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Friday, November 30, 2018

Let Go Let God with Zeal

I care for myself and others with passion and enthusiasm.
Whether we possess communication skills, empathy, intelligence, or any other talent, we all have divine gifts with which to serve the world. Zeal is a gift that motivates us to share with others and to seek and share spiritual truth. When I use my gift of zeal, I fully align with the Divine in mind, heart, and body. Zeal propels me forward—eager to share of myself. Still, a balance between giving of myself and giving to myself is necessary. Like an empty pitcher, I cannot fill others’ cups until I have been replenished. I practice regular self-care to nurture all aspects of myself. When I am determined to care about and for myself just as I would for others, I effectively use zeal to better myself.

Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to complete his work.”—John 4:34

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Let Go Let God in This Moment

I am living in the now—fully present to divine possibilities in each moment.
Each day begins with unknown possibilities. As I progress through the day, my experiences are shaped by what I believe is true and where my attention is focused. If I believe life is wondrous and see only evidence of that, then I experience life as a wonder. I choose to believe this day is a unique opportunity to discover the activity of Spirit in and through my life. Time in prayer reveals a sense of peace available within me when I still the busyness of my mind. I go about the day pausing to enjoy the glimpses of wonder and beauty in my surroundings. While interacting with others, I make connections and find reminders of the power of love to heal and uplift me. I claim the gifts in this day by being present to each moment.

May prayer be made for him continually, and blessings invoked for him all day long.—Psalm 72:15

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Let Go Let God Breathe

I breathe and feel my oneness with God and with life.
Breathing is an automated process, yet conscious breathing—placing attention and intention to center myself—allows me to focus my energy. I breathe in as I silently count to three. I pause for the count of one and then exhale for another count of three. I repeat this several times. This brief time helps me to step away from the busyness of my day. Breath and energy are intertwined, and conscious breathing allows me to relax and recognize the magnificence of life. I am breathing, my heart is beating, and I am alive! Focusing on my breathing gives me a few moments of clarity, and during that precious time, nothing else matters. I breathe and feel my oneness with God and with life.

The spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.—Job 33:4

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Let Go Let God All Are Equal

I rise on wings of prayer to fulfill my divine potential.
There may be times when it is hard to believe that all people are equal. Outwardly, people differ in every conceivable way. But underneath apparent inequalities, beneath the differences brought about by environment and other factors, lies the divine potential that is the same in all people. We all have God’s spirit in us. All of us are not expressing it to the same degree—some have allowed it to blossom forth, others have neglected it, still others know nothing about its existence—hence the seeming inequalities. The same spirit that was in Christ Jesus is in all. Knowledge of this truth frees us from a sense of competition, and peace and satisfaction are established.

Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit.—1 Corinthians 12:4

Monday, November 26, 2018

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

My thoughts of health and healing bless the world.
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus promises, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” His purpose was always to encourage intimate spiritual community focused on the divine love he taught and practiced. My prayers are aligned with infinite light and love. I may be physically alone yet still in community with others in spiritual consciousness. I may have a particular prayer intention in mind or be open to expressing health and healing for the entire world. In aligning my thoughts with the power of divine mind, I join my prayers with others in an energy of infinite love.

If two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.—Matthew 18:19-20

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Let Go Let God as a Home Blessing

My home provides an energy of divine love to all who enter.
When I consider the seemingly negative energies in the world around me, I may wonder how my positivity makes a difference. The answer can be found within the boundaries of the space that is my home. My love enfolds the physical form that is home for me, ensuring that it is safe and comfortable. With the same spiritual energy, I include all those who live within my home and those who visit. If there is another space that I consider a sacred space—a nature sanctuary, a spiritual center, or more—I include it in my prayer intention. It, too, radiates the same divine love that fills my heart. I am grateful for the comfort and support it provides me and all who enter there.

