I let go of yesterday. Today is a new day!
Each evening, I release any burdens from the day. Consciously letting go of judgment, resentment or expectation, I release them to be gently dissolved into the night. In the morning as I awake, I begin anew. I connect with God in gratitude. I am alive! I am aware! I am ready!
I see myself and others as one in Spirit. We are one; there is no separation. There is no judgment. There is only the realization that we are each made of the same "stuff" in our unfolding universe.
Today--in this very moment--is where life resides. I let go of yesterday. I do not worry about tomorrow. I enjoy the sweet and loving peace of now.
God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.--Genesis 1:5
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