As I forgive, I find peace.
on to resentment ties me to the pain of the past. Clinging to regrets
also blocks the expression of my true nature, which is peace and joy.
When I recognize a lack of forgiveness on my part, I remind myself to
become still and surrender. The loving light of God purifies my heart
and mind. Aligned with divine principle, deep spiritual healing begins
to unfold. Anger and hurt begin to dissolve and a sense of peace washes
over me. My heart opens to fully express peace and love to others. When I stay
spiritually centered, I forever dwell in a state of harmony with God. A
future filled with possibility opens up and I affirm: As I forgive, I find peace.
And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.—Ephesians 4:32
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