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Monday, June 17, 2024

Let Go Let God Have Faith

The Power Of My Faith Leads Me To Accomplish Great Things.

Before I can accomplish anything, I must first believe it can happen. No matter how ambitious the aspiration or how lofty the goal, I must begin with faith in myself that I have what it takes to achieve it. Not only do I have faith in myself, I also have faith in God. I need never work toward bringing my dreams to life alone. God is with and within me, grace that smooths my way and the source of my inspiration and spiritual strength. Even when I encounter discouraging or frustrating circumstances, I stand strong in faith. I remember there is no circumstance, no setback greater than God. There is no limit to how far faith can carry me. I dare to dream big and reach far, knowing with God nothing is impossible. 

Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith let it be done to you.”—Matthew 9:29

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