Divine Orders Shop

Divine Orders Shop
Following Divine Orders Shop on Etsy - Doing God's Work

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Let Go Let God Answer the Call

I answer the call of Spirit and embark upon a divinely directed path.
There are moments when I may feel drawn to take a stand for a particular cause or advocate for a person in need. The more I become involved in this type of support, the more I feel called to influence positive change in the world. Being called to help others is something I feel passionate about and guided to do. I can be sure that the spirit of God is gently leading me in ways that help me do this. As I turn within for divine guidance, I receive new insight about ways I may be able to network, companies I can contact for support, and people I can meet who will help me move forward in my cause. I am being divinely guided to establish positive change in my life.
Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.—Jeremiah 33:3

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