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Thursday, September 30, 2021

Let Go Let God Accept Inner Peace

I Find Peace In Self-Compassion. 

One of the most precious gifts of inner peace is living in harmony with myself. When I lovingly accept myself just as I am and extend grace and compassion inward, I feel calm and content. As I grow in self-understanding and live more fully from my spiritual nature, I am increasingly aware of the unconditional love of God, which helps me find grace. Seeing myself as a child of God shows me my truest self and fills me with deep and abiding peace. My self-talk is positive and affirming. I am kind and gentle with myself, at ease in my own company, and forgiving and compassionate when I stumble. I am at peace.

By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.—Luke 1:78-79

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Let Go Let God As Positive Energy

My Positive Attitude Helps Me See The Good In My Life. 

Positivity is how I engage the world and how I live life. No matter what is going on in my world, I always have the power to choose my attitude. A positive attitude extends to all people I encounter. I am committed to beholding their divinity, no matter what they may be going through or the challenges they may be facing. Even though I see their humanity clearly, I know there is so much more to them than personality and circumstance. Positivity brightens my mood, enlivens my body, and keeps me eagerly expecting all the good to come. I am blessed to see the best in myself, in others, and all around me.

I myself feel confident about you, my brothers and sisters, that you yourselves are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, and able to instruct one another.—Romans 15:14

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Let Go Let God Claim Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm Energizes Me. 

Sometimes I feel like a rocket ship waiting on a launching pad, needing a boost to get myself started on an endeavor. Enthusiasm is rocket fuel, igniting passion and giving me the energy I need to get started and keep going. As I delve into my pursuits—work, hobbies, or even something as mundane as household chores—enthusiasm gives me the drive I need to see projects to completion. I may have thought I had to be excited about something to feel enthusiastic. Now I understand that enthusiasm begins within me and is mine to apply however I wish. I need not wait to be enthusiastic. I can feel it simply by affirming: I claim enthusiasm now. I am filled with powerful energy to do all I choose to do.

But let the righteous be joyful; let them exult before God; let them be jubilant with joy.—Psalm 68:3

Monday, September 27, 2021

Let Go Let God Protect

My Loved Ones Are Protected In The Heart Of God. 

If I ever find myself worrying about my loved ones when they are apart from me, I remember the protecting love of God is always with them wherever they go. Whether at work, at play, or traveling to destinations near or far, those I love are never alone. Knowing this helps me relax and trust that they will listen to an inner voice, follow its guidance, and make wise choices. I trust that through the grace of God they will meet people and pursue opportunities that enrich and enhance their lives. In peace and gratitude, I pray for loved ones’ ongoing divine protection. The presence of God within them guides their steps today and will be with them through all their tomorrows.

And you will have confidence, because there is hope; you will be protected and take your rest in safety.—Job 11:18

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Let Go, Let God

Divine Love, Wisdom, And Understanding Express Through Me. 

If I feel unsure of the next step in any situation, I let go and let God. I don’t walk away from difficulty or try to force resolutions. Instead, I release my tight mental grip on problems and open myself to solutions. I let go of my ego’s desire for control and my need to bring about specific outcomes. I believe there are solutions and remedies beyond what my mind can conceive. I yield to possibility. I trust the indwelling divine presence just as I would trust a mentor. Letting go and letting God means creating space for the dynamic, creative energy of Spirit to inspire and surprise me. Divine love, wisdom, and understanding fuel my thoughts, express through my words, and guide me in all ways.

Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart to revere your name.—Psalm 86:11

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Let Go Let God Feel His Presence

I Am One With The Presence Of God. 

As I grow in the awareness that God truly is the only presence in the universe, I more readily see God everywhere and express God in all things. I practice the presence of God each time I act upon inspiration and reach for new heights. I practice the presence of God when my heart opens in compassion and I offer loving support to someone who’s hurting. I practice the presence of God when joy fills my heart and sets me aglow. The presence of God is within me, and that blessing is the truth of my life. Practicing the presence of God means I express peace, harmony, and love in all situations and with all people. I rest in the knowledge that I am forever one with all that is good.

Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.—James 4:8

Friday, September 24, 2021

Let Go Let God Receive

I Am A Graceful Receiver. 

