The Christ Presence in me awakens my creativity.
I awaken to my natural creative power, I open the flow for divine
ideas, innovative energy, and unbridled brilliance. In conscious oneness
with Spirit, I express from Divine Mind. Through the power of my voice, I amplify the power of thought. Speaking an affirmation out loud expands my creative energy. I am stirred into creative action by the Christ Spirit within me.
Repeating these affirmative words allows creative energy to fill my
entire being—mind, body, and soul. I continue on with my day, awakened
to my power to create in all areas of my life. I believe in myself and
my abilities because God is my source of inspiration. I am energetic,
excited, and vibrant.
we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.—Ephesians 2:10
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