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Friday, September 3, 2021

Let Go Let God Live In Grace

I Live In Grace Moment By Moment. 

Grace, like a rainbow appearing after a storm, reminds me I have the power to move forward after any setback. If I doubt my abilities or am tempted to shrink from challenges, I remember divine grace supports and sustains me every moment of the day. When I am uncertain how I will begin again or which way I should turn, I take comfort in grace—the abiding, faith-filled awareness that I am never alone. I shine the light of God from within myself and engage life in a new way. I relax into the assurance of God’s grace, lifting me to new heights, giving me the confidence I need to let go of fear and hesitancy. I think positively, speak affirmatively, and trust grace blesses me always.

When he came and saw the grace of God, he rejoiced, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast devotion.—Acts 11:23

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