Over the years I have given generously of my treasure and shared my time and talents. Giving has blessed me beyond measure and remains an important part of my spiritual life. But sometimes I resist gifts, deflecting another’s generosity or rushing to reciprocate. Today I practice receiving with willingness and ease. I realize all gifts derive from God, yet come to me through many channels. I remember how I feel when my gifts are received gratefully and with happiness, how it fills my heart to know someone feels cared for and valued. I give that gift to another by letting myself receive with grace and gratitude, completing the circle of sharing and love.

Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.—John 16:24

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Let Go Let God Receive Understanding

My Dawning Understanding Illuminates My Heart And Mind. 

Dawn breaks on a new day as the sky gradually grows light and the sun begins its ascent on the horizon. Understanding works much the same way, as a dawning of awareness and insight that often happens little by little. It’s only natural to crave exhilarating a-ha moments and lightning flashes of complete understanding, especially about things that have been elusive. But true insight often arrives more quietly, first as a whisper in the heart and only later as a light in the mind. With gratitude and trust, I welcome my growing spiritual awareness. Through my understanding, I enrich my experience of the world, of myself, and of the awesome mystery of God.

My mouth shall speak wisdom; the meditation of my heart shall be understanding.—Psalm 49:3

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Let Go Let God Be Lighthearted

I Have A Cheerful Outlook And A Lighthearted Spirit. 

Like sunlight breaking through the clouds, lighthearted moments break through any boredom or tension I may be feeling to bring a lilt to my day. My cheerful outlook amplifies my appreciation of blessings large and small. I notice wonders of happiness, beauty, and insight that build in my memories throughout the day. It may be hearing my favorite songs, seeing a beautiful bird in flight, or sharing a delicious meal with family and friends. The tone of my day reflects my inner world. I commit to lighthearted living and hold fast to my faith that God is expressing through me and everyone. I encounter beauty, grace, and ease everywhere I go. With ever-deepening trust, I am free to smile, laugh, and enjoy being lighthearted.

A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance.—Proverbs 15:13

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Let Go Let God Create World Peace

I Am Creating A Peaceful World. 

Everything I think, say, and do helps bring about peace in the world. This sacred responsibility I feel toward all people encourages me to make my words and actions positive and uplifting. As I focus on day-to-day life, I may lose sight of my ability to truly contribute to world peace. After all, I am just one person. How can I possibly affect the entire planet? Yet I know the power of cultivating a consciousness of peace and how many other people it can touch. My words and actions create a ripple effect that reaches far beyond me. To that end, I bring a peaceful bearing to every area of my life. I have the power to change the world for the better by being an expression of God’s peace and serenity.

The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.—Numbers 6:26

Monday, September 20, 2021

Let Go Let God Pray For Others

Praying For Others Empowers Me. 

When I feel called to help ease another’s burdens, praying for them gives me a powerful sense of purpose. Instead of fretting or wishing I could do something, I turn within and pray. I set aside my worries, wishes, and wants for others. I relax and release my will as I surrender to the peace and perfection of God. Holding each dear one in my heart, I envision each enfolded in serenity. In my mind’s eye, I behold them moving toward perfect outcomes, comforted and guided with each step. It is my honor to know for them the strength and power to walk their paths with faith and in harmony. Quiet joy and deep peace fill me each time I enfold others in prayer.

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone.—1 Timothy 2:1

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Let Go Let God Live Free

Living From My Divine Nature Frees Me. 

Sometimes I feel limited when I don’t think I have enough time, money, space, education, or experience. These thoughts can occupy so much space in my mind that I begin to think limitation is the truth of life. The greater truth is that I am free and unlimited in Spirit. Alive in God, I am free to express all the love, wisdom, and strength of the Divine as only I can. What joy and liberation it is to know that nothing can separate me from my true spiritual nature. If I believe any circumstance in my life or any of my past actions obstruct or delay my spiritual progress, I now release that belief. Embracing and living from the divine presence—the Christ within me—I claim freedom from all limitation.

In him we live and move and have our being.—Acts 17:28

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Let Go Let God With Faith

Faith Is My Light For The Journey. 

