, my way is illumined before me. I say “yes” to the call of Spirit.

For nothing will be impossible with God.—Luke 1:37

Friday, September 15, 2017

Let Go Let God through Healing

Divine life restores my body to its natural state of wholeness.
Anytime I feel less than well, I pause, become still, and quiet my mind. In prayer, I remember that I am God’s beloved child. I know deep within me that my true state of being is health and wholeness. Silently I affirm: Divine life restores my body to its natural state of wholeness. I relax further as divine life energy blesses every cell of my body. As I remember the truth of my divine inheritance, a spiritual pattern of perfection acts upon my body to restore it to its natural state of wholeness. Every cell and every tissue is invigorated, renewed, and restored. I am energized by the divine life of God. I affirm wholeness and love throughout my body, and my innate wellness is revealed. Divine life and energy radiate through me now.

For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.—Psalm 36:9

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Let Go Let God on this World Day of Prayer

I AM peace.
How do I contribute to peace in world conflicts? With Divine Intelligence, I am reminded to be the presence of peace. As Desmond Tutu once stated, “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” When my thoughts, words, and actions are in harmony, I naturally project my internal peace to the outer world. Prayer by prayer, thought by thought, action by action, I raise my consciousness to be peace. My words heal and harmonize, uplift and appreciate. Boldly, I walk a path of peace guided by inner wisdom. All that I do fosters mutual blessings. Because I AM peace, I reflect the presence of peace in the midst of every circumstance.

Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace—in peace because they trust in you.—Isaiah 26:3

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Let Go Let God be Free

I am happy, whole, and free!
Ernest Holmes wrote, “Spirit is happy, whole, free, filled with joy, eternal in its existence ... All your highest hopes and dreams have come from it.” These words are reminders that I experience spiritual freedom when I consciously center my heart in God and direct my life, founded on spiritual principle. If I were to live my life based on what others think and say, I sacrifice my own freedom and may experience limitation. Yet when I align my mind and heart with Spirit, I begin to experience spiritual freedom. Prayer, meditation, and communion with God are tools I can use to connect to Christ Consciousness. When I seek God in mind and heart, I develop a sense of well-being that cannot be destroyed by any external force. I am free!
So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.—John 8:36

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Let Go Let God with Energy

I am sustained and motivated by divine energy.
I can care for myself holistically—in body, mind, and spirit. I rely on the essence of God within me, the Christ Spirit, as my source of life, wisdom, and guidance. I seek balance as I give attention to the different aspects of my life. I use my energy wisely. My nourishment comes both from healthy food choices and from spiritual nutrition in the form of inspiration and intuition. I exercise my body daily and enjoy the benefits of increased strength and stamina. I stimulate my mind through attention to ongoing learning and exploration. I live as a spiritual being—with intention and purpose. I am motivated to use my energy to create a meaningful life for myself and in support of people I love and causes I believe in.
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.–John 10:10

Monday, September 11, 2017

Let Go Let God Forgive

In practicing forgiveness, I open the way for love to flow.
When a river’s path is blocked with debris, the force of the water eventually removes its own obstruction. Like that river, my energy flows easily and effortlessly until I come upon a situation that causes mental or emotional blockage. So I pause to consider the situation. I observe my life and energy now as if I were sitting beside a river. Where is it flowing and ebbing, and how does each condition feel? Often a hindrance can be removed by forgiveness and love. Is there an opportunity in this moment to forgive? To love? I identify where a shift can happen and speak heartfelt words of release. I feel the mental debris moving away. In practicing forgiveness, I open the way for love to flow.

If we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is perfected in us.—1 John 4:12

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Let Go Let God as Joy

I express the spiritual gift of joy.
Happiness can come into my life from the world around me. People, places, events, opportunities—these things and many more make me happy. And that’s a good thing! Yet joy is different. Such a small word with a sometimes complicated explanation. It’s an essential part of who I AM—a spiritual quality that remains unaffected by the corporeal realm. In challenging moments, joy lingers, helping soothe my soul. Like all the spiritual qualities that define my Christ Presence, I feel it most powerfully when I freely share it with others. When I connect with the eternal substance of joy, I find the strength of Spirit to face external events or situations.
Then he said to them, “... This day is holy to our Lord; and do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”—Nehemiah 8:10

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Let Go Let God Provide Inner Peace

I relax in the peace of Spirit.
I may find myself becoming anxious about something I saw or heard in the news, or maybe I have engaged in another person’s personal drama. Breathe, I remind myself, Spirit is in charge. This simple focus relaxes me and provides a moment for me to balance my thoughts. This is a choice point for me. In the intimacy of prayer, I let go of any negativity and immerse myself in the indwelling peace within my own consciousness. As my awareness of my own divine essence increases, my burdens lift. Anxiety disappears. Peace prevails. A gentle peace fills every part of my being. I relax in the quiet of Spirit. I am inspired, directed, encouraged, and restored. I know what to do, and when to do it.

