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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Let Go Let God Choose World Peace

When I choose peace, I make a positive impact on the world.

Peace begins with the individual, and I am grateful that at any time, I can tap in to an infinite source of peace, the presence of God within and around me. Regardless of the circumstances in my life or the world, I can acknowledge and experience infinite peace. When I choose to think beyond negativity and fear, to speak kindly and act with love, I choose peace. If I find myself in disagreement or conflict, I consider whether there is an opportunity for harmony. If I find myself being judgmental, I stop and instead communicate with kindness and compassion. I demonstrate peace in my own life and interactions with others. When I choose peace, I make a positive impact on the world.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.–John 14:27

Monday, April 29, 2019

Let Go Let God In the Silence

I rest in the Silence.
After a busy day, my body may want to rest, while my mind continues to process or replay events. But beneath the noise of my mind lies a constant source of silence that is always available to me. Regardless of what is happening outwardly, when I enter into the Silence within me, I experience a peaceful calm. I close my eyes and allow my attention to move from my thoughts to the presence of God within me, dropping deeper into stillness as though sinking into the water. Just as sounds become muffled in that vacuum, outside noise becomes muted as I deepen my awareness of God. In the Silence, I am free from the noise of my thoughts; I am free from anxiety, stress, and fear. I rest in the Silence.

He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm.—Mark 4:39

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Let Go Let God Realize Healing

I praise and bless the life energy in my body and mind.
Myrtle Fillmore’s healing from serious illness led to the founding of Unity. She discovered that her intelligence could guide the life energy in her body. She wrote, “I began to teach my body and got marvelous results.” Speaking words of strength and power, she praised the life in every part of her body. She prayed, asking for strength to think only kind, loving, and sincere thoughts about her body. She refused to be discouraged when her progress seemed slow. Eventually, in two years, she realized wholeness. Following her example, I release all thought of weakness or disease. In steadfast faith, I praise and bless the life energy in my body and mind. I realize wholeness.

He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.”—Luke 8:48

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Let Go Let God Create

I create new ways of thinking and being.
I am created in the image of my creator, and as such, I have the God-given gift of creativity within me. This power gives me the ability to imagine and create new experiences. I am free to create new thoughts, feelings, and responses to life. I transcend old ways of thinking to generate new ideas and ways of being. Just because I have always thought or acted a certain way does not mean that I have to continue that pattern. Being present and mindful helps me pay attention to what I am thinking and how those thoughts make me feel and act. I gain insight into myself so I can acknowledge how I am creating my experience, then make changes. When I create new ways of thinking, I develop opportunities for growth.

Be renewed in the spirit of your minds ... created according to the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.—Ephesians 4:23, 24

Friday, April 26, 2019

Let Go Let God Grow

I am growing into a higher version of myself.
The growth of a tree begins with a seed. Each seed has within it the blueprint of the tree and everything it needs to express as fully grown. Yet each tree requires just the right amount of warmth, water, and sunlight to sprout up, take root, and grow into its potential. Every day, I am also growing into a higher version of myself. Beyond the obvious growth of my physical self, I am continuously and infinitely growing in spirit. Every human has within him or her an imprint of all the attributes and qualities of God, including the capacity for limitless growth. I do my part to ensure that I have the nourishment I need to support my own development. As I grow, I express more of my divine potential.

The earth produces of itself, first the stalk, then the head, then the full grain in the head.—Mark 4:28

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Let Go Let God in Prayer

In prayer I make a spiritual connection.
Jesus taught his disciples about prayer, instructing them to “go into your room and shut the door” when they pray. He was speaking about the importance of turning to God within. Like going into a room, prayer is a state of consciousness I enter. When I pray, I turn inward as Jesus taught. I shift my attention from the outer, physical world to the inner, spiritual world. I shut out noise and distractions so I can center my mind in Spirit.
In prayer, I consciously commune with God; I feel our connection and know that we are one. When I pray in this manner, prayer is not just something I do but an experience of God.