My people will abide in a peaceful habitation ... and in quiet resting places.—Isaiah 32:18

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Let Go Let God Live in Prosperity

I live in the flow of infinite abundance.
If I limit my idea of prosperity to material possessions or success, I will miss out on the opportunity to fully realize true prosperity. I am prosperous when I live in cooperation with the universal flow of abundance that is everywhere present. I live and breathe within God! The only thing that could ever be lacking is my focus on and awareness of that truth. I bring my awareness gently and purposefully to my spiritual center. I breathe in and connect with the universal flow. I see with fresh eyes the resources available to accomplish great things. I hear with new ears wise words that lead me to my best, and I feel with a new heart the divine guidance readily available. I live in the flow of infinite abundance.

If they listen, and serve him, they complete their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasantness.—Job 36:11

Friday, November 23, 2018

Let Go Let God with Joy

I find joy in the presence of Spirit.
Joy may appear to us as a noisy celebration. When feelings spontaneously bubble up, we may burst into song and dance. We lift our voices, beat the drums, and open our arms wide as we share our joy extravagantly with the world. Spirit expresses through us with all the sparkle and exuberance of fireworks displayed on a night sky. At other times, joy appears as the quiet peace of knowing we are enfolded in the infinite love of the Creator. The world around us may disturb our thoughts and sadden our hearts. This is our cue to seek joy within as we experience the presence of Spirit. Withdrawing our attention from outer distractions, we open our hearts to experience oneness with the Divine. We move beyond any sadness or chaos to a place of joy.

You make him glad with the joy of your presence.—Psalm 21:6

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Let Go Let God as Thanksgiving

In everything, I give thanks.
I give thanks that this is a new day. I will fill it with love, joy, and service. I give thanks for the infinite wisdom that is guiding and directing me in all that I think, do, and say. I seek the spirit of wisdom within, and my path is made clear. I give thanks for my understanding of spiritual truths. I faithfully practice what I know, and my understanding grows and increases. I am grateful for my radiant health, strength, and vitality. I am blessed with prosperity that streams toward me from every direction. I give thanks for my daily work. I enfold each task with thoughts of love, order, and perfection. I give thanks that I am a channel for blessings—a radiating center of divine love.

Give thanks in all circumstances.—1 Thessalonians 5:18

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Let Go Let God Refresh

I am refreshed and renewed as I step into quiet moments of prayer.
Jesus knew the value of taking time alone to pray. He demonstrated it as he stepped away from the crowds he was teaching for periods of renewal. I follow this example when I step away from the routine of the day—even for a moment—to pray. I leave those things that call for my attention during the day for just one or two minutes to step into the stillness of prayer. Here in this sacred moment, I breathe, I release, and I open to Spirit. I touch the presence of God within me and know I am never alone. I come away from this moment with a new outlook, ready to return to the task at hand. Pausing throughout the day renews my spirit and refreshes my mind and body. I am effective and productive in all I do.

Now during those days he went out to the mountain to pray.—Luke 6:12

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Let Go Let God Find Inner Peace

I find my source of peace within.
I practice the art of letting things be and allowing them to unfold as they should. First, I still my thoughts and quiet my emotions. Now, I move deeper into the stillness. By directing my attention to my heart space, I discover a feeling of perfect balance that dwells there. Inner harmony finds its home in my soul, and I am drawn more deeply into this realm of holy peace, the space of inner equanimity and poise of being. I no longer look toward the conditions of life to provide me peace. Serenity cannot be added on to me from the outside. Instead, I turn to the stillness within my soul that releases a deep sense of well-being and satisfaction. I uncover my true source of peace as the presence of God within.

Remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.—Matthew 28:20

Monday, November 19, 2018

Let Go Let God Offer Comfort

My choices bring comfort to others as I move through my day.
Comfort is easy to recognize, but it can be challenging to define. I certainly take every opportunity to offer comfort to those facing challenges in their lives. Comfort also describes a more general sense of well-being that allows each day to unfold easily and in peace. It is this sense that I try to carry with me as I move through the day. Choices produce effects and those effects reflect my intentions. Acting against the flow of infinite love may produce tension. Yet, when all that I do and say is filtered through my divine nature, my choices will provide contentment. As the day unfolds, the comfort I extend to others is always centered in the comfort I feel myself. My choices bring comfort to others as I move through my day.

