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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Let Go Let God with Imagination

With Imagination, I Create my Life. 

Each one of us is born with the power of imagination. As a young child, I used my imagination to pretend and play. As I matured, I became more intentional about finding ways and making time to be playful. Now I use my imagination to be creative and resourceful as I create my ideal life. If faced with a problem or obstacle, I turn within to my creative mind to envision new ideas and to picture positive outcomes instead of roadblocks. Using my imagination, I can identify options and possibilities I might not have thought of otherwise. Today I use the power of my imagination to dream, create goals, and envision the coming year as the best yet in my life!

We look not at what can be seen but at what cannot be seen.—2 Corinthians 4:18

Monday, December 30, 2019

Let Go Let God with Power

I Use my Spiritual Power to Help Others. 

Bible stories tell of people leaving their jobs and homes to follow Jesus. They were inspired by his words and were awed by his spiritual authority. As a spiritual being, I am equipped with the same divine power Jesus had, and I realize my dominion through its conscious, deliberate use. I, too, can stand in my spiritual authority when I am aware of my oneness with God and the power of my divine nature. I am filled with love for others and humbled by chances to serve. Living from my divine power aligns me with the higher aspects of myself. Who I am being is more important than what I am doing. I pray that, like Jesus, the power of my presence will bring divine love and healing to others.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.—Acts 1:8

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Let Go Let God Find Strength

Through Spiritual Connectedness, I Find my Strength. 

Knowing that I am a member of the human family and belong to a greater community of faith awakens my inner sense of spiritual strength and power. James Dillet Freeman, once described redwood trees as the perfect metaphor for this shared spiritual strength. “You know, you’ll never see a redwood standing alone,” he said. “It takes several of them to intertwine those shallow roots and remain standing. Redwoods are like us, I suppose. They find their strength in community.” My spiritual roots are intertwined with all of humanity. I am strengthened by my shared interconnectedness in God.

The hearing ear and the seeing eye—the Lord has made them both.—Proverbs 20:12

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Let Go Let God Shine Wisdom

I Let the Light of Divine Wisdom Shine through me. 

Wisdom is the whisper of my heart, my inner compass, that is guiding me to my good. When the people in my life try to guide me by advising me or sharing what they’ve learned from their lives, I remember that I have the greatest resource of all within me. My power of wisdom directs me. If I find myself questioning my direction, I use wisdom to intuit the best way to go. With each step, I feel the rightness of my decision. I listen to my wisdom and let it guide me. From the people with whom I choose to spend my time to the ways I use my resources, my choices enrich my life and the lives of others. With deep appreciation, I celebrate that I am an expression of divine wisdom. I let my light shine bright.

Live, and walk in the way of insight.—Proverbs 9:6

Friday, December 27, 2019

Let Go Let God Spread Divine Love

I Radiate Divine Love

All the love that is expressed in the world originates as divine love. This love is the harmonizing universal principle, which draws together all things. Divine love is the ultimate expression of my nature as a spiritual being. Divine love within me impels me to see the good in everything and everyone and to bless those already in my life and those I encounter along my path. It also exists all around me as a unifying universal power that loves for the sake of loving without consideration of how that love is returned. Today the love I extend outward by my words and through my actions is as clear and bright as the sun, unsullied by expectations or demands. I radiate divine love to the world.

God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them.—1 John 4:16

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Let Go Let God Believe

I Believe all Things are Possible. 

“Only believe, only believe; All things are possible, only believe.” These lovely, meditative words from a 1921 hymn center me and give me peace in mind and heart. With the sometimes hectic activities of the holiday season, I may feel less than peaceful, as if I have more tasks than time. I only have to stop for a moment and breathe, repeating these words slowly and with feeling: “Only believe.” Such wonderful words of advice! And I do believe. I believe all things are possible for me and for everyone I hold in my heart. My belief in God is the stronghold of my life, helping me stay focused and positive. I have peace and purpose and believe that I will finish all that I need to do today and every day.

But overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the leader of the synagogue, “Do not fear, only believe.”—Mark 5:36

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Let Go Let God it's Christmas!

I Celebrate the Miracle of Spiritual Life. 

On this Christmas Day, memories of my childhood Christmases come into my mind—sampling warm cookies just out of the oven and singing favorite Christmas carols. Love and joy fill my heart as I imagine people across the globe gathering to celebrate, attend sacred services, and spend time together. Wonder and awe overcome me as I contemplate the number of people all around the world who celebrate the birth of Jesus. Today the Christ light is once again born in our hearts. I know that God is with me always, shining brightly as the Christ presence within. Whether this day is busy with festivities and fun or is more quiet and reflective, my heart is filled with the spirit of Christmas.

To you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.—Luke 2:11

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Let Go Let God on Christmas Eve

Divine Love is Born in me.