But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.—Matthew 6:6

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Let Go Let God with Enthusiasm

I am enthusiastic about life!
With anything I am doing, I can choose to approach it with a sense of enthusiasm and joy. Even the most insignificant task holds the promise of wonder. When I draw upon my inherent divine powers, my soul is energized and uplifted. My entire being fills with divine energy awakening me to all that I am capable of doing and being. Every situation I encounter is infused with God energy. Enthusiasm inspires me to do what is mine to do today. In turn, I inspire others as I share my light with the world. With my heart wide open, I radiate an enthusiastic, vibrant energy with all. I am enthusiastic about life!

Be glad and rejoice forever in what I am creating.—Isaiah 65:18

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Let Go Let God with Gratitude

My heart is filled to overflowing with gratitude!
Deep down I know of the divine power to direct my mind. Any time circumstances seem contrary to that belief, I contemplate the wondrous blessings around me. In these quiet, prayerful moments, I recognize that I am fully immersed in the presence of Spirit. An attitude of gratitude goes a long way and encourages me to look for the blessings in my life. Through the power of focused attention, I become more aware of the good that is present in my life. I allow my heart to overflow with appreciation. From this centered and powerful awareness, I am able to direct my energy in positive ways and be a blessing to the world. My heart remains open with appreciation, and I share my gratitude with all those around me.

With gratitude in your hearts sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.—Colossians 3:16

Monday, April 22, 2019

Let Go Let God with an Earth Blessing

My stewardship of the environment blesses future generations.
Today is Earth Day, a time set aside to celebrate this beautiful planet we call home. I honor and celebrate the seas, the skies, the sands, along with the plants and animals. Committed to caring for the earth, I not only continue my prayers for our environment, but I take wise actions today that allow my earth blessings to travel ahead into future generations. While I am only one caretaker of the earth, I know that how I treat the earth makes a difference. I do my part by caring for and respecting creatures great and small. Day by day, I am mindful of how my actions affect the earth and its inhabitants.

The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good.—Genesis 1:12

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Let Go Let God it is Easter

I am resurrected into the life, light, and power of God.
The Gospel of Matthew shares that the women who discovered the empty tomb on Easter morning “left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples.” On the way, Jesus appeared to them, stating, “Tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.” Charles Fillmore explains, “Every time we rise to the realization of eternal, indwelling life, making union with the Father-Mind, the resurrection of Jesus takes place within us.” On Easter Sunday, I rise from the tomb of limitation. I follow Jesus to “Galilee,” the rich consciousness of vitality that becomes mine when I fully accept my Christ nature. I am resurrected into the life, light, and power of God.

Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”—Matthew 28:10

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Let Go Let God Wait for Revelation

The peace and power of God are revealed through me.
For those who followed Jesus and revered his teachings, life did not return to normal the day after his death. That day was the Jewish Sabbath, intended to be a day of prayer and rest. The disciples found themselves in shock and grieving, some hiding for their lives. Their world seemed hopeless. At times I may find myself stunned by an unexpected turn of events, something I might never have imagined or desired. During these times, prayer and waiting may be all I can do—waiting for whatever comes next. Waiting for greater understanding. In hindsight, we know the disciples’ story was about to end with a magnificent revelation. In my own life, I remember that I must wait in faith that the highest and best will be revealed.

Not a hair of your head will perish. By your endurance you will gain your souls.—Luke 21:18-19

Friday, April 19, 2019

Let Go Let God on Good Friday

I see out of the darkness into the light and love of God.
Commemorating Jesus’ crucifixion on Good Friday can seem contradictory to positivity. What good can I possibly find on this dark day? I find it through admiration and gratitude for the courage of Jesus, who always knew his ministry could end in arrest and execution. Still he persisted, teaching all who we truly are—God expressing in physical form just as he did. He showed what divine love looks like and modeled how to live a human life grounded in divine nature. I do not turn away from any seeming darkness in my human experience. Instead, I contemplate where any shadows may lie. Good Friday is my reminder of redemption, knowing good can result from even my most difficult days.

Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.—Luke 23:46

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Let Go Let God In The Garden

I trust that my highest good is unfolding.
Before I begin my day, I pause for a prayerful moment and affirm: My highest good is unfolding. I turn within and enter the Silence, devoting time and attention toward the unlimited peace and power of my Source. These precious times in prayer remind me of Jesus’ time spent in the Garden of Gethsemane. Meditation allows me to commune with Spirit and feel a greater sense of oneness. In these moments, I feel God’s presence in the garden of my soul. Even in my darkest hours, I am reminded that God’s light always shines for me. The truth is that divine light shines in, through, and as me, supporting me in facing any of life’s challenges. Remembering these truths, I remind myself of the good unfolding in my life.

The Lord will guide you continually.—Isaiah 58:11

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Let Go Let God Seek Direction

I am open to divine direction.
There are many spiritual resources available to help people find connection, purpose, and direction in their lives, such as prayer circles, religious observances, or ceremonies. Whether someone subscribes to a faith tradition—or to none at all—I recognize how powerful these practices can be to those who embrace them as a connection to Spirit. I seek out and actively participate in activities that allow me to feel connected and directed to my highest purpose. I am open to new and different avenues of expression, even as I resolve to discover the core reasons for practices I grew up with that I may have discarded. I explore divine direction in my life, embracing the wide variety of ways that direction may come.

All who believed were together and had all things in common.—Acts 2:44

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Let Go Let God Open to Forgiveness

The restorative love of God opens the way to forgiveness.
I know that forgiveness benefits myself first and foremost. If I face a situation that seems unforgivable, I remind myself to focus on the situation and not the person or people involved. Forgiveness begins with me. Today I hold a mirror up to myself and find the cleansing, purifying gift of forgiveness that is mine to give, as well as receive. I understand that holding on to hurts or grudges only serves to weigh me down and diminish the light I share. I visualize past wrongs immersed in the holy fire of Spirit. I see them cleansed and myself refined and blessed by the lessons they brought me. I forgive, I let go, and I am free to be the best I can be. The restorative love of God opens the way to forgiveness.

He looked, and the bush was blazing, yet it was not consumed.—Exodus 3:2

Monday, April 15, 2019

Let Go Let God Embrace Divine Order

I embrace the Divine unfolding in all things!
Today I choose to move through my day in spiritually centered ways. If I am challenged by things I feel I must accomplish, I pause and take a deep, cleansing breath before I even attempt the first item on my to-do list. My heart opens to the wisdom of God and the perfect order unfolding in my life. I know all that genuinely needs doing will be done—in the right time and in the best way. I realize my best-laid plans may not turn out as I thought. I acknowledge for myself and my life that I am a creation of Spirit, ready to live more fully in connection with my spiritual nature. I stay centered and relax knowing that divine order is at work in my life. I embrace the Divine unfolding in all things!

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.—Proverbs 3:6

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Let Go Let God Find Hope

The spirit of God dwells in me, and I am made perfect.
The Gospels tell a story of Jesus entering Jerusalem riding on a donkey, welcomed by crowds spreading palm branches and even their cloaks in his path. His followers found hope of liberation from oppression. Today a new order of things begins in my life. Like the crowds welcoming Jesus with shouts of “Hosanna!” I welcome a renewed awareness of I AM—my Christ nature. In this awareness, my hope of release from limitation is realized. The spirit of God dwells in me, and I am made perfect. Anchored in spiritual peace, wisdom, wholeness, abundance, and harmony, I am grateful for my ever-expanding realization of God as my Source.

For God alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from him.—Psalm 62:5

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Let Go Let God with Faith

With courage, I step out in faith to embrace new opportunities and experiences.
Comfort can be found in the familiar—whether where I live or work, with family and friends, even routines that are commonplace provide a sense of relief. But is that sense of comfort restricting me—keeping me from reaching out and growing beyond the known? Am I ready to explore beyond my comfort zone where perhaps something more significant may be found? Feelings of uncertainty fade and shadows of doubt disappear when the light of faith shines brightly. The only familiarity I need has been and always will be God, the source of my peace. With courage, I step out in faith to embrace new opportunities and experiences.