Comfort, O comfort my people, says your God.—Isaiah 40:1

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Let Go Let God In Oneness

In oneness, we live in love.
Jesus was clear to those who gathered in his name when he shared, “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another” (John 13:34). His followers observed this directive by gathering in spiritual communities, sharing freely with each other, and giving readily to those in need. Their commonality was a willingness to live in love. I remember Jesus’ words and feel my loving connection to all other beings on the planet. I know that we are all truly Spirit, intimately linked through the energy of divine mind. I send my energy out in the form of peace and love. In my work, play, and service to others, I share oneness. In doing this, I am reaffirming my connection with Infinite Love and with all life. In oneness, we live in love.

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.—John 13:35

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Let Go Let God See World Peace

I create world peace through my thoughts and actions.
In every moment, I can directly contribute to world peace. My thoughts, words, and actions are creative and cumulative, forming a critical mass of energy and influence. I consider the people from all parts of the world who are being kind to one another. How many acts of peace are happening—such as forgiving others, helping a stranger, or choosing kindness? I keep in mind what children might learn from my example as I treat others with love and respect. In my realm of influence, I remember the divine loving essence within each person and do all I can to live from that place in myself. I strive to be an example of what I desire to see. I create world peace through my thoughts and actions.

Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.—Romans 14:19

Friday, November 16, 2018

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

Divine guidance leads me to my highest good.
The ocean’s waves move in and out, back and forth, across the sand with a steady flow. Like a drop in that ocean, I contain within me all the elements of the whole that created me. Because I am a divine creation, I follow the flow of divinity within me. I call upon divine guidance to help me navigate through and make decisions in my life. I build a relationship with God within so I can learn to trust myself and utilize all my innate spiritual gifts. When I allow divine guidance to direct my actions, I know that I am making the best choices for myself. I follow Spirit’s guidance, and it leads me to my highest good.

If I take the wings of the morning and settle at the farthest limits of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me fast.—Psalm 139:9-10

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Let Go Let God be Protected

I am divinely protected.
Today I reaffirm my connection with the loving, protecting Presence. There may be situations in my life that others find concerning. However, I have no need to worry for I know I am one with the Divine. There is a spiritual life force within me that sees beyond outer circumstances to the truth: The power of the Divine is absolute protection through any challenges life may offer. I am a spiritual being, and as such, I move through these challenges easily and fearlessly. This is the reality in all situations. I visualize a protective force around me that cannot be invaded or destroyed. My divine nature is stronger than any appearances or circumstances. I am divinely protected.

And you will have confidence, because there is hope; you will be protected and take your rest in safety.—Job 11:18

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Let Go, Let God

I let go of fear and embrace love.
Because God’s presence is in all things, everything that happens in my life occurs within divine order. I can let go of worry and fear because I trust the Divine within. If I am afraid, I may find myself in a state of unbelief, wanting to be in control. But when I let go of fear, I let go of stress and tension and can enjoy my life more. I notice and let go of negative, fearful thoughts then fill that void with God thoughts. I use words of affirmation to assist me in fixing my mind on faith. As I change my mind, I shift away from stress and anxiety and into a state of peace. My entire body relaxes, and I know and trust that all is well. From this place of calm, I respond to life with ease and grace.

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life ... will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.—Romans 8:38, 39

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Let Go Let God be Patient

I find joy in the journey!
If I were to fixate on instant gratification, I might lose appreciation for the journey that lies between deciding a course of action and then fulfilling it. I choose today to be patient with the process and to celebrate every milestone along the path to reaching my goals. I learn to appreciate the purpose of the time it can take to realize my vision, and I trust the Divine is in the details, sorting out the best possible path ahead for me. I choose not to worry or hurry. I have faith that every detail will fall into place at the right and perfect time. I allow myself to enjoy the thrill of anticipation that comes with patience. I trust that what is ultimately revealed is the perfect unfoldment of my divine vision.

