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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Let Go Let God in World Peace

I hold a thought of peace for Earth’s inhabitants.
In December of 1972, the Apollo 17 crew took an epic picture of the earth they titled “The Blue Marble.” That photo is a glimpse into how fragile our planet is and how interconnected we are as human beings—a visual reminder of the Breton prayer, “Thy sea, O God, so great, my boat so small.” I hold this picture in my mind when I pray for world peace. I envision all people working together in love. This is my planet, our planet, and each of us inhabits this home together. Today I remind myself of my sacred responsibility in helping to care for the world and to work with others in advocating for peace. I see all people enjoying the beauty of this planet and living together in peace and harmony. I hold a thought of peace for Earth’s inhabitants.

The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it.—Psalm 24:1

Monday, July 30, 2018

Let Go Let God Forgive

I am set free as I forgive.
There is much for me to learn from the life and words of Jesus, the Master Teacher. Jesus’ words to those who were persecuting him, “Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing,” speak of the incredible power of forgiveness. Jesus knew those who were persecuting him were not living and acting from their true nature. As a spiritual being, a child of God, I have the capacity to forgive. Forgiveness includes letting go of perceptions that do not serve the highest and best good possible. As I forgive, I surrender limiting perspectives and I take a higher view of the whole situation. My mind and heart begin to see more clearly. I contribute to positive outcomes in any challenging situation. I am set free as I forgive.

Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.”—Luke 23:34

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Let Go Let God Give

In giving, I open to my highest purpose.
The prayer of St. Francis tells us, “For it is in giving that we receive ...” The simple act of sharing with someone opens my heart, creating an awareness of the energetic link between that person and myself. Every living thing is connected through the allness that is Spirit. The carbon dioxide the plants need to survive is created in me, while the oxygen I need to breathe comes from the plants. Today I look around and allow myself to see all the ways I am contributing to the world and to realize all the world gives back to me in exchange. In giving, I take part in the divine flow of life. The more I give, the more my life receives and the more expansively I express my divinity.

A gift opens doors; it gives access to the great.—Proverbs 18:16

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Let Go Let God at the Turning Point

Every day is a turning point, a day for fresh beginnings.
A turning point is a defining moment in which I can turn away from current circumstances and turn to something new, promising, and fulfilling. As I reflect on my true nature as a spiritual being, I come to a new understanding of who I am and my purpose in life. With each new awareness, I arrive at a point in which I can release an old way of being and begin again. With a fuller understanding of God within, I begin to view my life from a new perspective. Any seeming challenges are precursors to blessings, so I look for the good in every situation. I have the power to create the change I want. With assuredness, I turn away from fear and live fully in the light with faith that I am divinely guided to my good. Every day is a turning point, a day for fresh beginnings.

See, I am making all things new.—Revelation 21:5

Friday, July 27, 2018

Let Go Let God Be Love in Expression

I express divine love to all.
What do I value most in life? Is it my relationships with family and friends or my health and well-being? Perhaps I value the work I do in my community or the support of others. When I value myself as a spiritual being and one with all creation, I face the circumstances of life with poise and peace. As psychiatrist and author Elisabeth Kübler-Ross writes, “People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.”
With this in mind, I face the day with inner strength and determination. I am a unique expression of God—loved and loving.
Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.—1 John 4:7

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Let Go Let God in Prosperity

My mind is open and receptive to an unlimited flow of divine ideas.
A rich and prosperous life begins with rich and prosperous ideas. My mind is now open and receptive to the unlimited flow of these spiritual ideas. I think with the mind of God. Every aspect of my being is attuned to the harmonious expression of divine ideas. Rather than seeing my prosperity as something I am looking for in the outer, I know that it is sourced in the creative power within me. It is my natural state, moving from within, out. I completely give myself over to the expression of these new outlets of divine inspiration through me. No matter what may be happening outside of me, the divine flow of abundance is happening through me now, flowing forth as inspiration and ingenuity.
Decide on a matter, and it will be established for you, and light will shine on your ways.—Job 22:28

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Let Go Let God Play

Playfulness is part of my spiritual practice.
Prayer and meditation are beneficial to my spiritual life; so, too, is play. Spending time in playful activity disengages my mind from outer concerns as I enjoy the present moment. Jesus told his disciples, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:13). As I consciously engage childlike aspects of myself—innocence, humility, playfulness, and more—I experience a release of stress and an increase in faith. Filling in coloring pages, hiking in the summer warmth, or singing songs in the car are simple ways I may play in my adult life. In these moments I am aware of the joy and love of divine presence expressing as me. Playfulness is part of my spiritual practice.

Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.—Matthew 18:4

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

My thoughts are positive and optimistic.
Sometimes I may worry or fret when I think of what a loved one is going through, but I know that spending my energy focusing on the negative is neither helpful to my loved one nor healthy for me. I find that when I am concerned about someone, the best thing I can do is to keep my thoughts positive and optimistic. I pray affirmatively, knowing there is great power in my thoughts and words. As I hold others in prayer, I see in them what they may not see for themselves. I hold them in the light, knowing the truth that they are divine, filled with infinite potential. I affirm: You are the light of God in expression. You are whole and holy. You are peaceful, wise, loving, and free. I pray in faith, knowing whatever the outcome, it will be for the highest good.

I remember you always in my prayers.—Romans 1:9

Monday, July 23, 2018

Let Go Let God for Guidance

I use my God-given wisdom to make healthy choices for myself.
During his life and ministry, Jesus taught that his message is accessible for all to use as a guide. My connection with the spirit of truth serves as a resource of wisdom. When I rely on divine guidance, I make wise, thoughtful decisions for myself. Like a trusted friend, I call upon my internal wellspring of God-given wisdom to help steer me through challenging situations. I use positive thoughts and affirmations to align my mind with divine mind and build a foundation of consciousness like that of Jesus. I am never on my own, for in any moment this consciousness is available. I am at peace knowing that divine wisdom guides my decision-making. I have the clarity to choose what is best for me.
But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.—John 14:26

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Let Go Let God There is Time Enough

I have time enough for rest, work, pleasure, and prayer.
At the end of a busy day, do I focus on appreciating what I achieved, or do I berate myself for those tasks I have yet to accomplish? The attitude in which I started my day had a great deal to do with the ensuing results. I create each day’s experiences through the choices—large and small—that I make as the day unfolds. My storehouse of divine energy keeps me mentally focused. With a positive attitude, I affirm: I have time enough, wisdom enough, strength enough, and energy enough to do whatever is before me this day. As confidence in my creative power grows, I become clearer and calmer in each choice, and my day perfectly expresses my new consciousness.

The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near.—Mark 1:15

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Let Go Let God in Harmony

I am made of light. I am the light.
The elements of my body are composed of all the magnificent life and energy that flows from the stars. My mind and emotions reflect the balance and purpose of this universe. Just as every cell is guided by the intelligence within its nucleus and every solar system is defined by its sun, I am the perfect expression of divine creation. Well-being is the natural order of things. I am a part of that universal purposefulness. The cosmic dance of the planets and stars is reflected in all that I am now seeking to express. I am made of light. I AM the light.

In him was life, and the life was the light of all people.—John 1:4

Friday, July 20, 2018

Let Go, Let God

I am in the flow of absolute goodness.
If I allow projects or tasks to bog me down, I may feel tired or off-center. Anytime I begin to feel this way, I take a moment to relax deeply by breathing gently in and out a few times. This helps me remember that God life flows in and through everything. By relaxing and focusing my attention inward, I let go of tension. In these times of reflection and stillness, I say aloud or affirm quietly, “I am in the flow of absolute goodness.” Affirming spiritual truths, I am able to let go of limiting thoughts that would block the flow of good in my life. This sets me free in a powerful way. As a result, peace, love, and joy take root in my mind, reflecting through my life in magnificent ways.

Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.—Matthew 7:7

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Let Go Let God Have Faith

I have faith that my heart’s desire is unfolding for my highest and best.
As I focus on accomplishing my heart’s desires, I do so with the knowledge that I must put feet to my faith. I rely on my innate powers of understanding and wisdom to know what to do and how to do it. I remain steadfast in faith that all things are working together for my good. My intent is not to prove my faith to myself or others. I choose to live a life in which my thoughts, words, and actions consistently reflect my faith. Free from limited thinking, I open my mind and life to unlimited possibilities. I place no limits on the healing, prosperity, or renewal that will come. I am created to express life in wonderful ways. I have faith that my heart’s desire is unfolding for my highest and best.

Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God.”—Mark 11:22

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Let Go Let God with Joy

I am overflowing with joy!
There is no limit to the amount of wonderful things my consciousness can hold. Today I choose to focus on expressing the joy that is within me. I look at everything around me and find reasons to be joyful. There are so many special and amazing manifestations of God life. No matter where I am, there are wonders to behold. All I have to do is see with my spiritual eyes. When I look at people, I look beyond their outer speech and actions to the Christ within them. It fills me with joy to know that all people are spiritual beings just as I am. I see their unlimited potential. I am overflowing with joy and thanksgiving that I am a spiritual being, one with all beings.
I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.—John 15:11

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Let Go Let God Choose Inner Peace

Inner peace is my choice.
I have the power to claim my own peace within at any time and with any situation. What I visualize creates waves of energy that move outward, affecting everything around me. So when I choose a peaceful way of being, then peace is what I contribute to the world at large. This becomes even more important in times of stress or strife. If I am disturbed by something or someone’s actions, I decide how I will respond. I pause and take a breath. I remember that divine order is always at work in all things. I connect with my heart and follow my feelings to their source. Uncovering fears or frustrations allows me to truly find peace within. My own inner peace, in turn, helps create peace in the world. Inner peace is my choice.

Seek peace, and pursue it.—Psalm 34:14

Monday, July 16, 2018

Let Go Let Go with Clarity

My mind is focused on divine life within.
When I keep my attention divinely focused, my mind functions on a high level. My thoughts are clear and my words express my divinity. Clarity comes when I turn my mind away from the physical world and enter into a time of silence. The peace and calm that arise from this quiet space clears my mind of unproductive thoughts to make room for inspiration. I listen with my whole heart as I commune with the Christ within me. In this moment I find the clarity I seek. With this clarity comes the wisdom to follow through in a positive way. My thoughts and words are intelligent and reflect the surety of my faith. My actions are the natural outworking of this process.
It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me.—Galatians 2:20

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Let Go Let God Provide Healing

Spiritual understanding expresses as healing for myself and others.
There is no obvious consistency in the healings of Jesus that are described in the four gospels. Some involve the laying on of hands, while at other times the healing is achieved at a distance. All gospels report a variety of healings taking place, yet none explain just how Jesus did his work. The Gospel of Luke shares that Jesus “speaks to them about the kingdom of God.” Jesus knew that healing could occur with a change in consciousness, whatever the physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. Faith in new and unlimited possibilities allows a healing to happen. By focusing on the kingdom of new consciousness to which Jesus calls us, spiritual understanding can and will express as healing.
He welcomed them, and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed to be cured.—Luke 9:11

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Let Go Let God with Patience

I am patient in all things.
Through each phase of my journey, I let life unfold according to divine timing. Wherever I find myself, I have faith that I am here by serendipitous, divine appointment. My positive attitude reflects my certainty that each place and each moment along the journey is holy. If I cannot immediately see the sacredness or divine order in a situation I am facing, I remember that I have within me all I need to solve any challenges. Faith in God within me provides the patience and impetus I need to move forward on my journey with ease and efficiency. Viewing life from a higher consciousness prepares me for new beginnings.
As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.—Colossians 3:12

Friday, July 13, 2018

Let Go Let God with Understanding

Spiritual understanding fills me and brings me peace.
There is much in this world I cannot understand with my human mind, yet I do not let the lack of complete understanding unsettle me. I trust, and I release the need to know. Each person sees the world from his or her unique perspective. Still, I can be open to understanding another’s point of view. As St. Francis proffered, “Grant that I may not so much seek ... to be understood as to understand.” Rather than getting caught in the clutter of bewilderment about life’s difficult questions, I open my mind and my heart to spiritual understanding that feeds and guides me. From a higher perspective I have confidence that the universe will carry on. Spiritual understanding fills me and brings me peace.
Happy are those who find wisdom, and those who get understanding.—Proverbs 3:13

