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Friday, February 5, 2016

Let Go Let God with Harmony

Divine wisdom establishes harmony and order in my life.
The body is often referred to as the “temple of God.” If my mind stays focused on my physical human experience, I may forget the spiritual truth that the wisdom, support, and love of God are always with me. I actively seek peace and harmony by focusing on the Truth. I boldly affirm that I am a living temple through which the spirit of God expresses. With repetition, this truth sinks deep into my heart. I let go of struggle, confusion, and chaos. I am fed and revitalized by the renewing flow of divine life. Remembering and giving thanks that I am a beloved child of God fills my mind and heart with serenity. Harmony and order are established in my life. The spirit of God fills me with peace. I am renewed.
Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me.—John 14:11

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