But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.—Romans 8:25

Monday, November 12, 2018

Let Go Let God with Appreciation

You are loved; you are whole; you are safe.
Praying for someone is a dual blessing because it not only touches the recipient but also blesses me. Whenever I pray, I am comforted by the act of releasing concerns and the divine assurance that all is well. I know this for everyone I hold in prayer. Today I take time to pray for other people I may not even know: the veterans who are serving or have served our country. To each one I extend a thought of love and appreciation. In my prayers, I affirm for them: You are loved; you are whole; you are safe. As I pray for others, I connect with the Christ within each person. I bless the spirit of love, life, wisdom, and peace that empowers them to move forward in faith each day.

Pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.—James 5:16

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Let Go Let God through Freedom

I am free through the freedom of Spirit.
The words of the “Prayer for Protection” were originally penned by James Dillet Freeman during the World War II years for those in the armed services. Today I use these words to bless all who serve and those who have returned to civilian life: The light of God surrounds us; the love of God enfolds us; the power of God protects us; the presence of God watches over us. Wherever we are, God is! I am grateful for all those who have given of themselves that I might freely be able to make my choices in life. I celebrate my freedom by valuing it and using it wisely, making decisions that bless others as well as me. I am free through the freedom of Spirit.

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.—2 Corinthians 3:17

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Let Go Let God Celebrate Abundance

My abundant nature expresses in every area of my life.
At times I may not recognize the abundance that is everywhere present. Thoughts of lack are not in alignment with my spiritual knowledge. So I pause and turn within to the presence of God that brings about perfect peace. I release fears and allow a feeling of trust to permeate my being. I remind myself that prosperity is not about what car I drive, the clothes I wear, or my social status. A prosperous life begins within. I affirm: Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind. Affirmations activate my natural state of abundance including my sense of possibility, flow, and ease. With a consciousness of plenty, I have an attitude of gratitude. My heart is full and I celebrate divine abundance in my life.

God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion.”—Genesis 1:28

Friday, November 9, 2018

Let Go Let God in Healing

Spirit within is my all-powerful healer.

To keep functioning at optimal levels, I care for my body physically and mentally. I nourish it with nutritious food and physical activity. On a spiritual level, I exercise my awareness of God. I feed myself life-affirming thoughts. Praying from the awareness of my highest potential, I claim words of wholeness, strength, and vibrancy. With these words, I bless every part of my body from head to toe. Every organ, tissue, and cell is alight with the vibration of perfect health. As these thoughts are digested in consciousness, true healing occurs. My body and mind respond to this life-affirming prayer. Spirit within is my all-powerful healer.

I am the Lord who heals you.—Exodus 15:26

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Let Go Let God Forgive

I willingly and lovingly forgive.
What would my day be like if I carried a bag of heavy rocks with me, never putting it down? I would be weary physically, mentally, and emotionally. I could not fully do the things I wanted to do for myself or anyone else. Unwillingness to forgive brings pain because it impacts the quality of my life and my ability to go forward. Forgiveness does not mean the hurt never happened—it means I no longer let it rule my life. Forgiveness is a process that takes as long as it takes to feel free. I start with being willing to forgive, willing to be the heart and hands of Spirit to work through me to heal. I seek help as guided and know all things are possible with God in the midst of me.

Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.—Matthew 11:28

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Let Go Let God be Ageless

My spiritual self is ageless.
I live in God, not in years. My time on earth in this physical body temple is measured by experience and development. I am an expression of the Divine. Claiming the abundance of the life and substance of God, I release any thoughts of limitation. The spark of divinity within me is everlasting. I maintain an attitude of youth with loving gratitude and an exuberant zest for life. At a cellular level, my physical body is regenerative and responds to these life-affirming thoughts. My spiritual self is ageless.

