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Friday, July 31, 2020

Let Go, Let God

I Relax into the Divine Flow. 

God’s love and goodness flow through my life like a river that can never run dry. To receive, however, I must let go and let the awareness of God pour into me. Like the operator of a dam, I can create resistance and stop the flow of water from coming through, or I can create an opening and let the water in. I open the floodgates and allow Spirit to flow unimpeded when I practice gratitude and faith. I acknowledge and express thankfulness for my blessings every day, from the beauty of a flower to the companionship of a friend. I give generously of my time, service, and treasure, sharing my gifts with the world. When I am afraid or anxious, I connect with my faith and know that I can trust divine order. When I relax and let go, I open myself to the divine flow.

John answered, “No one can receive anything except what has been given from heaven.”–John 3:27

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Let Go Let God Believe

I Believe I am Wonderfully Made.

What I believe about myself determines my capacity to grow. I connect with my full, confident expression and engage the circumstances of life with poise and tenacity. I believe in myself as a spiritual expression of infinite intelligence, and I meet every challenge with courage and strength. 

Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward.—Hebrews 10:35

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Let Go Let God Through Connection

I Have a Sacred Connection to all Life.

I see the interconnectedness of everything when I look at nature. I notice how the trees provide a nesting place for birds and how rainfall nourishes all living creatures. My observations remind me that I am connected to all things through Spirit. I honor my connection to all living beings by expressing respect and kindness to animals, the environment, and all people. I give thanks for the food and other resources nature provides that sustain my life. I work on improving my interpersonal skills so that I may better communicate and connect with authenticity and compassion. I learn from the wisdom of all of life, and I honor all connections as sacred. 

I therefore … beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.—Ephesians 4:1-3

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Let Go Let God with Unlimited Possibility

I am Filled with Unlimited Possibility.

Whatever I dream of can become a reality when I tap into my power of imagination. I take steps to turn my dreams into reality by following the guidance I receive. My story is an open book, and I am the author. I am inspired by stories of people who have overcome great odds. They believed they were filled with unlimited possibilities and used that belief to propel themselves to new heights of achievement. I affirm that my future is unlimited despite any appearance to the contrary. Whatever I can imagine is within my reach when I remember the divine presence within me. I envision limitless possibilities for my story.

But Jesus looked at them and said, “For mortals it is impossible, but for God all things are possible.”—Matthew 19:26

Monday, July 27, 2020

Let Go Let God in Life

My Life Makes a Difference in the World. 

I am rich in spiritual inheritance, and I use my life to express my divine qualities. I am not limited to the body I inhabit. While I am blessed with physical senses to experience life, I know there is so much more to me. I use the gift that is my life to express those qualities for the betterment of myself, other people, and the world. I am a unique spiritual expression of God. I am imbued with the capacity to demonstrate love and faith. I am blessed with a loving heart, understanding mind, strong spirit, and giving nature. I choose to make a difference in this world as I use my gifts, talents, and passions for the benefit of others. God is in me, and I am in God. Life is in me, and I am in life.

It is the spirit that gives life.—John 6:63

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Let Go Let God Pray for Others

I Affirm Truth for Everyone I Hold in Prayer. 

I am honored by the trust people place in me when they ask for prayer support. As I pray for others, I see each one for whom I pray as divine and know the truth that each one is a living expression of God. My purpose in prayer is not to focus on the particulars of a situation, but to hold a higher view. As I center in prayer, I hold the vision that all challenging circumstances are moving toward a satisfying resolution in one way or another. I release all thoughts about the situation that prompted the prayer need and focus on the activity of God. As I pray, I see the life, the love, the wisdom, and the power of God at work, healing, strengthening, and establishing peace in all those for whom I pray.

I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you.—Philippians 1:3-4

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Let Go Let God Be Happy

Within me is all that I Need to be Happy.

If the state of the world is affecting my state of mind, I remember that happiness begins within. I have the power to rise above outer influences and maintain an attitude of gratitude and joy. I can develop this attitude through my awareness of my oneness with God. Knowing God is always with me, I choose to see situations in the outer world as temporary conditions, not as enduring reality. Happiness is my truth as I move through life in partnership with God. I have power over my thoughts and attitudes and I embrace that power today. As I remain committed to happiness, I feel any tension release and feel a new awareness of the activity of God at work in my life. I am joyous, happy, and free!

O Lord of hosts, happy is everyone who trusts in you.—Psalm 84:12

Friday, July 24, 2020

Let Go Let God Extend Grace

I Extend God's Grace to Others. 

Throughout my life, I have been healed, protected, and blessed and have prospered by and through the grace of God. Today I extend God’s grace outward. Rather than be pulled down into discord, I rise above it, losing the need to be right and choosing forgiveness and understanding instead. I am extra attentive to those around me who might be having a rough day. I offer a helping hand, share a kind and uplifting word, or perform a simple anonymous service like putting coins in a parking meter that’s about to expire. God’s grace is a blessing that lives in me. I keep it alive by paying it forward. I share the grace of God, extending it to all who may need to feel the reassuring touch of its gentle benevolence.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.—Philemon 1:25

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Let Go Let God Use Wisdom

The Wisdom of God is Mine. 

