Divine Orders Shop

Divine Orders Shop
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Sunday, September 24, 2017

Let Go Let God as One Presence

I am one with God, open and receptive to divine love, light, wisdom, and life.
The presence and power of God is always with me, available to me in all situations. How empowering it feels to know that the same creative force responsible for extensive galaxies and brilliant sunrises is also a part of who I am! The more I cooperate by consciously acknowledging and allowing Spirit to work in and through me, the better things are in my life. God is the One Presence. If I feel opposed, separate, or influenced negatively, it is because I have distanced or blocked myself from this goodness. If I feel separation, it is up to me to reopen my mind, heart, and life to the flow of good that is always seeking me. I affirm: I am one with God, open and receptive to divine love, light, wisdom, and life.

One God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.—Ephesians 4:6

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