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways.—2 Thessalonians 3:16

Friday, September 8, 2017

Let Go Let God with a Gentle Nature

I am compassionate and gentle in spirit.
Throughout modern history, there have been many influential people renowned for their gentle nature—Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, to name just a few. Their approach to others was one of dignity and respect in a compassionate, caring manner. I, too, have the capacity to be this way. I can be gentle with family when doing every task. I am kind to myself as I take care of my body. I can be calm in the pace of everyday life, taking time to be the face and voice of compassion. I can develop a gentle nature in my interactions with others and the world around me. By being gentle with myself and others, I do my part in creating a more caring and compassionate world.
May my teaching drop like the rain, my speech condense like the dew; like gentle rain on grass, like showers on new growth.—Deuteronomy 32:2

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Let Go Let God all is in Divine Order

I am aligned with Spirit. All is in divine order.
When I am concerned about an outcome, I affirm: divine order. These words in and of themselves will not change anything, but when I say them, I am realigning myself with God-life within. I speak the words aloud or quietly and my mind, heart, and soul hear them and respond. Doing so I spark an eternal connection with divinity and to the order of the universe. I let go of my sense of what should happen to allow a divine outcome. I move forward with a sense of peace and confidence that all is well. With a sense of newness, I go about my day, seeing the good around me and the potential for order in all things. I affirm divine order, knowing that whatever seeming challenge appears before me will be resolved, and I will find the blessing it holds.

It is true. Hear, and know it for yourself.—Job 5:27

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Let Go Let God Through Change

I view every moment as an opportunity for change and transformation.
In Meditation, A Way of Life, Julien Bouchard writes, “Nothing is stable, nothing is static, everything is moving, everything is transforming and from one moment to another we are the spectators of our world’s renewal, of a new universe.” Rather than considering change as a fear of the unknown, I consider it an opportunity to transform the way that I think, feel, and act. I shift into new ways of being by shifting my perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs about myself and my world. Thought by thought I can change my outlook and my attitude, regardless of what is happening in my life or around me. I always have the power to change. Every moment is an opportunity for transformation.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.—Psalm 51:10

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Let Go Let God Appreciate Blessings Received

I am blessed beyond measure.
Rather than wait for a specific holiday to express gratitude, I pause throughout my day to reflect with deep appreciation on the blessings I receive. A beautiful sunrise is a reminder that the essence of God-life within also surrounds me, and I know that I am blessed. I share my gifts in the company of others and know that I am blessed. I connect and laugh with friends, smile at strangers, lend a hand when needed. With every breath I nourish my body temple with healthy food and positive thoughts. I know that I am blessed. Aware of the gifts I have received, I anticipate the abundant good that continues to flow, day after day. I am blessed beyond measure with God’s abundance.
You bestow on him blessings forever; you make him glad with the joy of your presence.—Psalm 21:6

Monday, September 4, 2017

Let Go Let God Relax

I care for my mind and body by taking time to relax.
Life can hold both internal and external demands at times. Rather than relaxing, my brain may be in a striving mentality—urging me to go full speed ahead toward accomplishing everything on my to-do list. Relaxation is important to my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. So I empty myself of stress and fill myself with peace. I engage in relaxing activities such as going for a walk in nature, listening to soothing music, or coloring in a page of an adult coloring book. I feel bathed in a calm, restorative energy. My thoughts focus on the peacefulness of the present moment. My body responds by releasing physical tension. I care for my mind and body by taking time to relax.

Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your body, what you will wear.—Matthew 6:25

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Let Go Let God in Life

Today I embrace the fullness and abundance of life.
My spiritual path is not one of sacrifice and lack. I release any belief that I came into this human experience as punishment—this thought is inconsistent with Jesus’ teachings. Jesus invites us to “have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10) and reminds us that there is spiritual good in even the most challenging of conditions. What is mine to do is to allow that spiritual life to express in every choice I make, every chance I take. There is no “future” in Spirit, and I AM a Being of Spirit. There is one Presence and Power in the universe, and I am blessed to be imbued with that divine essence. Today I embrace my life fully and give thanks for the love in which I experience it all.
Those who desire life and desire to see good days ... let them turn away from evil and do good; let them seek peace and pursue it.—1 Peter 3:10, 11

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Let Go Let Go Bless All Creatures

I give thanks for the diversity of all God’s creatures.
Animals are a vital, living part of the ecosystem. When I consider the thousands of species that inhabit the world, I am both amazed and grateful. I can learn a great deal about the animal kingdom as I watch how they interact. A mother bird instinctively builds a nest to protect her young. Elephants comfort one another when a member of the herd passes. I share in the joy of watching dogs wag their tails in excitement. I, too, am one of God’s creations, and as such, I recognize the Divine in all living beings. As a member of this ecosystem, I have an obligation to do my part in protecting my animal friends through awareness and support.
And God said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind: cattle and creeping things and wild animals of the earth of every kind.”—Genesis 1:24

Friday, September 1, 2017

Let Go Let God Today

What I do today brings blessings to me and to the world.
I cannot change yesterday, but I can take charge of today. Right here, right now, I have the ability and the passion for setting a new course in any area of my life. I do not look back on successes or failures of the past. I choose instead to live in the now. I create my day—moment by moment—with each decision, thought, prayer, and action I take. As I do, I am already creating my tomorrow. What I begin today is a cause that will have a future effect. I move forward each day, confident that I have the resources and ability to express divine life, love, and wisdom. I listen and follow my guidance as I create my day. All that I do brings blessings to me and to the world, one day at a time, starting now.
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.—Psalm 118:24