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Let Go Let God Refresh

I am refreshed in my quiet, peaceful moments.
The Master Teacher Jesus was able to be present for all those around him, from little children to all manner of people that he encountered. He set aside time for solitude, prayer, and rest so that he could do his work of teaching, preaching, and healing. I know the importance of living a balanced life, and I am mindful to set aside time for rest and rejuvenation. Living in this manner supports me in being more present with others. In times of quiet prayer, I rest in stillness. As I connect deeply with my spiritual nature, I am refreshed. I am then able to return fully to the activities of my day with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. I am grateful for prayerful moments that restore and refresh me, body and soul.
You have been born anew, not of perishable but of imperishable seed, through the living and enduring word of God.—1 Peter 1:23

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Let Go Let God Imagine

I imagine my good unfolding, and so it is.
My mind creates powerful images that shape how I experience my life. Through the power of Spirit, I have the ability to consciously create the life I am building with each thought and action. So I choose to fill my days with images of a healthy life and abundant good. Beyond what my eyes see in the physical world is an idea of the good I envision. Relying on divine wisdom to reveal each step of the way, I manifest the good I have imagined. Faith assures me what is unseen remains certain. I allow good to unfold without stressing about a temporary appearance or clinging to a particular result. The power of Spirit through me is mighty to bring forth the good that I imagine.
He replied, “What is impossible for mortals is possible for God.”—Luke 18:27

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Let Go Let God Be Inspired

I am inspired to make a positive difference in life.
To be inspired is to be filled with a spiritual awareness. Inspiration motivates me to do that which is mine to do. I am inspired in different ways at different times. Music may stir emotion in me or help me to feel more deeply. Words I hear or read may incite me to action. I may be inspired by scripture or by stories or poetry. Often I am moved by the actions of others—through their courage, their triumphs, their ability to face and overcome obstacles, their willingness to accept and achieve a goal. I think to myself, If they can do it, maybe I can too! I take time to discover and to experience whatever inspires me most. I use that inspiration to make a positive difference in my life and in the lives of others.

The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.—Proverbs 16:9

Monday, July 9, 2018

Let Go Let God in Divine Order

I am in the flow of divine order.
No matter what a foundation is designed to support—a single-family home or a high-rise apartment—it is essential that it be solid. So it is in life. Day by day, I am building my life on the solid foundation of spiritual awareness. This means that, despite the chatter of distractions around me, I remain centered in my faith as I move through and past any appearance of disorder. I may not always act and speak in perfect ways, but I hold within me the essence of God’s perfection. My commitment to express divinity heightens my awareness of ultimate order through an inner, sacred perception. I am empowered and free to be and do what is positive in a time of seeming disorder.

For it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure.—Philippians 2:13

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Let Go Let God in Comfort

In extending comfort to others, I find peace.
The 23rd Psalm affirms comfort through the darkest valley. At times it may seem that only by finding myself in a dark valley am I able to appreciate the spiritual substance by which I am surrounded. Faith reminds me that comfort is a quality of Spirit, not dependent on conditions or circumstances in my life. This awareness aids me in being a channel of comfort and serenity for others as well. I do so by replacing drama and instant judgment with an energy of peace and love. At every opportunity, even through any seeming valleys, I find time to be still and know. Nothing can disturb the calm that I feel and the serenity that I share with others.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.—Psalm 23:6

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Let Go Let God through Grace

Through prayer, I shift my awareness from separation to spiritual oneness.
Grace is the spirit of God operating as a transformative power in me and in my life. Regardless of my past beliefs, thoughts, and actions, grace is available to me. I access it through my willingness to change my way of thinking, thereby raising my thoughts to those of unity, harmony, and wholeness. This restorative process lifts my thoughts from human limitation to spiritual consciousness. A practice that aids in this renewal of the mind is the use of denials and affirmations. I release false beliefs of separation or condemnation. Then I affirm: The grace of God flows freely in my life. In this awakened state, I no longer seek my good in the physical world, finding it instead through the awareness of the presence of God acting in and as all life.

