Divine Orders Shop

Divine Orders Shop
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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Let Go Let God Trust Divine Order

I Trust The  Process Of Life.

When I clean out a closet, the process of organization can look messy. As I sort the items, I am establishing a system of order giving everything its proper place. After the project is done, things will be taken out and put back again. I use the power of order to change and adapt as often as necessary. In the same way, I use divine order to maintain equilibrium and keep my life in balance. Just as I trust the ocean’s tides will ebb and flow and the seasons will change, I trust I can keep my life in order. I find comfort in the rhythms of the universe and use them in my daily life. I create and maintain structures and routines that give me stability and safety. When life feels chaotic, I affirm divine order and rest assured all will be well. 

He sends out his command to the earth; his word runs swiftly.—Psalm 147:15

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