When I affirm there is a power within me greater than any circumstance I might face, I am living from faith. Faith is the guiding light shining in the direction of my highest good. I let go of any attachment to specific outcomes, knowing my view might be limited. As my journey twists and turns, I rely upon faith to lean into uncertainty. Through my spiritual nature, I am already connected to right answers and inspiration. I know what I need to know, when I need to know it. I seize unforeseen opportunities with trust and move ahead with quiet confidence and a flexible spirit. My heart is steady as I advance toward my good.

For whatever is born of God conquers the world. And this is the victory that conquers the world, our faith.—1 John 5:4

Friday, September 17, 2021

Let Go Let God Discover Divine Order

Divine Order Gives Structure And Purpose To Life.

I discover divine order in action all around me. I feel secure as I observe patterns of consistency and structure. In nature, I see examples of perfect, purposeful order. The sun sets and rises, seasons change, and the earth turns on its axis. Divine order flows as easily as the harmonious arrangement of a beautifully composed song or the progression of an infinite mathematical sequence. Divine order holds everything together, even that which appears chaotic or without reason. I may not be able to see the entire picture, but I trust the structure that undergirds all life. When I behold this symmetry in my life and in the world, I feel the comfort and security of divine order.

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.—Romans 8:28

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Let Go Let God Forgive

Releasing The Past, I Learn And Grow By Forgiving. 

Today I forgive my past mistakes and missteps. Throughout my life, I have learned and grown in God. Even experiences that I may have considered hurtful still have helped me grow. Many of my more unpleasant experiences have contributed to my soul’s evolution. With compassionate love for myself, I forgive and bless the past. This is a powerful part of my heart’s healing. Mere willingness to forgive sets in motion the steps that will lead to healing. Time spent in quiet reflection and accepting support from others move me in that direction. When my heart is one with the compassionate heart of God, I progress along the healing journey of forgiveness.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.—Ephesians 4:32

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Let Go Let God Gratefully

Gratitude Fills My Mind And Heart. 

Gratitude amplifies my experience of the world around me and the world within me. As I live gratefully, I am ever aware of my many blessings. My grateful mind holds my sweet memories of beauty, plenty, and kindness. The longer I stay centered in these happy thoughts, the easier it is to focus on the good now. I remain in a blissful state of gratitude and welcome even more blessings. My grateful heart swells with quiet joy. The more grateful I feel, the fuller my heart becomes until I simply radiate peace and happiness. I am grateful for all the good in my life now and for all the good that is on its way to me. Grateful in all things, I am truly blessed beyond measure.

All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your faithful shall bless you.—Psalm 145:10

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Let Go Let God Shine

I Am A Radiant Spiritual Being Shining With Joy. 

I have met people who radiate energy with a joyful spirit that others find irresistible. Their shining inner light blesses everyone they meet. This inner light—divine joy and vitality—is also within me and is mine to share. I am an open vessel of divine light filled with strength that is powerful and energizing. I am aglow with wisdom and understanding that keep me moving in the direction of my highest growth. I feel confident and ambitious as I boldly shine my light. I am radiant and free. I am a light in the world, a brilliant example of the indwelling power of Spirit. As I sparkle unabashedly with joy and love, through my example, I am inviting all others to shine.

Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.—Daniel 12:3

Monday, September 13, 2021

Let Go Let God Comfort

God's Comfort Envelops Me. 

A loss may leave me feeling as if there is a hole in my heart that will never be filled. But faith opens me to the comfort of God within that never leaves or changes. I turn my attention to this loving presence and feel nestled in warmth and love. Even in solitude, I can feel comforted. I can find the presence of God all around me in all that I see, touch, and hear. The lovely colors and sweet fragrance of flowers, the touch of a warm breeze against my skin, and melodious music all help me feel peaceful and soothed. I realize being alone does not have to mean feeling lonely. God’s comfort exists within and all around me. Truly, I am blessed and at peace.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all consolation.—2 Corinthians 1:3

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Let Go Let God Receive Guidance

I Open My Mind And Heart To Receive My Guidance. 