From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.—John 1:16

Friday, July 6, 2018

Let Go Let God with Resilience

I easily adapt to and recover from change. I am resilient!
Change exists in every moment; time moves ahead with each passing second and even my cells are constantly growing and renewing. I need only look to nature to see that nothing stays the same. The seasons and stages of nature teach me that all life is moving forward and evolving. Still, I am sometimes resistant and try to force things to stay the same. I remind myself that I need not fear change, for I have the ability to adapt to and recover from any challenge. I notice when I am resistant and I consciously release my fears. I trust that all change is for my highest good, even when I cannot see it. I know that I can persevere even in the face of the unknown, for I am resilient.
We look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen; for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal.—2 Corinthians 4:18

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Let Go Let God be Divine Light

The light of my being dispels all shadows.
Even when the day outside is cloudy or rainy, divine light shines through me at all times. Turning within puts me in contact with my divine essence. I become aware of all the radiance that comes from within me. There is always an abundance of sunshine glowing in my heart and mind. The light of my being dispels all shadows. My soul is full of light. I am a channel through which God is expressing. There is so much joy and warmth in me that I just have to share it. My sunny perspective is contagious. It lifts up those around me and puts them in contact with their own light. They are encouraged to share the sunshine within themselves as well. Divine light exudes from me to brighten the world.

You are the light of the world.—Matthew 5:14

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Let Go Let God with Freedom

I celebrate my freedom as a gift.
Rather than stressing about decisions I need to make, I celebrate instead my freedom to choose. I see my choices as blessings, each one leading to a different possible outcome. I learn from my actions as well as my choices. Failures are learning opportunities. Experience combined with inner guidance helps me choose wisely. Throughout my life I learn from the past as I envision the future, mindful of this moment in time. Because I have been given the gift of free will, I always have the ability to see from new and different perspectives if I choose. I celebrate my freedom through my thoughtful and purposeful actions, making a positive difference in my life and in the lives of others.
You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.—John 8:32

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Let Go Let God with an Animal Blessing

I give thanks for all creatures, great and small.
Those who share their lives with pets know that there is a circle of giving and receiving in the relationship that allows us to be ourselves without concern of being rejected. A beloved poem by Cecil France Alexander pays tribute as a blessing to our animal cohabitants:
All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all.
All animals—domesticated or in the wild—are divinely created beings. We can and do appreciate their uniqueness in a world of wonder. We honor our relationships with them as opportunities to give love freely and without measure or thought of return.
God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind ... And God saw that it was good.—Genesis 1:25

Monday, July 2, 2018

Let Go Let God Power Intentions

My intentions are powered by divine love.
I live and move and have my being in divine love. This is why there is no real separation between my heart’s deepest desires and that which is mine in Truth. In this moment, I release any fear of never realizing my dreams. I release the need to chase after that which I feel is missing. I recognize that the true power of my intention is not based on a sense of lack but, rather, on my commitment to live the truth of my own being. As I radiate love, I readily attract greater compassion and care into my life. As I focus on truth, I experience greater harmony in every area of my existence. I emanate joy, attracting positive and uplifting experiences. As I express my God-given qualities, I draw upon everything I need to realize my highest potential.
Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.—Psalm 37:4

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Let Go Let God as a New Day

My creative power enables me to create a new day whenever I choose.
A day that starts from a place of peace and order will often stay that way. Likewise, a day that begins in anxiety and fear may continue to expand upon those negative energies unless I change my outlook. I can accept the day I’m given or I can change my viewpoint. The concept of time enables us to measure, plan, and relate to each other in important ways. As an expression of infinite Spirit, however, I am not bound by human-made limitations. At any time, I can declare a negative day complete and begin again, no matter what clocks or calendars may read. My creative power enables me to create a new day whenever I choose.

This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.—Psalm 118:23-24