I Am Enfolded In Divine Love And Peace.
Though sometimes I may feel lonely at the lower points of my life, I am never really alone. The divine presence is always with me, and this is my enduring source of comfort. Pain and doubt visit everyone at some point. I am blessed to know that God is with me even in the challenging parts of life. Believing in the truth of my spiritual nature is a comfort and source of peace. I am filled with gratitude for this understanding because it helps me trust that I can never be abandoned or forsaken. I am also grateful when others reach out to me from the depths of their divinity. I feel the presence of God in their kind words, compassionate acts, and warm hugs. I feel soothed and comforted knowing God’s love is forever in and all around me.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.—Matthew 5:4