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Saturday, September 11, 2021

Let Go Let God Remember

With Love And Reverence, I Remember Those Who Came Before Me

I am blessed to cherish the memories of those I hold dear. I remember family members, friends, and coworkers who have made a mark upon my life and blessed me with their wisdom and guidance. In so many ways, each has helped me become who I am today. There are also those whom I never got to meet, but whose words and deeds provided comfort and inspiration to me and many others. I emulate them by living with such integrity, creativity, faith, and love, that one day I, too, may make a positive, lasting difference in the life of another. I honor all those who came before me by living to the best of my ability and sharing myself from the depths of my heart. I will never forget those I hold dear.

I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers.—Ephesians 1:16

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