Sometimes I have insisted on figuring things out for myself rather than asking for anyone’s help. Over the years, I have learned the value of asking for guidance and sharing what I’ve learned when others ask me. As we exchange ideas, we may tap into a higher wisdom that had not been apparent to either of us alone. This higher wisdom is not outside myself. It is a still, small voice, mine to call upon at any time. I am always able to ask for guidance to show me the way forward. I access my inner guidance by opening my mind and heart in prayer. Then I watch and listen, remembering that divine guidance may come in a familiar way or perhaps in an unexpected way that will surprise and delight me.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.—Isaiah 55:9

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Let Go Let God Remember

With Love And Reverence, I Remember Those Who Came Before Me

I am blessed to cherish the memories of those I hold dear. I remember family members, friends, and coworkers who have made a mark upon my life and blessed me with their wisdom and guidance. In so many ways, each has helped me become who I am today. There are also those whom I never got to meet, but whose words and deeds provided comfort and inspiration to me and many others. I emulate them by living with such integrity, creativity, faith, and love, that one day I, too, may make a positive, lasting difference in the life of another. I honor all those who came before me by living to the best of my ability and sharing myself from the depths of my heart. I will never forget those I hold dear.

I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers.—Ephesians 1:16

Friday, September 10, 2021

Let Go Let God Discover Joy

It Is My Joy To Live Life Abundantly.

Each day has its own personality. There will be happy and sad days. Some will be quiet and restful, while others will be filled to overflowing with activity. No matter what the day contains, I have the power to discover and embrace moments of delight throughout. These instances may come from hearing a favorite song, meeting a friend, spotting a rainbow, or even something as simple as taking a deep breath of fresh air. Beholding life through the divine within me enriches my experience. Colors are brighter, laughter comes easier, and the joy of simply being alive sets the tone for a daily celebration of life’s infinite pleasures. I thrive as I discover a myriad of blessings abounding.

Let all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you. Let those who love your salvation say evermore, “God is great!”—Psalm 70:4

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Let Go Let God All Is Well

All Is Well With My Soul. 

Today I unite in mind and heart with people around the world. We are one in Spirit, one in love. We are united in the power and presence of God within—our source of strength, faith, and power. In prayer, I enter the quiet sanctuary of soul and touch the essence of being. I celebrate my divine nature and set an intention to express it more fully each day. I affirm: God and I are one. I am one with peace; I am peace. I am one with light; I am light. I am one with love; I am love. I am one with life; I am life. I remember the truth of my being, giving thanks for all that I am and all that I can be as I express my divine potential. I celebrate unity with praying hearts around the world and the circle of peace and love we are creating.

Therefore my heart is glad, and my soul rejoices; my body also rests secure.—Psalm 16:9

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Let Go Let God Accept Healing

I Claim My Wholeness And Am Healed. 

Jesus taught that he was—as we all are—one with God. I take Jesus’ teaching to heart and believe I am whole, perfect, and complete in Spirit. Desiring to live from the wholeness Jesus demonstrated, I remember my divine identity. I accept whatever condition I may be facing but deny it has any lasting power over me. I fill my consciousness with thoughts of wholeness, crowding out thoughts of sickness. I also take the best possible care of my body and mind. I accept the love and support of those who care about me. I nurture my body with rest and good nutrition. I nurture my mind with inspirational reading and good conversation. I nurture my soul with favorite devotional practices and prayerful connection with God.

And all in the crowd were trying to touch him, for power came out from him and healed all of them.—Luke 6:19

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Let Go Let God Begin

With Eagerness, I Begin Again. 

There is an impulse in my soul that calls me higher, encouraging me to reach for new heights and seek new experiences. Today I answer the call of my heart. The mere act of getting started leads me into an exhilarating, fresh new energy that quells any fear or hesitancy that has held me back. I have everything I need within me. The zeal, imagination, and strength of God are all part of my spiritual identity, forever mine to call upon as I begin every new endeavor, no matter how great or small. I seize each day, bringing my whole heart and mind to all that I do. I begin with passion and determination. Living from my divinity, the Christ within, I can be and do even more than I ever imagined, as soon as I begin.

I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?—Isaiah 43:19

Monday, September 6, 2021

Let Go Let God Rest

Rest Refreshes And Renews Me. 