The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.—John 4:14

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Let Go Let God Live with Serendipity

I am always open to unexpected joy and beauty.
Serendipity is described as unexpected developments in a happy or beneficial way. There is evidence of serendipity all around me once I open my mind and heart to receive them. I can choose to view my life as quiet and predictable or I can decide that it is a grand adventure. There is so much enjoyment to be found when I tap in to God’s serendipitous blessings. I am surrounded by wondrous things that I haven’t actively sought out but are present all the same. It just depends on my point of view. I continue to learn and grow as I recognize that life holds unlimited blessings. By living with serendipity, I make new and exciting discoveries every day—blessings I hadn’t anticipated but welcome with an open heart.

May grace and peace be yours in abundance.—2 Peter 1:2

Monday, November 5, 2018

Let Go Let God all is in Divine Order

All things are working together for good in my life.
A line from Max Ehrmann’s “Desiderata” shares, “Whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.” This is a reminder to pause, breathe, and center my heart and mind. Order begins as an ever-unfolding network of ideas in divine mind. As I move mindfully through the activities of each day, including my prayer times, I receive divinely inspired ideas. I recognize and release limiting thoughts that may block my experience of divine order. I allow God’s thoughts—the pure stream of divine ideas—to shape my thoughts and words and to guide my actions. When my thoughts, words, and actions are aligned with the perfect pattern of divine order, all things work together for good in my life.

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God.—Romans 8:28

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Let Go Let God Embrace Grace

With joy and gratitude, I embrace all of God’s good.
The Gospel of Luke tells the story of a father who willingly divides his property between his two sons. After wasting his inheritance and then experiencing extreme poverty, the younger son returns to his father’s home humbled. When the young man declares his unworthiness to be called “son,” his father responds by giving him gifts and celebrating his homecoming. Surely this young man experienced grace! Like the Prodigal Son, I may feel unworthy. Feelings of unforgiveness, such as the older brother felt, may also block the flow of good in my life. As I recognize and release these thoughts and feelings, I open my entire being to God’s grace. With joy and gratitude, I embrace all of God’s good.

Then the father said to him, “Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours.”—Luke 15:31

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Let Go Let God Believe

I trust in God as my source.
The source of all I need is within and around me. There is no presence, no power, other than God. I feel divine healing life energy moving in me, creating perfect order. I know with deep assurance that my loved ones are centered securely in the presence of God. As I let go of all fear and doubt, I feel the gathering energy of divine strength. My heartfelt belief in the power of God allows me to meet every challenge with poise and peace. Because all things are working on my behalf, I am fully present, with my heart open and my spirits lifted. I draw from the wellspring of God that flows forth as rich, bountiful blessings. I meet life with energized faith!

He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.—1 Corinthians 1:30

Friday, November 2, 2018

Let Go Let God Have Faith

I have faith enough, strength enough, and love enough.
There is peace in knowing that I am following my perfect path. I may have ups and downs, but when I look at them all together, I realize that I am moving toward my highest good. Even if I am experiencing a challenge, I don’t have to let it affect me on the inside. I have faith that, through Spirit within, I can handle anything that comes my way with grace and love. I have everything I need—right here and now. All I need to do is turn within to tap in to my unlimited resources. The truth is that I am strong and capable. I let go of any concerns, relaxing in the awareness that everything in my life is in divine order. I have faith enough, strength enough, and love enough.

So keep up your courage ... for I have faith in God that it will be exactly as I have been told.—Acts 27:25

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Let Go Let God be Unique

I am a unique spiritual being.
Every person is born with unique gifts that set them apart. Some excel in creativity while analytics comes easily for others. I am grateful for the gifts I am aware of and those yet to be discovered. I am a unique spiritual being. I may not think of a particular skill set as the gift that it is because it comes so naturally. So if someone indicates they could learn from me, I use the opportunity to share my talents. My divine gifts and how I use them are what makes me unique. Still, I am not less or more than anyone else in the world. We are each magnificent in our own special ways. Each time I connect with my spiritual being, I let more of my unique self shine through to bless others.

When the crowds saw it, they were filled with awe, and they glorified God, who had given such authority to human beings.—Matthew 9:8