James Dillet Freeman’s poem “My Prayer for You This Christmas” includes these words of blessing: “May you have the compassion Mary had and the understanding Joseph had, and the blessing of the Christ child be yours, not because of his birth long ago, but because His love is born in you today.” I give thanks for the greatest gift: Christ love born in me. I experience a renewed awareness of compassion, understanding, and oneness. I rekindle my dedication to being a peaceful presence. I affirm goodwill to all as I envision the earth and its inhabitants living in peace. My journey has brought me once again to the Christ child, both to give from my heart and to receive the greatest love.

So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger.—Luke 2:16

Monday, December 23, 2019

Let Go Let God Live in the Light

I Remove Obstacles from my Path that Block the Light. 

When I walk into a dark room, I can strike a match or flip a switch and see the room fill with light. If a lamp is turned off, I know electricity still continues to flow out of my sight. Obstacles may block the light, but the source of light remains constant. Similarly, God is present in every person, place, and situation, even when I can’t see it. When I believe the Divine is absent and I judge a situation as negative or bad, I create obstacles that block me from the light. But like flipping a switch, I can shift my attention to God, and my mind and heart are filled with light. When I remember I am one with Spirit, the darkness dissolves. Maintaining conscious awareness of my connection to God, I remain in the light. 

You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid.—Matthew 5:14

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Let Go Let God Discover Joy

My Greatest joy is Discovering the Presence of God within me.

Charles Fillmore wrote that joy is “the happiness of God expressed through his perfect idea”—humankind. Witnessing the unbridled joy of children on Christmas morning brings a smile to my face and gives me a warm feeling. Although my childhood may be a distant memory, joy remains an active part of my life. I find joy in the beauty of holiday decorations, in the fellowship of family and friends, and in giving and receiving gifts. I discover that my greatest joy is knowing and feeling the presence of God within me. I recognize and rejoice in God’s presence in me and see it in everyone I meet. I know that joy is always present and can be called into expression at every moment.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness.—Galatians 5:22

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Let Go Let God as World Peace

I Focus on Peace in all my Interactions. 

The world seems to grow smaller each day. I can connect with people from all over the globe, but sometimes I feel overwhelmed by information and opinion. So I become more selective in my focus. Viewing the world as my home, I assume the role of influencer, an ambassador of peace. I form connections focused on peace, knowing they have a ripple effect beyond geographical boundaries and beliefs. In this season of love and goodwill, I make the choice to focus on positives: solutions instead of problems and commonalities instead of differences. Peace, goodwill, and harmony are my priorities as I meet family and friends or come into contact with strangers. I commit to express peace in all my interactions with others.

How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!—Psalm 133:1

Friday, December 20, 2019

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

I Behold the Christ in you. 

As I hold others in prayer, I look at them through eyes of love. Looking through the lens of unconditional love helps me see their possibilities and potential instead of their challenges. I see wholeness and wisdom, peace and harmony, love and protection. I keep my thoughts positive and constructive. I behold the Christ in you! I see the true you, no longer hidden by the shadow of darkness or doubt. I behold the Christ in you and see you living in and as divine light, life, and love. You are an expression of purest light and love. I affirm the highest and best, trusting that each person for whom I pray is walking a path to higher good. Each of us is blessed with divine attributes and is never separate from God. 

Pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.—James 5:16

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Let Go, Let God

I Release Limiting Perspectives and Allow my Good to Unfold.

At times I have clung to ways of being that kept me stuck in place mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Ready for a new direction in my life, I pause to open my heart and mind to a storehouse of unlimited possibilities. Turning to the presence of God within, I choose to surrender my limited perspectives and become willing to take on a new and higher perspective. When I tap in to my spiritual nature, life takes on a sense of adventure. Following divine inspiration, I am able to move forward on my life’s journey. Viewing life in positive ways with an attitude of empowerment, I expect my greatest good to unfold. No matter what may arise in my life, I am grateful knowing that God is blessing me in magnificent ways! 

Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you.—Psalm 55:22

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Let Go Let God Open to Guidance

I am Always Open to the Guidance of Spirit.

When I am open to Spirit, I can access my intuition by using chance events in my life to gauge my feelings and then use those feelings to discern my perfect path. These events can be as simple as a letter or call from a friend or as random as a song on the radio. I commit to being receptive all the time. Sometimes I feel the need for help in making a decision; other times I am doing well on my chosen course. Either way, I listen with a receptive mind to the still, small voice within me. I also choose words to help me stay open and responsive. I may use an affirmation as simple as “I am listening.” I write it down and place it where I can see it every day. Whatever guidance I receive, I am willing to follow through.

