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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Let Go, Let God

I trust in the activity of Spirit, and my faith grows.

Letting go brings me peace and freedom. As I trust in the activity of Spirit, I am free to release the weight of resentment or unforgiveness. As I let go of worry about a job, the economy, my health or a loved one, I allow Spirit to work in these situations. When I let go of self-doubt and unworthiness, I let divine inner wisdom be my guide.
My life is uplifted and sustained by the spirit of God active in me. My faith grows as I surrender any doubts and trust in Spirit. Letting go does not mean I do nothing. It simply means I am less willful and more willing. I let go of the need to control or solve every problem and marvel at the way life is forever moving in the direction of my highest good.

But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, "You are my God." --Psalm 31:14

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