When I need to consider my next steps, relying solely upon my intellect may leave me mired in too many options. I ponder the best way to reach a goal or try to puzzle out the best opportunity to pursue. My human mind can use logic, weigh pros and cons, do research, or rely on a trusted friend for advice. But my intellectual reasoning can get me only so far. Turning within, I use my divine power of wisdom to discern my best path. Centering myself in the presence and power of God, I breathe deeply and feel the wisdom of God fill my mind and my heart. A calm certainty begins to pervade my consciousness. My wisdom informs my mind and directs my steps.

So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart.—Psalm 90:12

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Let Go Let God Feel Protected

I am Divinely Protected from Within. 

If I ever find myself feeling alone or afraid, I pause, center myself, and feel the all-powerful presence of God emanating into the world from the core of who and what I am. If I find myself struggling to cope with what is happening in my life or in the world, I bring my attention to the allness of God. I breathe slowly and deeply as I remind myself that there is no circumstance greater than God. I am made in the image and likeness of God. Grounded in that awareness, I affirm: Whatever life has brought me to, I have faith that I am strong, ready, willing, and able to face any challenge. Shifting my thoughts and feelings to the divine presence within, I feel protected as I relax into the enduring reality of the presence and power of God.

The Father and I are one.—John 10:30

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Let Go Let God Express Healing

I Express Healing and Wholeness. 

Divine intelligence infuses all parts of my mind and body. This intelligence means I can breathe and digest automatically, and my cells regenerate without any conscious effort on my part. The natural order of life is to express wholeness. I recognize any pain or discomfort as a signal that something in my body requires attention. As I receive these signals, I am guided to the perfect solution. My positive attitude and openness are crucial to my experience of healing. I attune my thoughts and feelings to the God presence within and trust that all of my cells, tissues, and organs are now working together perfectly. I choose to keep my attention on the many ways my body continues to bless me. I am a vibrant expression of healing and wholeness.

Take heart … your faith has made you well.—Matthew 9:22

Monday, July 20, 2020

Let Go Let God Find Inner Peace

Touching the Spiritual Presence within, I Find Inner Peace. 

Sometimes I feel as if the world is swirling around me and moving so fast that it’s hard for me to stay grounded. When I feel this way, it seems as though the peace of God is far away. I know just what to do. I begin by taking several long, deep breaths. I focus my attention on my breath and reclaim my inner stillness. Now calm, I turn within and align my awareness with the divine spirit that is at the very core of my being. My soul becomes quiet and peaceful as I consciously commune with God. When I feel ready, I bring my attention to the outer world. My experience of swirling has stopped. I bring the blissful stillness of the peace of God with me everywhere I go, and I feel blessed.

But the Lord said to him, “Peace be to you; do not fear, you shall not die.”—Judges 6:23

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Let Go Let God Enjoy Togetherness

I Share God's Love, Peace and Joy. 

While I treasure my times of quiet and solitude, I also look forward to enjoying the company of family, friends, and members of my faith community. Whether we’re working, volunteering, praying, or simply enjoying one another’s company, our shared experiences allow me to support people I care about and feel supported in return. I enjoy and value togetherness throughout every season of my human journey. During times of trial, hardship, or grief, being in the company of friends and family helps comfort me and keep me strong. Likewise, during times of celebration, being in the company of others multiplies my joy. In times of togetherness, may the love, peace, comfort, and joy of God bless us all.

All who believed were together and had all things in common.—Acts 2:44

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Let Go Let God Play

I Bring a Playful Spirit to my Day. 

I have the power to determine how I see the world and the attitude I bring to my life. I decide to bring a joyously playful energy to my life and my relationships. I may share a joke or funny story or even a quick laugh with someone I meet. The act of play itself is an essential aspect of my life. Just as I bring my skills and energy to the work I do and the responsibilities I must meet, so, too, do I engage my playful nature with enthusiasm and joy. Play feeds my body, spirit, and soul. I feel light and happy when I make time to do the things that spark my creativity, challenge my mind, and exercise my body. My playful nature blesses me at every level of my being. 
Out of them shall come thanksgiving, and the sound of merrymakers.—Jeremiah 30:19

Friday, July 17, 2020

Let Go Let God Be Tranquil

In This Moment, I Find My Peace. 

As I close my eyes and just let everything be, I feel safe in this precious moment. My mind eases and becomes free from any agitation, disturbance, or turmoil. As I inhale deeply, I become aware of the peaceful spiritual presence that dwells within me. The waters of my soul become calm, revealing my inner stillness. The rhythms of my heartbeat and breathing draw me further into a relaxed, tranquil awareness. I am immersed in the quiet of this inner perfection. My mind settles, my emotions soften, and my body becomes lighter. I rest safely in the silence of this perfect moment in time. There is nothing for me to do right now except to bask in tranquility. As I return to the day’s activities, I carry my quiet serenity with me.

