Divine Orders Shop

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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Let Go, Let God

Divine Love, Wisdom, And Understanding Express Through Me. 

If I feel unsure of the next step in any situation, I let go and let God. I don’t walk away from difficulty or try to force resolutions. Instead, I release my tight mental grip on problems and open myself to solutions. I let go of my ego’s desire for control and my need to bring about specific outcomes. I believe there are solutions and remedies beyond what my mind can conceive. I yield to possibility. I trust the indwelling divine presence just as I would trust a mentor. Letting go and letting God means creating space for the dynamic, creative energy of Spirit to inspire and surprise me. Divine love, wisdom, and understanding fuel my thoughts, express through my words, and guide me in all ways.

Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart to revere your name.—Psalm 86:11

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