If any of you is lacking in wisdom, ask God, who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and it will be given you.—James 1:5

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Let Go Let God with Patience

Poised and Centered in God, I am Patient. 

A key to having patience is to let flower the divine love that lives in our hearts. Relationships can be transformed when we awaken to and practice this Truth. Through divine love, I have the power within me to forgive others and myself. So whenever I feel my patience challenged, I center myself in moments of meditation, understanding that God is ever present. I enter into the Silence and simply be. Herein dwells the peaceful presence. In stillness, I know “the Father and I are one.” As I deepen my awareness of the power that is breathing life into me, I am lifted up and strengthened. I glimpse eternity, and I discover the patience to let life unfold on its own terms.

May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power, and may you be prepared to endure everything with patience.—Colossians 1:11

Monday, December 16, 2019

Let Go Let God Breathe

I Breathe Peace into my Day. 

How many times has someone tried to soothe me by saying “It’s okay, just breathe …” I heed this advice often and share it with others. Just breathe. Simply thinking these two words causes me to stop what I am doing and refocus. If the day is not going the way I had hoped, if my interaction with a family member is causing stress, if an unexpected bill arrives in the mail, I pause and just breathe. With each breath, I slow my heartbeat and relax. I disconnect from the busyness or stress of the world to enter my inner space where I feel my oneness with God. In this sacred space, I regroup and ready myself for the rest of the day. I respond to any stress from my place of peace, simply by breathing.
Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!—Psalm 150:6

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Let Go Let God Love

I Immerse myself in God's Love.

God’s love is a gift that each member of the human family shares. It is the love that binds us together and gives us the ability to create harmony in our world. When we make the decision to think, feel, and act lovingly, we live as the love that we are, and the love between us blossoms and grows. Today I immerse myself in the awareness of God’s love within me. My heart overflows with a renewed and growing awareness of this love that created and sustains me. I am motivated to give of myself in service to others. I release old resentments and offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me. I smile and and share my joy. I embrace oneness with God and harmony with all people.
And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.—1 Corinthians 13:13

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Let Go Let God all is in Divine Order

I Use Divine Orders to Guide my Growth. 

Nature shows me that order is essential to all life. A tall, majestic oak tree that towers over me was once an acorn, small enough to fit in my palm. I remember this truth as I progress along my spiritual path. My growth has not always felt like an upward trajectory, and I recall feeling as if I wandered off course, sometimes for years. But I have used my faculty of order to rekindle my inner drive, quicken my impulse to move forward, and refine and refocus my goals. Before there are things, there are thoughts. I use nature as a guide to remember that even the tallest trees start small. My spiritual growth begins in my consciousness and flourishes with my thoughts. I welcome each step forward.

Let the wise also hear and gain in learning, and the discerning acquire skill.—Proverbs 1:5

Friday, December 13, 2019

Let Go Let God Know Comfort

I Grow Spiritually with Comfort and Grace. 

Just as an airline passenger is comfortable flying swiftly through thin air, my forward progress through life can be a journey of ease and grace, regardless of what is going on around me. Spiritually, I can traverse great distances and keep my poise and equilibrium intact. The journey that is my life is progressing with great success. Right now, I sense the call of new chances for growth. I am open to divine ideas that lead me to express myself fully in unique and dynamic ways. I never mistake my comfort for a need to stay rooted in any one environment. When faced with a challenge, I feel myself enfolded in a protective presence that helps me progress while I am ensconced in harmony and peace. I am comfortable, confident, and at ease.

Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God. —Isaiah 40:1

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Let Go Let God Forgive

I Choose the Path to Forgiveness. 

People who are hurting can be hurtful to others. Those with deep and unhealed wounds might be more inclined to lash out, unconsciously wanting others to share the pain they feel inside. Today I break the cycle of pain, choosing the path to forgiveness. Centered in awareness of the Divine, I feel for injured places inside me. As hurt arises, I breathe, letting the pain crest like a wave, then finding healing as each swell crashes and calms. Sensing woundedness in those I believe have wronged me, a second wave of forgiveness is born, washing away any power to hurt me. This peace extends outward, bathing everyone involved in the light and love of God.

And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you.—Ephesians 4:32

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Let Go, Let God in the Stillness

In Stillness, I Sense the Activity of God.

The word stillness comes from the old English word “stilnes,” meaning silence. Stillness is not merely the absence of motion or sound, but something much deeper and more powerful. When I become still, I begin to sense more fully the presence of God. When I center my mind on God in this moment, my busy thoughts begin to settle down and I become more mindful. Touching this inner stillness allows me to weather even the toughest times at work or in my personal life. No matter what arises, I am now centered and mindful of the activity of God within my heart and soul and nothing can disturb me. Resting in an inward stillness offers me respite and blesses me for the journey ahead.

He said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.”—Mark 6:31