I do the work that is mine to do, and then I rest in faith.
Sabbath is not simply a regular day of the week. Charles Fillmore
writes: “The Sabbath is kept any time we enter into spiritual
consciousness and rest from thoughts of temporal things. Then we let go
of the external observance of days, because every day is a Sabbath on
which we retire into Spirit and worship God.” I honor the Sabbath by ensuring that I set aside regular time in the
flow of my life to rest in the presence of the Divine. It’s an essential
part of the creative process—I do the work that is mine to do, and then
I rest in faith, allowing the Lord of my being to complete the process
within me.
he said to them, “The sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind
for the sabbath; so the Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath.”—Mark