Therefore my heart is glad, and my soul rejoices; my body also rests secure.—Psalm 16:9

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Let Go Let God Reflect

My Thoughts, Words, and Actions Reflect the Truth of my Being. 

As I awaken, I pause to envision the day’s possibilities. I may picture a visit with a friend, a goal reached, or a task accomplished with aplomb. I am mindful of my thoughts, words, and deeds throughout the day. I tend to my thoughts, noticing when they need correction. Instead of blame or criticism, I look for the positive in all circumstances. I think before I speak, then I speak in ways that reflect the loving nature of my soul. My actions speak even louder than my words so I am consistent and caring in all that I do. As I prepare for sleep, I reflect on how this day has blessed my life. 

And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another.—2 Corinthians 3:18

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Let Go Let God Seek World Peace

I Affirm the Unfolding of World Peace. 

Most monumental changes do not take place overnight. The vision for peace that I desire to see in the world can be at odds with the reality I encounter daily. I allow myself to feel sadness and frustration when I’m confronted with news of strife, anger, and disharmony. Even as I acknowledge my feelings, I commit to an openhearted acceptance of the world just as it is. I continue to affirm all people on the planet are moving in the direction of peace and cooperation. From a place of deep equanimity within myself, I take action toward making those changes I wish to see unfold. As I do, I continue to affirm the dawning of reconciliation, unity, harmony, and love in the world around me.

Seek peace, and pursue it.—Psalm 34:14

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Let Go Let God Affirm Divine Order

I Declare Divine Order and Know All Is Well. 
Whether I am praying for myself or someone else, the first thing I affirm is divine order. It is also the final affirmation that concludes my prayer time. I let go of all concerns because I have absolute faith that all things are working for good. I don’t have to know the answers or force anything on my own. My job is to pray and trust that the highest and best good of all concerned is manifesting in an orderly fashion. The answers I am seeking will come in the perfect way at the perfect time. Spirit is within me and within everyone for whom I pray. Divine order is present in every person and in all situations. I am at peace with what is and what will be, knowing divine order is unfolding. 
His divine power has given us everything needed for life.—2 Peter 1:3

Monday, July 13, 2020

Let Go Let God Soar

I Celebrate my Lighthearted Spirit. 

Like a bird flying skyward, I lift up on the wings of my heart to know my divinity. My majestic spirit knows how to soar, and I easily take flight! As my spirit ascends, I feel light and free. The bright, radiant freedom of my soul shines like the sun on my wings. In this peaceful time, I open to my spiritual awareness and rise into the part of me that can hold a higher perspective. There, the answers to my life’s questions become clearer. Solutions that were once obscure come into focus. I am spiritually supported as I glimpse new energy and life. At my soul’s new elevation, I breathe freely as I playfully soar above the day-to-day drama of life. I move into the clear, limitless atmosphere of Truth where I can fully express God’s inspiration and joy.

My child, give me your heart, and let your eyes observe my ways.—Proverbs 23:26

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Let Go Let God Provide Guidance

I am Divinely Guided. 

Guidance can be easy to find in the outer world. Maps and GPS technology can help me navigate my way just about anywhere. Everywhere I go, there are signs marking streets, adorning storefronts, and providing just about every kind of information and opinion imaginable. Spiritual guidance often is not as evident, but it is much more valuable. This guidance can come to me as a persistent tug on my attention, as a gut feeling or intuition, or even in a dream as I sleep. I pay attention to the guidance I receive and step out in faith to move my steps in its direction. I know that the spirit of wisdom and love within me are always guiding me to blessings of greater peace, love, and prosperity.

Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.—Psalm 25:4

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Let Go Let God Through Laughter

My Joy Flows Through Smiles and Laughter. 

Laughter has many healing properties. It boosts the immune system, lowers stress hormones, and can even decrease pain. My body relaxes and my mood lifts as I laugh, adding zest and joy to my life. Even thinking about the giggles of children and the wonder that brings squeals of delight to an innocent, young mind makes me smile. There are few things better than this feeling of complete surrender to the joy of the moment. Laughter is contagious, so when I bring humor and goodwill to a conversation, I help shift the energy from tension and conflict to cohesion and unity. I seek ways to add joy to my life. I look for the good in all. I smile in the mirror. I give thanks. I surround myself with people who love to laugh. 

Now Sarah said, “God has brought laughter for me; everyone who hears will laugh with me."—Genesis 21:6

Friday, July 10, 2020

Let Go Let God Have Faith

I Have Faith in God Within. 

I am in partnership with God. This knowledge empowers me to release thoughts and ideas that may be self-defeating and focus on those ideas and experiences that feed me and serve me. As I trust in the higher power that is always at work in my life, my faith grows and my awareness of the blessings of God deepens. I behold abundant blessings in my relationships with family and friends, in the beauty of nature, and in the celebration of my divine nature as a child of God. Focusing on my partnership with God helps me grow in faith and understanding. I take responsibility for this focus, making it a part of my everyday life. I embrace each new day in the faith that the presence of God is within me at every turn and in every experience.

For we have become partners of Christ, if only we hold our first confidence firm to the end.—Hebrews 3:14