Keep alert, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.—1 Corinthians 16:13-14

Friday, April 12, 2019

Let Go Let God in Transformation

I am a beacon of light in this world!
If I want to change my life, to create new meaning and purpose, I must open my mind to transformative thoughts. I must be open and willing to make adjustments to what I think, say, and do as I move ever onward toward realizing my true self—the me I have come here to be. Instead of being attached to the words I might say, I find myself praying with a spiritual awareness. This state of consciousness is where my thoughts, feelings, and aspirations are at their highest levels. From this vantage point, everything changes. I see solutions where before I saw problems. I feel relaxation where there was tension, and I live within the realm of divine possibility.

And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white.—Matthew 17:2

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Let Go Let God See Inner Peace

Spirit within is the source of my peace.
I may look at another person’s life and consider, Is their way what I want for myself? When I view my situation through the light of understanding, I see how Spirit has personalized my life story—making it uniquely my own. I choose to see any challenges I have from this awareness. Underlying every aspect of my life can be found the renewing, life-giving spirit of God at work through me. I breathe deeply into the light at the core of my being, and I find myself utterly at peace. I am a light that glows with the energy of the All Knowing that is ever with me, always present, forever loving. I recognize myself and all others as spiritual beings, and divine peace radiates from my heart. Spirit within is the source of my peace.

All mine are yours, and yours are mine; and I have been glorified in them.—John 17:10

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Let Go Let God Plant Seed Thoughts

I plant positive seed thoughts and watch my blessings grow.
When I keep my thoughts positive and my words affirmative, I create an environment that produces positive action. I become the fertile ground for abundant good to manifest. Into the matrix of spiritual substance, I plant seed thoughts. Thoughts of abundance produce prosperity. Seeds of light fill me with new insights. Ideas of life become visible as wholeness. Seeds of love show up in my world as harmony and peace. In prayer, I plant seed thoughts and carry them with me throughout the day. I choose positive words that take hold, grow, and produce an abundant harvest of good. I am blessed and I give thanks for each blessing!

As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it.—Matthew 13:23

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Let Go Let God Seek Guidance

The Christ presence within guides me in all I do.
Anytime I question what I should be doing, anytime I want to seek the advice of another, I stop, turn within, and connect with my divine guide—the Christ. The Christ is the divine light within me. I have this light to guide me every day. I shine this light from within and see others as the divine beings they are. I use my divine quality of judgment to make sound decisions that enrich my life. As I call upon my inner light and connect with divine love, I operate from a place of true wisdom. Light and love guide me and keep me thoughtful and compassionate. I speak from a place of pure peace. My actions turn toward being a help, creating a healthy place of security and openness where only good can thrive. The Christ presence within guides me in all I do.

Let your light shine before others.—Matthew 5:16

Monday, April 8, 2019

Let Go Let God Practice Patience

Grounded in wisdom, patience, and faith, I affirm: This or something better.
How grateful I am that I have the power of wisdom and the divine quality of patience within me. As I quiet my thoughts, divine wisdom speaks to me of patience with a simple directive: Wait, listen, respond in love and faith. When my life seems to be going in a direction different than I think it should, I may try to change course without thinking things through. This is indeed the time to pause and attune to my inner wisdom.
I practice patience, and I remain calm as I anticipate the best in every circumstance. I imagine the highest outcome and quietly affirm: This, God, or something better, knowing that my patience and positive expectation open the way to my good.

God had provided something better.—Hebrews 11:40

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Let Go Let God Find Comfort

Immersed in God’s presence, I find strength and comfort.
As he journeyed toward Jerusalem and the experience of crucifixion, Jesus faced challenges from those who rejected his teaching. Even his disciples would leave him in his moment of greatest need. Jesus found strength and comfort in the awareness of God’s presence that was always with him. “ I am not alone because the Father is with me,” Jesus said. When I experience challenges, I remember that, like Jesus, I am never alone. I am God’s living expression. In prayer, I center my thought and feeling in my divine identity. God’s presence fills my awareness. No external condition or circumstance can have power over me. God awareness continues to grow within me as I return to my daily activities.

