I am filled with the vitality of God.
quiet moments of prayer or joyful moments of play, I may feel a flash
of deeper awareness of my oneness with God. My senses are more acute and
my body bursts with energy. I recognize not only my oneness with God,
but with all beings. I imagine that Jesus and other master teachers
experienced this awareness of vitality and life every day. I
intentionally practice living in this consciousness. Each day I envision
every cell of my body infused with light and vigor. I speak words of
energy, power, and life, knowing these words flow through me and
revitalize me. As I awaken each day to a deeper understanding of life, I
am born anew in body, mind, and spirit.
the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into
his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living
being.—Genesis 2:7
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