With grace and gratitude, I am the designer of my life.
I think about the story of my life, I recall ups and downs, successes
and disappointments, and events in between. I keep in mind that through
each experience, I am the storyteller. I am the designer of my life. How I respond to disappointment or success plays a role in future
events. When I find myself questioning my purpose, I can dig deep and
call upon my inner wisdom. These are opportunities to reflect and make
new choices. As I explore my identity and let my true nature shine through, I
write a new chapter in my life. I may create a new path or discover I
like the one I’m on for now. Either way, I cocreate a story—my
story—with God.
All must test their own work; then that work, rather than their neighbor’s work, will become a cause for pride.—Galatians 6:4