I will comfort them, and give them gladness for sorrow.—Jeremiah 31:13

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Let Go Let God Expect Miracles

Centered in faith, I expect the best!
My growing spiritual understanding tells me that what I might call a miracle is the outworking of a spiritual law I do not yet understand. This explanation in no way diminishes the joy and awe I feel when a hoped for, yet unexpected outcome takes place. When a missing child is found safe, when a loved one overcomes a life-endangering diagnosis, I don’t need to know why or how these seeming miracles happen. I can give thanks. I may or may not “figure it out,” but I can continue to deepen my spiritual understanding. As I grow in understanding of spiritual laws, I invite blessings into my life and the lives of my loved ones, even if I don’t fully understand how or why they happen.

Faith is ... the conviction of things not seen.—Hebrews 11:1

Friday, April 5, 2019

Let Go Let God as Divine Principles

Centered in divine light and love, I am open to wonderful possibilities.
Jesus told those who would listen, “I can do nothing on my own.” I know this truth for myself—that everything I do, I do from the power and authority of the Christ within. I rely upon divine principles and apply them in any situation I encounter. As I call upon the power of divine love, I respond to discord with harmonious thoughts and actions. I affirm healing as I focus on divine life within a loved one. I know the light of God is shining within me as I seek guidance to recognize the path that is right for me. I can do all things because I have the power of the Christ within. This truth gives me peace. I am not stressed or worried about how I will do something or what the outcome may be because I am not alone in any project or endeavor.

I can do nothing on my own.—John 5:30

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Let Go Let God In the Now

Attuned to God, I live in this now moment.
There are times when I feel my attention pulled in different directions. What do I do when this happens? I take a moment to stop and be. Even the shortest instant of stepping away allows me to center myself. In this brief, quiet time, I am present in this now moment. I can determine the right action to take. Living in the now becomes a habit as I consistently take time to pray and meditate. By quieting my thoughts, becoming aware of my breath, and connecting with God within, I practice being present. I prepare myself for any situation I may encounter throughout the day. Then in any moment of concern or conflict, I can function in the now moment and make choices with ease and grace.

Blessed are your eyes, for they see, and your ears, for they hear.—Matthew 13:16

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Let Go Let God Practice Nonresistance

When I practice nonresistance, I find peace.
Nonresistance is the expression of trust and faith in divine, perfect wisdom. It is also a choice I make, not with a sense of regret, but in gratitude that I can set aside my human ego and allow my higher self to assess situations from a nonreactive viewpoint. I release any expectations of what I think should happen and follow divine guidance. I practice nonresistance in my communications with others. Far from being passive, my attitude is a dynamic action, a beautiful expression of trust and faith, rooted in spiritual strength. Nonresistance clears my consciousness to obtain real results. I replace my desire to retaliate with dynamic spiritual action, based in a higher truth, and I am set free.

And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile.—Matthew 5:41

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Let Go Let God Restore

Through divine energy, I am restored.
The phrase “nothing is ever lost in Spirit” is not limited to physical objects. When I align my heart and mind with the healing, renewing power of God within, I find myself emotionally restored as well. My heart is comforted and made whole. The prophet Joel declared this divine message, “I will repay you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten.” Whatever losses I may have suffered in the past are restored for me as I align myself—emotionally and physically—with divine life. God within me is my source! I regain in love and positive energy the time I might otherwise have lost in negativity. I am made whole once again as I embrace my true identity as a spiritual expression of God.

I will repay you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten.—Joel 2:25

Monday, April 1, 2019

Let Go Let God through Consciousness

I give thanks for a divine revelation.
My consciousness is like an iceberg—visible in some aspects, yet the depth and breadth remain out of view. If something is troubling me, perhaps something underneath the surface of my mind needs to be brought to my awareness. When I give thanks in advance for blessings not yet received, I activate spiritual healing in my consciousness. When information that may help me is hidden from my sight, my prayer is, “I give thanks for a divine revelation. Reveal what needs to be revealed and heal what needs to be healed.” I feel greater peace and comfort as I release all that is hidden from my awareness. I experience deep and dynamic healing as I integrate my whole self in consciousness.

I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ … may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him.—Ephesians 1:17