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Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Let Go Let God Contribute to World Peace

I act with reverence for all and contribute peace to the world.
There is truth to the adage “peace begins with me.” Rather than waiting for the conditions of the world to shift, I allow peace to express through me right now. I let go of what I see in the world around me and find my inner spirit of harmony. I radiate this goodwill outward—into my world and beyond. I visualize myself as a source of infinite peace, allowing it to influence my tone of voice, my facial expressions, my choice of words. In every encounter with others, I put on this spirit of peace and imagine how my calming presence affects them, bringing them stillness. In this way, I am doing my part in creating harmony in the world. My peaceful heart and gentle presence work through all I do, establishing more peace on earth.

The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.—Numbers 6:26

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