Rest restores me and gives me energy to be fully present in the world. When I push myself too hard, I feel worn down and depleted with little to give to myself or others. But when I rest, not only do I recharge my body, I recharge my whole being. Respite replenishes the capacity to handle the daily ups and downs of life. Rested, I can more easily practice patience and kindness with myself and everyone else I encounter. Rest is vital to well-being, so I make time to slow down and take breaks. I seek support when I need it and accept it gratefully. As I care for myself and prioritize rest and sleep, I am restored and free to share my best self. In the stillness of rest, I experience the peace and tranquility that rejuvenates me.

For those who enter God’s rest also cease from their labors as God did from his.—Hebrews 4:10

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Let Go Let God In Balance

With God, I Live A Life Of Balance. 

Work can be a fulfilling use of my talents and efforts. I may enjoy the challenge of growing in responsibility and using my ambition to accomplish great things. But if I work too much or for too long, my energy might start to wane and my thinking become dull and uninspired. Likewise, too much leisure time may rob me of motivation and pull me into a spiral of inactivity. Spiritual practices bring precious balance into my life. Through prayer, I touch eternity and feel the presence of God within. Through meditation, I focus my mind and feel calm and grounded. Through speaking affirmations, I claim divine ideas and act on inspiration. In gratitude, I find balance in God, the one presence and one power in my life.

Let me be weighed in a just balance, and let God know my integrity!—Job 31:6

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Let Go Let God Expand Horizons

With A Full Heart And Open Mind, I Expand My Horizons. 

The road that leads to my best and most meaningful life may lie in uncharted territory on the other side of all I have ever known. I trust that the urge to grow and explore is divinely inspired, and with faith and courage I follow guidance when it prompts me to seek new horizons. When I am to begin a journey of discovery, I reflect on my life so far and all I still wish to do and become. I ground myself in the comforting knowledge that, no matter the terrain before me, with God my steps are assured. I spot vistas ahead and am filled with gratitude and wonder as my horizons expand and new opportunities arrive.

When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.—Genesis 9:16

Friday, September 3, 2021

Let Go Let God Live In Grace

I Live In Grace Moment By Moment. 

Grace, like a rainbow appearing after a storm, reminds me I have the power to move forward after any setback. If I doubt my abilities or am tempted to shrink from challenges, I remember divine grace supports and sustains me every moment of the day. When I am uncertain how I will begin again or which way I should turn, I take comfort in grace—the abiding, faith-filled awareness that I am never alone. I shine the light of God from within myself and engage life in a new way. I relax into the assurance of God’s grace, lifting me to new heights, giving me the confidence I need to let go of fear and hesitancy. I think positively, speak affirmatively, and trust grace blesses me always.

When he came and saw the grace of God, he rejoiced, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast devotion.—Acts 11:23

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Let Go Let God As A Spiritual Being

I Am An Expression Of Unlimited Spirit. 

Sometimes I identify so closely with my day-to-day life that I lose sight of my divine nature. Today I remember and reclaim who I am. I am limitless Spirit expressing uniquely at the point of me. I boldly affirm: I am not my body; I am the one who lives in my body. I am not my emotions; I am the one who feels my feelings. I am not my thoughts; I am the thinker of my thoughts. Beyond and behind the physical, emotional, and mental activity is the real me. Indwelling Spirit is unlimited, infinite, and boundless. That is who I am. I live in perfect harmony with my divine identity. I speak the mindful expression of my I AM with affirming, empowering words. I am whole. I am peaceful. I am loving. I am prosperous. I am blessed. I am a beloved child of God. I am grateful.

God said to Moses, “I am who I am.”—Exodus 3:14

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Let Go Let God Share Prosperity

I Enrich My Prosperous Life By Sharing My Good. 

Prosperity is not for me alone. From my treasure to my possessions to my life experience, all the things I have done and learned deepen in value when I seek to bless others. Bounty increases through sharing. No matter its worldly value, any gift is an act of faith reflecting my belief in the circulation of God’s goodness. I express faith through generosity and a consciousness of prosperity. My time and attention are among the greatest gifts I have to share. I cultivate the richness of life by practicing gratitude, giving, and receiving. With a willing and grateful heart, I am a joyful participant in circulating abundance.

Taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds.—Matthew 14:19